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DSK, can we believe this?

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Chancer, I saw the same program as you, the survey was conducted on 1000 French people , all ages, men or women.

I must admit I agree with them .

Like Christine, this is not shocking for me, and I will explain why.

People in France think it is trop gros to be true...  Indeed, isn't it bizarre that the man who was very likely to become the next President gets such an accusation just before he runs for the Primaires socialistes... ?

Moreover, it all seems very unclear, she was supposed to clean the room on her own, ( not the usual procedure) , once they say he attempted to rape her, once it is said he forced her to give him oral sex, once it is said sodomy, once just " normal intercourse", she was first from Senegal, then Puerto rico, then, from Guinea , her daughter was 8, then 15..

My gut feeling is that there are too many obscure elements in that story.

And the timing is so perfect to shoot him down.......   Bizarre.

And we all know he can have plenty of women ready to have sex with him, so why would he be " suicidal" and do such a thing just before running for Presidency? ( I know, lust etc, but I doubt it, like 54 % of us French . )

In addition, it was supposed to have happened at 12, then, one, he had lunch with his daughter, checked out, calm as usual they said, called the hotel from K airport. Would he have called if he wanted to fly away and not be caught ??

All this is bizarre. 

Nothing has been judged yet .

I rhink of that woman too, and yes, it is a good thing that she's protected!!

But until his guilt has been proved, he is innocent.

If he is guilty, he deserves harsh punishment.

That is why I prefer to wait and see.

Oh, and this morning we learnt he has resigned from the IMF , and declared from now on, he will dedicate his time and energy to prove he is not guilty. ANd added he thought of his wife he adores and kids and family.

JUST facts, I am not having any comments on this.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Chancer, I saw the same program as you, the survey was conducted on 1000 French people , all ages, men or women.

I must admit I agree with them .

Like Christine, this is not shocking for me, and I will explain why.

1. People in France think it is trop gros to be true...  Indeed, isn't it bizarre that the man who was very likely to become the next President gets such an accusation just before he runs for the Primaires socialistes... ?

2. I rhink of that woman too, and yes, it is a good thing that she's protected!!

3. ANd added he thought of his wife he adores and kids and family.

4. JUST facts, I am not having any comments on this.


Hi Frenchie - interesting......I've picked out 4 of the points you made and comment / question as follows on each point:

1. Are you implying he could not possibly be guilty of the charges against him becasue he was running for the Presidency?

2. Please clarify this comment. c-a-d?

3. So - as a 'family' man he couldn't possibly be guilty?

4. Are you kidding ?!


Simon :-)


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 " and declared from now on, he will dedicate his time and energy to prove he is not guilty. ANd added he thought of his wife he adores and kids and family."

As a young lady said many years ago in a very famous  British court case (Profumo/Ward): "He would; wouldn't he"?  [:D]

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And to add to his problems : This has emerged ... The West African Sofitel maid IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn accused of raping lives in Bronx apartment for HIV/AIDS victims. The vilification of the West African Sofitel maid, 32, who IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn allegedly raped, has begun with a disclosure that the Bronx apartment in which she lives is rented exclusively for adults with HIV or AIDS, the New York Post said. The woman is said to be a widow. Strauss-Kahn may have received something he didn't bargain for and that's what makes the situation a little hilarious. It is one for the record books. I'm not laughing at her possible situation, but at the hand he may dealt himself. Karma is a b*tch! The hotel maid, a West African immigrant, has occupied the fourth-floor High Bridge pad with her 15-year-old daughter since January -- and before that, lived in another Bronx apartment set aside by Harlem Community AIDS United strictly for adults with the virus and their families. The Post has not been able to ascertain whether the maid, 32, has HIV/AIDS because of medical confidentiality laws.... She told cops that after he sodomized her, she spit out his semen on the floor, a law-enforcement source said. Investigators are running DNA tests on the sample. According to the federal Centers for Disease Control: "It is possible for either partner to become infected with HIV through performing or receiving oral sex." Source If they are able to ascertain that this woman has HIV/AIDS without being told directly by her attorney, that would be very disturbing because HIPAA laws are in place to prevent people's medical information from being divulged. If she has HIV/AIDS Strauss-Kahn has a whole lot to be worried about.
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The "timing to shoot him down" is far from perfect.

If he had been set up because of his presidential aspirations, it would have been more logical to set him up AFTER he had been picked as the socialist candidate.

It would make more sense to have him elected first as the ONLY candidate, then set him up, thereby reducing the chances of any other socialist candidate being able to get started in their campaign.

As things stand, he had been written out of the primary and there are a fair few potential candidates left in the race.

There might be 54 or 57% out of 1000 random French people who think he has been set up, and then again there are 43 or 46%  out of  the same 1000 who do not think so, or don't have an opinion.

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Isn't one of the issues that even if it was a set up, there was an existing weakness there to exploit ? Even if this isn't true, is anyone doubting the word of others who have felt he abused his power for sexual favours ? All of them ? Would this man really be President material ?
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When it was announced that he was suspected of rape and denied it emphatically, I did ponder on a set up. Now he says it was consensual I am trying to get my head around a maid entering his room, agreeing to some various sexual activities in a matter of moments and agreeing to be sodomized ! ( and no mention of money changes hands either) OK stranger things happen.

I don't like the way the US system has to turn the whole process into a soap and I hope the verdict is correct whichever way it goes.
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[quote user="Russethouse"]Isn't one of the issues that even if it was a set up, there was an existing weakness there to exploit ? Even if this isn't true, is anyone doubting the word of others who have felt he abused his power for sexual favours ? All of them ? Would this man really be President material ?[/quote]

RH, I agree with your view here, but...

