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My french neighbour was very fussy about his chips, he would pre cook them, or some such thing and they were OK. Nothing special, but fine. Very un-french though, as they were not skinny chips[:D]

And I never dare tell him that mine were simply fried in lard, or beef dripping, no pre cooking, just fried. And he always said he enjoyed them.[Www]

I have never had posh chips, and do wonder when I see chefs on tv, as to how good they are. At the moment, I am happy enough with those that I make on very rare occasions.

I can cook fancy food, all too often I do. But one of my favourite meals is corned beef (good stuff, not like cat food) heinz beans and chips, with HP sauce and home made bread and butter. I wouldn't want that meal all the time, but when we fancy such a meal, really really enjoy it.

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idun wrote:

I can cook fancy food, all too often I do. But one of my favourite meals is corned beef (good stuff, not like cat food) heinz beans and chips, with HP sauce and home made bread and butter. I wouldn't want that meal all the time, but when we fancy such a meal, really really enjoy it.

Can I get an invite to dinner please?
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1) corned beef
(good stuff, not like cat food) 2) heinz beans and chips, with 3) HP sauce and 4) home made bread and butter.


If we have lunch at home, for me it is always soup and a sandwich.

That sandwich can, on occasions, be 1) on 4) with lashings of 3).

1) 2) & 3)
are all available in Netto.

2) I no longer eat Heinz beans as I believe they have totally ruined what I believe was a perfectly good and acceptable formula to something that doesn't resemble the original recipe.  However to maintain my fix of beans in tomato sauce Mrs c opens a tin of haricots, drowns them in Heinz tomato ketchup and 2 minutes in the micro...bingo!

4) Is all we ever eat chez nous.... For the past 15 years we have had a Panasonic Breadmaker, best thing since sliced bread. (Oh no, I forgot, we have to slice it ourselves)

(edit to stay on theme) I love chips but don't eat them.

regards & seasons greetings


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 Just had home made leek soup for lunch with cheddar on toast. Love soup and a sandwich or cheese on toast.

And three baguettes are cooling and a further couple of loaves are in the oven as I type.

Would never get a bread maker, love giving dough a good thrashing, also, dried yeast is very very bad for my OH, makes him gravely ill. And my bread after 40 years making it regularly, is actually pretty good, had plenty of practice. [:D]

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I was going to write that I havn't eaten a chip, or a potato for that matter (except sweet potato) since my conversion to fit healthy person, then I saw your favorite dish and realised that every foodstuff in it is  now taboo chez Chancer and hasnt been partaken of in 5 years now.


I ate and enjoyed all of them before, too much so [:(] but I can honestly say that I dont miss any of them at all except for in the first days of withdrawal.


How have you managed to shed 23kg whilst still indulging in the above?

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'Just had home made leek soup for lunch'

Definitely a No No for me.

Mrs c makes home made soup from a stock of chicken bones and carcass' she boils up. Once she has this stock she adds different ingredients to it(veg, noodles,herbs, even chicken etc). Had to knock the leek ingredients on the head though, about 5 years ago, as they made me fart like a horse and I didn't think it was particularly fair on her after all the time and effort she takes cooking for me.

Apart from a few boiled or scrambled eggs I've never cooked a meal in my entire life. So if someone is willing to cover that chore for me I will show them some respect.

We use our breadmaker everyday.  It goes on before breakfast and produces either a rye or tournessol loaf at about 11.00 which will be cool enough for lunch sandwiches.

Now, perhaps you can tell me, what all this fuss and big deal over French bread is all about. Apart from a restaurant, we often frequent, where they produce what I guess is the equivalent to a grannary cottage loaf which is always fresh, lunch or dinner, everying else appears to be white and tasteless (or have I just described myself there)?

Enjoy your bread. Have you considered putting a few chips between a couple of slices?

There, managed to stay on the topic.

regards & seasons greetings.


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Chip butty, ah yes, IF I was making chips, I'd happily have one, three fat chips in it, and that would be it.

I do like some french bread, not all, but some.

