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DSK, can we believe this?

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Well that made me smile, 'it was evident that America had a problem with sex'. Well evidentally I do. If being molested or raped would be a problem to me, then I really really do have a problem with sex.

It is the droit de seigneur culture that is abhorrent to me, anyone in authority pressuring someone who works for them to have sexual relations with them, should simply realise that they shouldn't. It isn't as if people will stop being attracted to one another, that will still happen, but the question could always be asked, would it be inappropriate if we went out together, but not just plain old fancying someone, the signals would have to be there, and then take it from there.

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Not more Sarkozy surely . . .

Mr Rocard - French prime minister from 1988 to 1991 - said it was “clearly medical problems” that drove Mr Strauss-Kahn to become embroiled in repeated sex scandals.
Mr Strauss-Kahn also faces more charges in Paris for the attempted rape of young French writer Tristane Banon in 2003.
 He said of Mr Strauss-Kahn - a former frontrunner for the socialist presidential nomination: “It’s a shame, because he is very talented. But I no longer have any faith in his abilities.”
Mr Rocard also described socialist presidential candidate Segloene Royal as ‘not up to the job of president’, adding: “I don’t believe she has the abilities for this high public office.”



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, what did you think of the interview? Posed, a lying toerag or a man much wronged. According to Figaro, 75% of those who voted do not believe him, nor do I.

And he seems to have dropped Martine Aubry right in the kaka by admitting that they had a pact that the front runner of the two would be candidate and the other withdraw, which makes her second-hand Rose. Ooops!

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I do wish I had seen it. I read an article about it on the net last night.

He admitted an 'act', but consensual? I'll never believe it.


I admit that even if he had had his day in court, since the OJ Simpson case, I don't always believe the verdicts that are given either.

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I remember being 23, I remember how old men of 30 appeared to me, old actually at the time. I remember how my friend's Dads' looked too. And they treat me as they treat their daughters, properly, no inuendos, no inappropriate gestures. Tristane Banon says that a man that was more than old enough to be her father sexually attacked her. A man her mother knew.

And like manys a good mother when children tell them that they have been molested, her mother told her to let it be. Because, because, because there is actually no reason what so ever for her to have said that to her daughter. What did she fear,  that it would bring shame to the family  and  was probably her daughter's fault to start with.

I realise that the mother is now backing her daughter, but I'm not very impressed with the role of many 'mothers' this one included,  for me this is too little, too late, I'd personally never forgive her for letting me live with a nightmare for so many years.


We are not in the dark ages, where the daughters are given up to the Seigneur.


I have seen part of DSK's comments on A2's journal tonight. No comment on that, too rehearsed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Diplomatic mission? Yes, saw it on tv. Who will back him using diplomatic immunity? Disgraceful!

This male makes me sick to the stomach. I'll try to avoid using the word 'man' to describe him anymore, as it would be an insult to 'men' who are usually good and decent.

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It has been said here before that he has not been exonerated of anything, and the longer and harder he tries to weasel his way out, the more dodgy he appears...

He seems to be desperately clutching at straws in his efforts to avoid facing up to charges, which, he says, he is totally innocent of.

Surely it is in his interest to be totally cleared of all doubt and suspicions.

Is he worried there might be even more instances of disgraceful behaviour to come to light?

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Dominique Strauss-Kahn et Tristane Banon sont restés face à face durant plus de deux heures jeudi dans les locaux de la police judiciaire parisienne, chacun maintenant sa version des faits sur les accusations de tentative de viol, selon la défense de l’ex-patron du FMI.


So the police have to decide what will happen now and could just dismiss this out of hand. I hope that they do not.


Also, IF he is claiming diplomatic immunity in the NY civil case, then which passport did he use when leaving New York when he was arrested, as I heard on the news yesterday that his diplomatic passport was in Washington.

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