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Rotten weather

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It's been raining, drizzling and winding (new word) constantly for an eternity, at least 2 weeks, with just one day of reprieve when the temperature soared to 30° when we were in Figeac (46)...

My neighbour the farmer said he had measured 34mm (1.4in) of rain in 36 hours. The ground is sodden, the water in the well has never been so high, the above-ground pool is overflowing and Mr Clair had to lift the pump off the ground. I have to put wellies on just to check the mailbox and the cat refuses to leave the house except for emergencies...[:'(]

A French family is arriving this afternoon for the long Ascension weekend... I think I'll just give them an armful of DVDs and pile the wood in the insert...[:(]

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It's rubbish isn't it!

But on the bright side..... himself is fencing the field. He has got 90 odd posts in so far........another 150 odd to do. It will be impossible to do if the ground drys up. So he gets quite excited when it rains!! We don't want to have to wait till autumn to have it finished.

Oh and my veggies are loving it!

Hey someone once told me rain was just liquid sunshine............he was a bit of a twit though.....

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  • 2 months later...
Been a great summer in Indre. Plenty of sun and rain giving the garden a much needed boost.

Rain is brilliant in summer. Sit back with the doors open, a cool breeze coming in and everything outside becoming fresh and alive. Then you get the sun after giving speedy growth to the grass and plants.

After spending so long living in Australia where it's sun 365 days a year, it's great to see something different and no chance of any drought either![:D]

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Been great here for the past week or so, really hot and sunny (some rain but overnight and then not too much) and have finally managed to get on top of the work in the garden, hedges being cut, grass all strimmed, started to varnish/stain the shed.

Storms for tomorrow tho and then warming up again.

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Cathy, I live opposite you, (so to speak) on the other side of the Gironde Estuary, in the poor old Charente Maritime and although the weather has picked a bit of late, I would hardly call it a balmy summer, it is the worst I have known in 5 years.

If it is that good in the Medoc, which I love, then perhaps we should move.

Might explain why our local wine in Vin de Pays and yours is some of the best in the world.but that is another tangent.


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Worst summer I can remember in 18 years lost in the Lot(46). Very strange weather pattern has emerged cool at start of week heat builds up until weekend when it thunders and is cool again. This has been going on every week for about 3 months, for example Sunday it was 35 in the shade (obviously sunny) today it is 16 and showery. Sunday was probably our highest temp this year but 35 is usually normal for July and August.
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[quote user="Cathy"]You all live in the wrong areas.  Here in the Medoc (33), we have had a balmy summer with pleasant temperatures.  The ditches (les fosses) are dry and so NO mosquitoes.  Perfect...[/quote]

I really must pass that information to my (French) family who have lived in the Medoc all their lives, working in the winemaking business.

They were just telling me what a terrible summer they are having, with an real plague of snails and other nasties of the type that causes diseases on the vines; this year, much more spraying than usual, more chemicals being used, to their dismay since they like to keep their produce as organic as possible. 

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[quote user="5-element"]

[quote user="Cathy"]You all live in the wrong areas.  Here in the Medoc (33), we have had a balmy summer with pleasant temperatures.  The ditches (les fosses) are dry and so NO mosquitoes.  Perfect...[/quote]

I really must pass that information to my (French) family who have lived in the Medoc all their lives, working in the winemaking business.

They were just telling me what a terrible summer they are having, with a real plague of snails and other nasties of the type that causes diseases on the vines; this year, much more spraying than usual, more chemicals being used, to their dismay since they like to keep their produce as organic as possible. 

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[quote user="JJ"]

Cathy, I live opposite you, (so to speak) on the other side of the Gironde Estuary, in the poor old Charente Maritime and although the weather has picked a bit of late, I would hardly call it a balmy summer, it is the worst I have known in 5 years.


JJ in seven years we have never had such poor weather in the Charente-Maritime as we had for our June / July stay this year. Rain, windy, grey days and sometimes quite cool, thankfully it seems to have improved for the guests staying in our house now.

[:)]It's actually very pleasant weather in Surrey at the moment (27C last Sunday)


I am hoping for a beautiful September

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