(Devil's advocate hat on)

As Frenchie as repeatedly stated, as this is part of his private life, it cannot be discussed openly without the risk of prosecution. So it wouldn't have been known about.

(Devil's advocate hat off)

Apparently, this is true.

Apparently, there is no such thing as investigative journalism in France.

Indeed, as a journalist for Marianne (right-wing supporting news) said yesterday during a live debate on a French news program, the allegations of attempted rape made by the young woman in 2007 could not be investigated by the press as she had not made a complaint...

This despite the fact that she had described her ordeal on television. But unfortunately, the name of the alleged perpetrator was bleep over by the program editor, as per the law on privacy, so journalists "wouldn't have know who the alleged victim was referring to".[8-)]

As I said above, apparently there is no such thing as investigative journalism in France.
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I am definitely keping an open mind on this interesting polemique, one thing is for sure one or the other is definitely a victim, I do hope the courts believe the genuine one and dont compound their woes.

I made comments earlier about physical evidence of rape, and if it was a set up, why didnt she go all the way to have the necessary DNA traces, semen etc? (god it sickens me to write this). Then I read a recent comment and it struck me that this could have come from the pages of a fiction book.

The bad guys subvert a maid working at the hotel who has till now an unblemished reputation by promising her money for her childrens future, she goes into the room alone and places a piece of insulating tape on the door contact magnet or reed switch and closes the door behind her,(system will show door left open) she then offers to make a pipe for the victim and spits the aftermath on the expensive carpet not into the sink, making a carefull note of the position. Job done.

I should add that I am definitely not taking sides one way or another, time will tell and I do sincerely hope justice will prevail.

For the record I think the above is a work of fiction because all the hotel door systems that I have ever installed/seen use battery operated door lock/readers and do not communicate back to the central unit, that said I have been out of the game for 7 years and this was a pretty important suite in a top of the range hotel so they may well have gone the extra mile.

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Theres an interesting article here : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13426580

Sorry if the link has been posted before and I missed it.

 I have some sympathy with the view that an extra marital affair does not mean a person cannot do their job, but on the other hand a string of affairs might point to a weakness of character, and this is not an affair, even if true, and neither do the other reported incidents seem to be, rather they demonstrate unnaceptable predatory behavior.

Maybe some one has done him a favour, what if he had become President and continued in the way he accused of, at home and abroad ?

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Tuesday Initial Appearance, DSK gives two fingers and a gallic arm jerk to the chance to admit guilt on some of the minor felonies with short 7 year sentences.

Tomorrow friday the Preliminary Hearing, super all on the fast track, so we will learn the date proposed to get the Grand Jury up and going. The GJ may also clarify somewhat the evidence with hopefully a teeny weeny bit of X-examination to whet the media appetite.

I hope DSK doesn't show a latent algero-roumanian antipathy to the selection of 24 of those lovely american citizens from Harlem. ;)

Sorry can't do a smiley on a MacBook.
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[quote user="Clair"]Here's a link which states what I remember about why the maid was on her own in the room:


Several US news reports are also saying that there was another hotel employee in the suite when the maid arrived.

If this is correct, it should narrow down the time of the alleged assault.

DSK is due in court for another bail hearing.



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[quote user="Simon-come-lately"][quote user="Frenchie"]

Chancer, I saw the same program as you, the survey was conducted on 1000 French people , all ages, men or women.

I must admit I agree with them .

Like Christine, this is not shocking for me, and I will explain why.

1. People in France think it is trop gros to be true...  Indeed, isn't it bizarre that the man who was very likely to become the next President gets such an accusation just before he runs for the Primaires socialistes... ?

2. I rhink of that woman too, and yes, it is a good thing that she's protected!!

3. ANd added he thought of his wife he adores and kids and family.

4. JUST facts, I am not having any comments on this.


Hi Frenchie - interesting......I've picked out 4 of the points you made and comment / question as follows on each point:

1. Are you implying he could not possibly be guilty of the charges against him becasue he was running for the Presidency? Pfff .. Not at all.. I meant good timing to  trap him, since the polls gave him as favourite for Presidency. . . Now, it's all over for him, guilty or not.

2. Please clarify this comment. c-a-d? This sounded clear to em, I meant, until we know the truth, it is only normal that she's protected from paparazzi etc..

3. So - as a 'family' man he couldn't possibly be guilty? Oh come on, you understood well... I just reported the latest news......... Only wanted to be informative.

4. Are you kidding ?! Not at all . Just reported what he had declared in his letter,n and made no comment upon that letter.


Simon :-)


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Here is his letter of resignement from the IMF , for those of you who wouldn't have read it ( in French).


« Mesdames et Messieurs les membres du Conseil d’administration,

C’est avec une immense tristesse que je me sens contraint aujourd’hui de présenter au Conseil d’administration ma démission du poste de Directeur général du FMI. Mes pensées vont d’abord à mon épouse — que j’adore par dessus tout — à mes enfants, à ma famille, à mes amis.
En ces moments, je pense également à mes collègues du FMI. Ensemble nous avons accompli tant de choses remarquables en l’espace de plus de trois ans.
À tous, je tiens à rappeler que je rejette de la façon la plus catégorique toutes les accusations dont je suis l’objet.
J’entends protéger cette institution que j’ai eu l’honneur de servir avec dévouement et j’entends particulièrement — tout particulièrement — consacrer toutes mes forces, mon temps et mon énergie à prouver mon innocence.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn »
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