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Perhaps it's something to do with where one was brought up.  I miss British moorland the most, being a Pendle witch myself.[:)]

I used to spend my holidays in my great aunt's house overlooking Newbiggin bay.  Stunning, and I love it, but the sea never grabbed me the way endless open countryside does.

Sorry about the topic drift, chaps!

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[quote user="idun"]

Cathy how hot does it get in summer in the Gironde?[/quote]

Depends where you are in the Gironde.  There are a number of naturist beaches...  Also you should see the life guards...

Seriously, it is hot here as we are some way south.  We regularly hit over 30 - degrees, that is,

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[quote user="woolybanana"]You can afford it![/quote]

Perhaps but I will have to sell the chateau first.  Not only that, the exchange rate will have to be a bit more favourable to sterling.  Anyway, I have promised the OH that I won't talk exchange rates tonight, having had to buy a chunk of euros at today's rubbishy rate.

Wools, if you were to leave the Vendée, where would you go?  Go on, you can tell us!

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Cathy, cannot do the heat anymore, I never really could and 25 is about as much as I can stand. That heatwave about 5/6 years ago was toooooo much for me, I really do not like hot weather at all. Where we used to live was regularly as hot as anywhere in France in mid summer.

Reflecting I know that I shall miss the winters in the Alpes, they were not only beautiful, but the cold was usually dry and it was a good time of year for me.
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As to where would the Banana go, not really considered that one yet: Well, I might go and sponge off the kids in Belgium, or go to Portugal, or even go and hide put in Somerset, within sight of Ham Hill, though I might have to kick Normie out of his barrel and take that with me as a home! The problem is that, having spent most of my life abroad, I am not sure I can settle in UK as it is just another foreign place to me. At least the dogs speak English.

Of course, there is Crete or Southern Italy.

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Trouble is, they are full of those damned, illegal bananas which cause so much trouble. They sit on street corners waiting for people to slip on them. and nowadays, I gather that certain ladies have them as 'manservants' to perform those little extra tasks that a girl needs sometimes. Just hideous. No, we are very much Cunard Bananas and have become quite a favourite with the children who love their banana cunard dessert.[6]
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