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DSK, can we believe this?

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I was thinking about the effect this may have on the Euro. Monday IMF meeting with the German President cancelled as are further meetings will the ECB during the week and some other ones next week. The situation in Greece, Ireland and the possibility of Portugal asking for funds was the main item on the agenda allegedly. As for him personally, well if there is a case to answer perhaps it will be dealt with quickly although his possible candidacy for French President is down the drain already and of course he will have to resign from the IMF. Makes you wonder if he was 'set up' and by whom although I doubt it. He simply got caught with his trousers down and if true will no doubt get his just deserts. Do the still have penile colonies in France. [;-)]
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Just to add listening to the news. I bet his lawyer claims as head of the IMF he must be allowed to travel and his passport returned to him. Of course he may have to pay a lot of money out as bail money. If he were a 'normal' person he would probably go on remand and definitely his passport would be kept and he would not be allowed to leave the country. I suspect that because of the IMF, Europe, the Euro and the Dollar somebody will 'lean' on the Judge.
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If true then this is terrible. However, what I thought was also terrible is that this person was staying in a £1,900 per night suite!!!

In this times of financial problems shouldn't those people involved in financial matters set an example in restraint.


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[quote user="Quillan"]Just to add listening to the news. I bet his lawyer claims as head of the IMF he must be allowed to travel and his passport returned to him. Of course he may have to pay a lot of money out as bail money. If he were a 'normal' person he would probably go on remand and definitely his passport would be kept and he would not be allowed to leave the country. I suspect that because of the IMF, Europe, the Euro and the Dollar somebody will 'lean' on the Judge.[/quote]

Seems I was wrong then, he is still in jail. I see the victim has picked him out in the 'line out'.

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[quote user="PaulT"]

If true then this is terrible. However, what I thought was also terrible is that this person was staying in a £1,900 per night suite!!!

In this times of financial problems shouldn't those people involved in financial matters set an example in restraint.



Well said PaulT - plus the average cost of 10,500 € for a round trip CDG / JFK flight in an Air France first class cabin !!!

Simon :-)


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Le député PS de l'Essonne, Manuel Valls, a estimé ce lundi matin sur RTL que les images de DSK sortant menotté du commissariat de Harlem étaient «d'une cruauté insoutenable». «Cela fait près de 30 ans que je fais de la politique. Je n'ai jamais vu cela et je n'ai jamais ressenti cela», a-t-il affirmé sur RTL. «J'avais les larmes aux yeux»

And me; the tears of mirth welled up in my eyes; with satisfaction on remembering being handcuffed to the wrought iron fence opposite the Mayoral Offices in Paris in the early hours of the year 2000.

I hope he gets his just deserts/desserts.....sorry cant do smiley with a iMac.
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I find the whole thing totally bizarre. If I could afford this kind of hotel,register in my own name.I would have to have had more than a senior moment to do such a thing. If it were a sleazy hotel downtown, and registered in a false name, perhaps.
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So now the police are looking for scratches the woman is said to have left on DSK's body when she fought him off.

That should clarify the matter once and for all, shouldn't it?

Or are any scratches, if found, going to be dismissed as part of a set-up?

Also, was he fleeing, as the NYPD says, or did he simply leave to catch a flight?

The Times says he has a long-standing arrangement to get a seat on any of Air France's flight whenever he turns up, without a booking being necessary.

If he was leaving on a normal flight, what about the mobile phone and other personal effects he is said to have left behind?

You'd think that a man who suspects he has been set up in the last few days (Porsche photos, tailor-made suits stories) would be careful not to leave a mobile phone behind when leaving a hotel room?

The Times states that his philandering is a well-known fact and a named female journalist is quoted describing physically fighting off his forceful advances.

It's one thing to say that private lives and behaviour do not or should not have an impact on political careers (not that I agree with that anyway), but if the allegations in The Times are true, I, as a woman, would certainly  not consider voting for any person who does not understand the word no.

Should voters really ignore reprehensible (not criminal) private behaviour?

Listening to the news reports and reading commentaries on blogs and articles, DSK is the best president France will never have!

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I've met men in all walks of life whose brains were located south of thier waists.  Just because he's good at his job, it doesn't mean that he has any control over what's in his trousers.

However, I shall reserve judgement until his conviction and/or trial.  His political career is surely over though, whatever the outcome, at least for the time being since  the trial by media has found him guilty.

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[quote user="Jazzer"]I find the whole thing totally bizarre. If I could afford this kind of hotel,register in my own name.I would have to have had more than a senior moment to do such a thing. If it were a sleazy hotel downtown, and registered in a false name, perhaps.[/quote]

Yes, I agree. Weird...   Can't believe he needs to try and rape a woman to satisfy his needs.. Power makes men attractive, everybody knows that, he can have plenty of women ( and probably does...), he wouldn't have risked his position , especially NOW !!

The timing is surprisingly adequate.........


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I have wondered if he has been set up.


I have wondered if he had 'ordered' a 'maid' to come and perform a professional service and he got the wrong one.


I have wondered if this maid perhaps looked foreign and he thought she might be an illegal and would say nothing.


I have wondered if rich men think that they can get away with just about anything, but I do believe that most think that they can.


I have wondered if he thought that if he got back to France he would be safe from extradition.


My thoughts meander. DSK as a President though, I could never imagine that and Anne Sinclair as the first lady, as bad for me as the current one, never liked her. In fact for the moment I have yet to see a candidate who I have thought, yes, wouldn't mind you being president of France. It is of great interest to us as we will be forever tied to France financially.


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[quote user="Frenchie"]Can't believe he needs to try and rape a woman to satisfy his needs..[/quote]

Maybe he was behaving as he had behaved previously with other women and did not see anything unusual with it?

According to several reports in the news, there is one known instance of a forceful encounter with a woman (bottom of this article).

[quote user="Frenchie"]Power makes men attractive, everybody knows that...[/quote]

Powerful men may well feel attractive, whether women find them attractive because of their power is another matter...I don't [:D]


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Yes, men in power do seem to think they can get away with anything.  But, in today's world, a great many people seem to like to talk and grab their 10 minutes of fame - even AFTER taking huge sums of money from Mr. Powerful. 

Look how many have been caught in recent years.  They seem to have been 'having their fun' for many years prior to getting caught.  They must have felt invincible and it doesn't seem to do much to stop those who haven't been caught yet.  They don't seem to learn from their fellow snagged Mr. Powerfuls.

Doesn't seem too bright. 

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The sight of DSK coming out of the police station at night, handcuffed, with his jacket half hanging out where he was held by a plainclothes police, with another 4 surrounding him, was totally bizarre. It is so OTT, like some low-budget police series. Is it all a big show, but no idea who is pulling the strings?
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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="5-element"]I wonder whether the alibi will hold:



"Enfin, la défense se penche sur la personnalité et la vie de la victime

présumée, pour tenter de prouver qu’elle aurait eu un intérêt matériel à

se présenter en tant que telle."

I would have expected nothing else.

If he was truly with his daughter in a restaurant during the time frame in question, that should be easy to prove.  I am quite sure the hotel has cameras in the halls.  That too would shed light on anyone who may have entered or left his hotel room. 

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Whilst the charges are of course serious, was it really necessary the way the police arrested a man of his calibre publicly from a plane; and again publicly 'exhibiting' him with his hands handcuffed behind his back surrounded by police during his transfer. He has been charged, but hardly a public danger? Where could he run? How does this stand with the presumption of innocence?
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