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How does your area fare in the proposed map of déconfinement?

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[quote user="chessfou2"]Tarn, Lot & Dordogne now changed to green*. Surprised to see Cantal orange and L'Hérault & Gard green - maybe they will be next to change.


Shows the difficulty of labelling by department .. being at the extreme end of the Herault, with the Aude literally on our doorstep as we leave our village / town, we are far enough away to be green .. large towns are likely to be the worst affected, but country areas less so ... indeed, like Mint, I am not aware of any cases in the locality ... and we all know how easy it is to lie with statistics, don't we?

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Don't forget that the  areas that  are green now are likely to be the places where the next wave will hit, since there is a lower proportion of people who have already been exposed to the virus.

That said, I agree with the country/town point.

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Norman wrote :

Don't forget that the areas that are green now are likely to be the places where the next wave will hit, since there is a lower proportion of people who have already been exposed to the virus.

That said, I agree with the country/town point.

I have just been to take our rubbish to the 'colonne enterrée' in the very small square which serves as a car park .. mostly for the few holiday lets in the old Breton houses which don't have drives/parking.

And what do I walk past but a very smart mercedes sports car with a most prominent 75 on its number plate. The house this couple are staying in is a tiny 2 piece converted from an old garage .. they definitely weren't there a few days ago so perhaps they're here for the weekend.

Trouble is the lockdown is not yet over, Paris is a lot more than 100kms away and was definitely in the red zone last time I looked .. so this couple are potentially putting the locals at risk .. especially as most of them/us are older rather than younger.
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They should be reported, Sue - they could be spreading it to you locals, some if whom could be in real danger if they caught it.

I’m not a snitcher by nature, somebody going for 2 walks in a day might make me a bit cross, but in that case I would definitely report them!
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I'm with GG on this one Sue.  I tend to keep to myself on various issues, but this is different.  Does this couple own the place or are they renting it from someone?  If renting it, who is the owner?  Who would rent to someone during lockdown?  I would think the regular habitants of your town would despise these types and make their visits as unwelcomed as they possibly could.

The owner of the apartment we are currently living in has someone who is interested in buying it and she told me he would be contacting me to visit the apt.  I told her I presume he will do so after 11 May as I don't think it is considered essential during lockdown.  She is really nice, so of course she agreed.

A LOT of Parisians left the city just before AND after the lockdown.  Several in my building left the 15th of March.  Luckily for us, one of the families who left is the loudest group in the building.  They make a constant noise like a herd of elephants every single day, so we are glad they left.  Now, we're glad WE will be leaving soon after the lockdown is lifted.  I presume the 'loud' family will have to return on 11 May to get their kids back in school.  I have no idea where they went or if it is less than 100 kms from Paris. 

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I agree completely.

But .......... you might as well save your breath. The people concerned wouldn’t understand what you were talking about if you were to confront them and the authorities have plenty more on their hands.

This is the problem. So many (and it’ll get worse) think that none of the rules / guidance really apply to them, so we’ll just carry on doing what we want to do ........... as if nothing was happening in the world.

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May I just state the obvious here.

Just because the car is plated 75 does not mean they live in Paris.

There are many people with 75 plated cars around here but they don't live in Paris. Some people like having their cars plated 75.

The bloke at the end of my street has a car registered 35 with a Breizh sticker to match. But he don't live there. He was probably born there. Loads of Brittany registered cars in Paris. They don't live there.

My car is registered 45, but I don't live there. My OH's car is 92 (Region Parisienne) but she don't live there. It is a company car.

Many cars on the road are company cars registered to Paris.

I personally would not get involved.
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ALBF instead of picking holes in what people write perhaps better to consider the substance:

A residential unit that was not occupied and suddenly is as reported by Sue surely means that those now occupying it are breaking the French lockdown rules. Whilst 75 reg cars can be found all over France however, one conclusion that can be made is that these people might have come from Paris.
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Sue is aware that these people have arrived very recently in their 75-plated car from wherever they live. They are risking the health of others by travelling.

In our apartment in the Gard, I know all residents apart from one couple who moved in since we left in December. If I was there and knew that neighbours from Paris or anywhere else had arrived contrary to current rules, I wouldn’t hesitate to phone the deputy maire. The risk to other, mainly elderly neighbours, would be too great to ignore.

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What about Lyon (69), Nantes (44), Strasbourg (67), Montpellier (34)...etc etc etc...

What about 88 ?????????

Or are we just picking on Paris ?

I have noticed recently on Anglo French forums that the British love to (for some reason beyond me) pick on people from Paris.

They probably think they are more integrated if they pick on Parisians. Most of whom of course were probably born in those areas that Brits live.

Calm it down everyone.

We caught Crono....we could have caught it anywhere. Probably in the UK. LOL.
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ALBF I think this depends, in our case, as to how old one is, with regards to catching this and our desire for others to simply bloody well behave themselves and act responsibly.

I am in a high risk group, in my late 60's

and taking tablets that can play havoc with my immune system.I simply do

not want to catch it.

Chacun pour soi, mon oeil, behave or be fined very very heavily. That is

exactly how I feel about it, or simply no fine, just bring back the

pillory, out of the EU and why not. I really don't care, what happens to

these feckless idiots who risk others lives.

Also, I have friends who's children work in hospitals, their families are worried sick about them, because these workers have young families and the risk of catching this, appears to be very high. And some of their colleagues have caught it, OK most will be OK, but it is a very nasty virus and there is not doubt about it, it kills.

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I think if I was elderly, I would be more worried about kids going back to school next week which I believe 78 % of people in France are against.

Mad decision.

It will only take one asymptomatic kid and the whole town will get infected.

So ALBF family are staying in lockdown. No real need to go out.
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ALBF interesting article in the BBC online news today:


So it seems that France had Coronavirus in December so perhaps France was the country that exported it to the rest of Europe......and that patient lived in Paris. Surely, nothing more needs to be said.
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Well ALBF, YOU have me there, huge smile on my face.......... I quite happily call myself old, or say 'us oldies', but ELDERLY............. never ever thought I would be in that bracket until I was 90 IF I ever get that far!!!

thanks for amusing me, I am seriously considering changing my name to 'idun the elder'![Www]

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A couple of days ago I made a comment about elderly people, my wife smiled and said: "you seem to forget we are the elderly people you are talking about". She's right as whenever I fill in a form on the internet and it asks for date of birth, it takes ages to scroll back to mine.? ?
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Get over it, you lot are elderly

ALBF is quickly catching you up. LOL[/quote]

It may not have occurred to you, but - we're all getting older just as fast as you are, so you're not [:D]

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