Chancer, 24kgs now. And yes, I have every last thing I like, no deprivation here, it is just the quantity that I eat that has changed, and that is why it is still working.

I had hoped to lose 12kgs, but as I was OK doing what I was doing, kept on eating what I was eating and another 10 came off, then in the last three weeks lost another 400grs, which, as I think I am eating 'normally' is fine, and better than putting it on.  I don't want to lose any more, I am too old and my skin is not taking to well to the padding being removed![Www]

Everyone says I look well, and a couple of friends and family members have said to not lose more, and I agree, too old to get too thin.........[:-))]

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Its probably still elastic but just slow to react, sit at a palier for a while then continue, if you build up muscle tone you wont need padding!


I am probably now underweight but the loose skin hides the fact and the weight of it keeps me in the normal (which is anything but these days!) BMI, not enough to look saggy or require surgery but its there all the same.


The only minus that I have found is that for the first time in my life I feel the cold [:(] when I go athletic training (3 nights a week) I wear enough clothing to keep me warm when running at 90%, any more and I overheat or have to strip off on the run, however the interminable wait while 30 people do 900 bises and waiting for those who have to be the centre of attention by always arriving late in a dramatic fashion makes me very cold indeed the last few weeks and I get quite grumpy, I am leaping up and down like a Zebedee and running on the spot but its not enough.


If I am running even at minus 5 degrees I will keep warm in just shorts and T shirt, wind chill is a factor though. Last year I found myself wanting gloves which was hard because I have always considered men that wear gloves to be posers, this year the circulation seems to have improved and I've not suffered that yet, but then its still very warm, I'm still going out in sandals on the 24th December!

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Hi Chancer, Yes that is the main issue when slim and the weather turns cold. When you are training do have the modern "Base Layer" clothing on?  This is a highly wickable layer that breathes really well so you keep comfortable yet dry whilst training.

I first wore these base layers when doing a run of fencing down in Dover in winter, anything else and I was too warm, then too sweaty and subsequently cold.

Your favorite paint supplier sells base layers from time to time as do their rivals Aldi, The best one is merieno wool but some of the man made ones aren't bad either.

Merry Christmas.

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I'm wearing the Toolstation base layer top at the moment!

They are very smart and I wear them when I go out! Somehow it doesnt seem right to wear my work/best clothes when training but I think you are right, the lycra that I wear doesnt really have the right properties also I dont like wearing dark clothing when running through town and urban areas but I will wear the base layer next time.

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Chance, did you get the PM I sent you?

Anyway I have worked out the gender thing and so no more mystery!

Alas, not been able to train for about 3 weeks due to illness and my whole body is now aching to do something energetic. 

Brilliant sunshine today, really unbelievable and 25 on the balcony.

Trouble with the merino wool base layers is that they are best washed by hand and difficult to dry unless you do a spin programme AFTER the handwashing.

Id, I'll PM you later, when you have got out of bed and had your lunch.  Off now, taking advantage of the sunshine to go walking with my dog.

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I'm lo,g out of my bed at 13.30 thankyou Mint!


Lunch? Well its 17.00 and its being put back to this evening as usual.


You said no need to reply to the PM so I didnt [;-)]


Re the book title I havnt worked out why the masculin gender either, it must accord with the object, or is it subject? [8-)]could it be the noun (name) itself? If its not personne or addresse thats all I can think of.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

I'm lo,g out of my bed at 13.30 thankyou Mint!


Lunch? Well its 17.00 and its being put back to this evening as usual.


You said no need to reply to the PM so I didnt [;-)]


Re the book title I havnt worked out why the masculin gender either, it must accord with the object, or is it subject? [8-)]could it be the noun (name) itself? If its not personne or addresse thats all I can think of.


Chance, I worked out that, as the letter was addressed to MONSIEUR Martin Schulse, it follows that it has to be "inconnu".

Now, if you were to write me a letter and I couldn't be found, the envelope would have to be returned with "inconnue".

Id, PM in the next few minutes!

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