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Travel to New Zealand


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We have decided to travel to New Zealand for the first time to visit our son and to see our grandchildren for the first time.

We are living in Herault now so I guess we need to go to Heathrow for a flight.

However the furthest we have ever flown was from Bristol to Majorca a total of about 2hrs!!

I would be very grateful for any tips on how best to travel (obviously by plane) by which route etc, or if it is best to stop overnight at some place en route.  We are not too happy at the thought of the flight, but it's got to be done!

I would appreciate any advice.

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New Zealand is pretty antipodal so not much difference in heading east or west.

If cost is important the south east asia routing both ways via Singapore or the Gulf will probably work out cheaper; you may well have to stop over in Sydney before continuing to Auckland. Korean and Thai may have good deals with a free stop over in Seoul or Bangkok thrown in; Cathay Pacific are a nice airline with excellent service similar deals with Hong Kong. I have done the above trek with minor variations on several occasions.

But have also done for example Europe to New Zealand via Santiago de Chile, Easter Island, Tahiti, Cook Islands and Fiji with arrival as always in Auckland.

Also with Aerolineas Argentinas from Paris to Buenos Aires with overnight stop over and the next day transpolar to Auckland with a final quick fuel up at Rio Gallegos in Patagonia before crossing the Antarctic.

Also have done Auckland to Gatwick all the way with Air New Zealand flying from Auckland to Honolulu then on to Los Angeles before a direct flight to London.

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I don't know about travelling to NZ from France; we flew to Australia from London, stopping off in Singapore for a few days. We then went on to NZ and stopped off in USA on the return journey. Australia was an add-on - I'd always wanted to visit NZ, and it absolutely lived up to my dreams!

I'd not done such a long flight before that, and found it very tiring and got very swollen ankles, despite doing various exercises.

I found people at Trailfinders very helpful, but would also recommend that you look at Trip Advisor; the forums there are very helpful if you have queries; I didn't know about TA before our trip, but know now it could have been very useful.

How exciting to be planning a trip not only to NZ, but to see your grandchildren for the first time!!  [:)]

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There are an australian couple across the road who migrate to australia every winter from deux sèvres. If you travel too close to christmas the fares are very much higher. They got a good deal last winter with Korean Airlines from Paris to Sydney with a free stop over in Seoul in both directions.
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Best way to approach a 12 hour plus flight is to be well hydrated, take lots of exercise and only sleep two hours a night for preceeding two days, take earplugs sleep the entire way. I do it's lovely!
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As PPP says, NZ is about the same distance eastbound or west but it is quicker flying east due to the prevailing westerly winds.

Probably a better choice and cheaper out of LHR rather than CDG but you have to get there first.

Singapore is a good and normal tech stop (probably 2 hours or so).

During the flight try to walk up and down the cabin at least every 90 minutes or so (just for circulation)

Do not choose the Latin or former eastern block carriers.

If you are travelling economy, pick seats over the wing. It’s more comfortable during turbulence. Consider premium economy, well worth it if the extra cost is not too much.

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Dog wrote

"Best way to approach a 12 hour plus flight is to be well hydrated, take

lots of exercise and only sleep two hours a night for preceeding two

days, take earplugs sleep the entire way. I do it's lovely!


Add to that moisturiser and wear loose clothing. Once onboard, change into a track suit, not glamorous but you'll be comfortable and those inflight socks might help prevent the swollen feet. Take a good book in case you can't sleep. Avoid alchohol and drink lots of water as Dog advised.

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Thanks all for the replies.

Wow, that's a lot to take in, not sure if I can manage all this dehydration, excercise, lots of water, 2 hours sleep before etc and that's before trying to choose a good airline at a reasonable cost!

The reason I mentioned Heathrow was because I assumed  that due to the nature of the place that seemed most logical, however thanks to Christine I will check out flights from CDG. Travel Advisor also seems a good place to start from. We hope to travel in January, so a bit of time yet maybe.

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I forgot to mention SHOES. Wear loose fitting shoes, maybe one size larger or sandals. Your feet will probably swell and if you remove your shoes when you decide to have a sleep it may be hard to get them on again. Most airlines will serve you water as and when you need it.

