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oh, what a massive surprise


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[quote user="Théière"]Is beyond the bounds to grant Q our thanks and best wishes for the years of unpaid work, we all have disagreements and various points of view but I just don't like playground type mentality towards some when they decide to pack it in.

Those taking the mick should step up to the plate and then we could all judge them after many years at it. It's not good, it's certainly not clever.


"Playground type mentality" I think your defending the indefensible, just read his comments about his impending leaving and the manner of his racist comments, as for stepping up to the plate, most people don't really want to  moderate anything, they just want to join in and gain or give opinions or information. maybe you could  do the job, especially as you are suggesting others should apply.


Moderators are there to do exactly what the title says, not as he did verbally trying to bully and browbeat anybody who didn't agree with him. You see TP now people can say what they really think about him, and he can't ban you now like he did to those who told him the truth before. [:D][:D]

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Nick, I understand where you are coming from but prefer not to pass comment on the last meltdown as the straw that broke the camels back had obviously built up from the frustrations voiced by other moderators.

Also have you never had a discussion with a jew, boy always a tricky one that, they do like to win [:)]

That said certainly in the preceding months I really think there was less of it and far more searching out of facts making really good discussions. tricky to take part in a topic and moderate it and some of those who went before did deserve it, always been much fairer than say Ai although a lot of the forums seem to be people who have retired with nothing else to do but get grumpy whereas I would be a bad moderator because I would delete posts from people who didn't know what they were talking about.  Rest assured people like Dick do turn up on other forums and still post things they don't know anything about. He did that on one of my threads and I shut him up pronto. 

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I shall miss Quillan and hope he'll look in from time to time even if he doesn't post. I missed all the 'fracas', whatever it was about, but it's a pity it precipitated his leaving.

Interesting to think there might be more interest in buying property in France; if so, maybe we can expect new posters to come along.
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I remember well when the moderators started and I for one was not happy about it at all.

Apparently rules say we are not supposed to criticise the mods, which is at times, awkward.

Step up? I do not appreciate the inference of condemnation for those who do not step up. IRL, I am a great one for volunteering, however, I could never have become a mod.

For one, my life in France, because back then, I was in France, always felt completely removed from that of most other posters. In fact things which happen in my life now, which concern France are often far removed from the experiences of most of the other posters too. Which means that I am prone (well, more than often) to have a differing stance and point of view. And 'I' do not believe that a moderator should be confrontational, but that is me.

And of Quillan, well, one thing that happened was, and this is just, my opinion, he started to talk far more sensibly about France, than he did years ago, and that was a good thing.

However, other behaviour often appalled me, and just felt like an abuse of power.

No idea who has volunteered to be a moderator, good luck to you, who ever it is. Just feels to me that you are relinquishing your 'liberty' to post as you please. Still, I wish you well.

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 There doesn't have to me any 'conflict' between being a moderator and posting freely - there are rules to do with racism, sexism etc. and other things like advertising and copyright. That shouldn't stop any one giving a view or offering advice...

If some issues are contentious then the thing to do is use the old 'mod hat on' device. But mods know the rules, if they have doubts about what they are writing its probably best not to post. 

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I don't believe that anybody denies the right of a moderator to post whatever they want. Although in the case in question I for one would like to know why another moderator didn't intervene?  Unfortunately it was allowed to develop into a squabble, and when the poster of offensive comments realised he'd gone over the top, he suddenly became a moderator and pulled the whole conversation. He did this to cover up any record of his own mistake, when if it had been an ordinary subscriber; he as a mod would have edited the offensive post but left the relevant comments by others on record. Well if that's the way he thought was right; then however good his advice on some subjects, we are better off without his contributions.

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I've kept out of this, because I've got nothing useful to say, but I will make one point...and I speak from experience.

If, as a moderator, you can strike a balance between being hated and liked,or indeed if half the people agree with your moderating decisions and the other half don't, then that's about right.

If you can find a moderator who can please all the people all the time, then congratulations.
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[quote user="Hoddy"]I'll say it again ............

if you see a post which you find offensive please press the report button.


Yes Hoddy I and I'm sure we understand that, but lately you must admit there has been an obvious lack of moderation except from one person, the problem arose when that person forgot the rules, most people I'm sure were of the opinion that pushing the report button would only go to that person. Anyway now it seems to quietened down maybe someone could offer some acknowledgement to the original poster, who's only "crime" as far as I can make out was to have an unusual taste in his viewing habits. [:D]

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Where is Dave with-all-the-numbers?  I hope he was not banned arbitrarily.

It was all getting a bit unhealthy when one person was allowed to be judge and jury and now I am hesitant to say what I really think for fear of being branded a playground bully yet again.

We'd had in the past lots of banter and yes even insults and the recipients either fought their corner or called on a mod.

I do hope this forum does not become so politically correct that the least dissident remark gets pulled and fingers are wagged.

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Mods don't have any special way of making the forum run more smoothly for them rather than anyone else...so its 'lumpy' and long winded for us too, however when a post is reported it goes to all of us - so in fact Q wouldn't have been moderating his own post - well, not alone anyway.....

The rules of this forum are pretty clear - but I warn you now, and most of you know this, I detest personal rudeness, attack the argument by all means, but not the poster making it.

Now, I'm off to see what words of wisdom have been posted about Royal Icing ;-)

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