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If those who 'led' the eu thought about it, rather than just power grabbing - it might have occurred to them that 'enough is enough'.    Instead it is ever expanding (look at the visa free travel for Ukraine - which has now been granted despite the opposition of other european citizens) - and seems to have no limit on further expansion.   The eu is also eyeing up Norther Africa with 'associate' ties !!

The power mad eu empire builders can't seem to stop.   But as you rightly point out, when the empire became too big result - infighting.    Similarly with the eu -  power and control has moved from democratically elected governments to a remote, unelected, distant government by diktat - then there really is trouble ahead.

Wonder if, when the 'infighting' in the Inca empire started

-    whether those who protested were described as 'far righters' - or populist !!!!!!!!


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Gluestick - it's really hysterically funny;  the little snowflakes just can't cope with real life - they have to have 'safe places' in uni's for pity's sake.

We can laugh at them - but then think aboout this.   These 'students' (!!! oh really) - are probably reading P,P, & E - their future destinations - so-called - special advisers to MPs.and then onwards as MP, or even better MEP - or wonderful - an eu Kommissar (as in Kinnocks and Mandelson et al).

These silly little snowflakes - in Government - or civil service Permanent Secretaries....

What an appalling prospect.


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Chessie, I have seen that program a couple of times, its one of my favorites having travelled extensively through former the former Inca empire not that its the correct term to use.


I thought that the program celebrated their success of how they managed to assimilate other cultures whilst allowing them to continue their beliefs and customs and even including them in Inca culture, they seemed to be great negotiators and the key to their success (I wont use the word domination) was the win-win strategy, constant dialogue and anything to avoid a bloody war although they said that they didn't hold back when it was necessary.


I'm not sure that the culture over-extended itself rather than was desptroyed by the Spanish conquistadors.


I have never seem precision stone masonry like I did at Cusco, still mm perfect after centuries, nobody alive today is capable of the same even with all the modern technology.

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lindal - for pity's sake - talk about mis-understanding, mis-representing a point of view.

I did NOT say I despised the younger generation, nor did I imply it....

Where did you get that idea from ?

I find some of the antics of the so-called intelligent ones, at uni and elsewhere - to be such an over-reaction, to lack common sense, to be governed by group-think - they are funny, childish, selfie-obsessed.

Did I say or mean 'despise' - NO I did NOT - I would very much appreciate it if people avoided 'putting words into others mouths' - that is so not right, not fair, not worthy of you - so please don't do it............

My main pension won't be decided by the young ones coming through;  and as for care of the elderly, quite honestly having seen what happened to my late elderly mother in hospital - then thank you very much I'm off to Dignitas - or failing that a good supply of sleeping tabs and a bottle of brandy.   But no way am I inflicting any of my needs on anyone much later in my life.   Sounds ass though it's something you might be worried about though.........

Tempus fugit and all that.


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[quote user="lindal1000"]Well either way Chessie, whether you like it or not, the generation that you seem to despise so will be the ones running the country some day, deciding on your pension and wiping your backside when you are no longer capable of doing it yourself.[/quote]

Well, 'lindal1000' I suspect you are younger than 'chessie' so here's something to get you started. Checkout the condition.

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[quote user="lindal1000"]Well either way Chessie, whether you like it or not, the generation that you seem to despise so will be the ones running the country some day, deciding on your pension and wiping your backside when you are no longer capable of doing it yourself.[/quote]

Doubtful, Lindal.

Since these mind-warped luvvies, when faced with the real World will have the greatest difficulty in earning a proper living, I fear.

Admirable Crichton, comes to mind.

See here:

And, H G Wells' prescient story, The Time Machine: the present time in the Western World seems to parody the Eloi: the narcissists who danced and sang and had a wonderful happy life: until the siren sounded...

Historically, when any society loses itself in myopic self-indulgence, hedonism, et al, complacency rather takes over.

And that society fails to realise the seeds of self-destruction have been laid in themselves and by themselves.

Grecian: Roman; Mayan; Babylonian; keep on going.

Interesting thoughts, here:

Mankind or for those PC persons amongst us, humankind, suffer a dysfunctional arrogance which believes the status quo ante will automatically enjoy a continuum.

It is what is termed, a Cognitive Disconnect, or Dissonance.

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Chancer - oh lucky, lucky you - that must have been a wonderful time.   One of the areas of the world still on my bucket list to visit -

before I take my pert and curvy little backside off to Dignitas rather than trust the NHS at some future point.   (And if any member of the 'nursing' profession uses the words 'pathway' and/or 'Liverpool' or 'hospital acquired infection' within 2 feet of me then they'd be living very dangerously.

- - - -

Today's offering from the wonderful eu;  in the interests of 'democracy (rofl !!) - it now appears that all 28 eu countries, national governments, regional assemblies  etc etc etc - have to approve any trade agreements.  

How many trade agreements would a camel with 28 humps be able to agree................!!!!

So no more trade deals to be done with the eu.    And the eu are playing straight into the hands of those who feel that a clean break with the eu is going to be inevitable.

So what - that'll be in the best interests of the UK because then the UK can use WTO rules and tariffs - and trade with the whole world.   And the eu is sinking, the euro is sinking, there's real problems ahead for the eu - and it's power grabbing centralist, federalist eurokrauts.

Oh happy days - and worrying as well.


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It would be better if I said no more on the subject of nursing.... still painful, still disturbs me..... and shouldn't need any explanation.    Just an off-the-cuff..............but with reasons, which I have no wish to go into;  has nothing to do with the main topic and was made in relation to rather -----? comment by another poster.

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[quote user="Pommier"]Trading under WTO rules may not be plain sailing http://www.ictsd.org/opinion/nothing-simple-about-uk-regaining-wto-status-post-brexit[/quote]

So, Britain only deals exclusively with, say, the USA and Asia on a negotiated reciprocal basis.

No more Audi/VW, Merc, BMW, Renault, etc.

The day the Chinese et al actually abide by WTO and other treaties, rather than stealing US and UK IPR and dumping steel etc on the global markets, then that's probably the day Satan and all the fallen angels spend a nice brisk morning, ice skating and snowball fighting in Hell.

Core problem, today, is WTO, UN, ECHR, etc are past their sell by dates and now as useful and relevant as Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations.

Face it: when and where big ticket deals are on the table, no one adheres to international rules, treaties, sanctions, whatever.

Good example: Google Marc Rich. An oil and commodities dealer who abused the opportunity presented by trading Iraqi crude oil spots, for "Humanitarian Aid": i.e. drugs, medical supplies, baby foods etc. Wanted by all US authorities for many years.

Lived happily in Switzerland, with his hundreds of millions of US dollars safely tucked away in, err, Swiss banks.

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