Moisturiser:  buy this in the departure lounge as the security checker will limit the amount you're allowed to take through security checks. Take a tooth brush and mini tube of toothpaste, it will help you feel a little more human when you arrive at your destination.

Usually it's best to book early to get the best deals on flight prices.

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On the long haul flights I have been on, during the flight one could always just go along to the galley and get a drink, not when they are serving food incidentally, but the rest of the time. Good thing about this is one has to stretch one's legs to fetch something.

I always get an aisle seat too, means that if flying at night, I don't have to disturb anyone to get up. In fact I always take an aisle seat these  days.


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On all occasions but one when I have routed through Auckland; I have just purchased a "round the world" economy class flight and included  Auckland New Zealand in the itinerary.

Round the world tickets are so exciting and allow one to widen ones horizons.

If I lived in Herault I would probably start the air portion of my voyage in Marseille or Barçelona.

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Try to make sure you book specific seats when you book the flights would be my advice.

Gone seem to be the days when you chose your seats when you checked in at the airport on a first come first served basis. Now they seem to prefer to  pre-allocate and s0ds law says you'll find yourself stuck in the middle of a row of 5, not a nice place to be on a long flight !

I don't know the exact details but my son has just come back from 3 weeks in OZ and they paid a little extra to get the pair of seats right at the very back which meant that he and his fiancee only had each other to put up with [:D]. 

On a 747 there is also usually enough room between the outer seat and the window to stretch out on the floor for a proper sleep !!! 

I'm envious, I love NZ and if it weren't for work and the kids (just that bit too far away for 'er indoors) we'd be there and not in France at all !

Bon voyage,

PS: If you know the type of plane choose your seats here: http://www.seatguru.com/

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Great, thanks again for all the contributors, some terrific advice and we will try to take it all on board, having said that we are still both not very happy about spending such a long time in the skies, but it has to be done!

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We travel to NZ to visit daughter and son-in-law every 2 years at Christmas (looking forward to it now), and I think I've cracked the travelling thing. Firstly it's normally cheaper to go from Heathrow. Our choice is to go with Singapore airlines as they have a transit hotel in the departure area at Chiangi (Singapore) airport where we change planes. We leave Heathrow about 10am arriving at Chiangi at about 11pm GMT (local time about 6am next day). I organise it so that we have about 10hours between planes and I've booked a room. They charge something like about £30 for a block of 6 hours (ensuite). By the time we arrive at Chiangi we'll be ready for our natural sleep (no windows in room for light). If you want further info let me know. NZ really is a wonderful country and we love going there.
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  • 5 months later...
Sorry to bounce this back again, but we have bitten the bullet and leave tomorrow for UK and then fly out from Heathrow on Sunday, flying Cathay Pacific to Hong Kong and then after a short break, hours not days, on to Auckland.

Bought the socks etc but still very trepidatious (?) about the flight and we shall probably spend the whole month thinking of having to fly back. Still it sounds good as son has booked a week away for us at Doubtless Bay with the grandchildren, never heard of it but seems very nice.

I now have to work out how to book in on the net and choose seats.........!!!!!

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How lovely - I bet you have a wonderful time! Yes, wear the stockings, walk around the plane, drink plenty of water, and try not to worry too much. I can't say flying is something I enjoy at all, but you have your lovely family to look forward to seeing! And Doubtless Bay is lovely.

One other thing which many people find helpful are Bach Rescue Remedy drops, available at any pharmacy, and at Boots in airports; a few drops on the tongue regularly can be a help.

Enjoy your trip, and let us know how it went on your return!

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I have missed contributions over the last month or so due to the fact that we have been in New Zealand. I'm sure CeeJay will have a wonderful time as we did with our daughter and son-in-law. Everyone there is so welcoming and the laid back lifestyle means minimal stress!..We arrived back into UK on Thursday and home here last night. Straight to bed meant we missed new Year's eve. On the plus side no hangovers and I wish you all a Happy New Year.
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