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World Cup exit for England?


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Gardian wrote:  

OH,who turned in at half time, maintains that it's the players, who are "overpaid, overegged & oversexed".

Also apparently one or two of them are quite friendly with other peoples wives. Maybe there something she's not telling you? [:D]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well it's 4-1 so I think that's it - memories of '66 in reverse anyone? TBH it would have been a grave injustice if they had done well.  Any team that performs as abysmally as England did in the preliminaries doesn't deserve to get through.  Like France they are a bunch of ageing prima donna's who haven't figured out what the word 'team' actually means.

As an aside - it does highlight the whole issue of video footage to support ref / linesmen decisions....if they can do it in tennis, rugby etc why not in football?

Mrs R51

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England totally outclassed and I can't believe Capello blamed the goal that never was. What a sore loser!

Sure, it may have given England a chance at 2-2, but Germany were far superior. It should have been 4-2 at half time anyway, so the disallowed goal was irrelevant.

Time for the overhyped players like Gerrard to retire and let young, hungry players to have a chance. This "golden generation" have failed yet again.

Oh and get an Englishman in as coach for god's sake.
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I timed a nice 35 mile cycle ride to coincide with the match. The roads were wonderfully empty although there was the smell of BBQs everywhere. It doesn't look like I missed much.

Unfortunately I suspect the media will still give us wall-to-wall coverage of the world cup.[:(]

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[quote user="cooperlola"] Hurrah.  Maybe the BBC will now fix their "temporary fault" and give us back the F1 forum we were promised.   Bl**din' footie.[:@] [/quote]

Wasisface, that annoying presenter chappie, (the one who kept rammin' flags and footy down everyone's throat) did explain there was a power cut in the TV centre and that there would be a review on BBC3 later tonight

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

[quote user="Swissie"]A foot over the line, how clear can that be. Blind! Where is the technology in 2010!?! We was robbed.

Los argentinos van a tener mas culo.[:)]


Liked the look of the argentinian side in the evening game, a comfortable win against mexico. Nice goal by the young mexican Hernandez.

Looks like MU have made an inspired signing and he should fit in with the young south korean lad.

Thinks! Be able to get rid of that obese, foul mouthed character. With Fergie's Caledonian connections a transfer to forfar athletic could be on the cards.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Hurrah.  Maybe the BBC will now fix their "temporary fault" and give us back the F1 forum we were promised.   Bl**din' footie.[:@]

[/quote]Too late now but did you not know that it was on BBC2 Debs [blink]

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The forum was supposed to follow the race.  I pressed the red button - Jake introduced it - went indoors on the pretext that nobody would be interviewed in an environment where there was no footie on (really!) and then bang - the picture went and we got a "temporary fault" notice which remained until Glastonbury came on. All that was available on the red button was the match which was already on the other side. Despite all the claims that this was due to a local power cut I still reckon the techies wanted to watch that stupid oafish game instead of providing us with the sport we wanted to watch.  Grrr.

A couple of weeks ago at LM we spent a small fortune on a meal in the Welcome Centre overlooking the track, during the race.  Cars were flying past and big-screen TVs were keeping us up to date with the scoreboard and the action around the (as you know, very long) circuit - sound turned off.  Suddenly, a member of staff turned up and changed the channel and turned up the vol' so that -you guessed it - somebody could watch a football match.  I was livid.  If we had wanted to watch football we'd have watched it - not paid good money to see motor racing  Makes you want to spit.  Then, of course, we had to put up  with a bunch of morons yelling at the TV set during what should have been a civilised meal.  Nobody saw fit to yell at the screen when the motor racing was on but it seems to be acceptable from footie fans.  As you say, beautiful game my backside. 

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JE: it has never changed........

We were taught at school "Gentlemen: Football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans: whereas Rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen!"

I kid you not: any kid foolish enough to bring a football into the school was in deep trouble!

And any even more stupid child who dared to actually kick a football around on the hallowed rugby pitches (of which there were many) was seeking a slow death!


Same as Brooklands really: motto: "The right crowd and no crowding!"

Unfortunately most events, today are jammed full of the Rent-a-Crowd mob and the corporate hospitality oiks who tend to be even worse.

The true affecionados expired in despair, many years ago now.

More's the pity.

The reality of F I and its modern supporters was brought home to me some years back: I was visiting my then osteopath, whose practice was a spit and a throw away from brands. His receptionist informed me (Knowing my predelections) her daughter who worked at Brands had just called and Williams-Renault had bumped an existing event and hired the circuit for the day, as Mansell had flown in from the US for some practice (He was then driving Indycars) prior to the French at Magny Cours where he was "Guesting" for Frank Williams.

The circuit was open and free and access to the public allowed.

Standing on the banking alongside the top straight of the Club circuit, I was simply amazed at the number of oiks wearing Williams caps back to front, with huge beer guts and builder's cracks: and the tone of the event and general comprehension of the "Fans" best espoused by the fat oik near me, swilling from his can of Fosters who was continually shouting "Come on Nige!"

Since Mansell was the only person out there, I failed to see the point of this encouragement! Not that "Nige" could have heard anyway!

And since Mansell was circulating the Club Circuit at around 41 secs (Another real enthusiast and I had a clock on him) and the official lap record still stood (Then) to Rollinson and Redman in F 5000s at 44 dead, I don't reckon "Nige" was doing badly at all!

I scared myself getting down to 49 in a much smaller car: and Paddock came up rather quickly!


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[quote user="Gluestick"]

We were taught at school "Gentlemen: Football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans: whereas Rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen!"

I kid you not: any kid foolish enough to bring a football into the school was in deep trouble!

And any even more stupid child who dared to actually kick a football around on the hallowed rugby pitches (of which there were many) was seeking a slow death!


Sounds exactly like my school. It wasn't in Lincolnshire was it?

On hearing that Erikson had been appointed manager of the England team, the late, great Brian Clough declared it to be a tragedy: "For the first time in history, the England manager will have a better command of English than his players."

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Love the comment!


No, CK: the school was, strangely enough, in Essex: and I am going to an event and dinner there at the end of July, which will roll away the years..........

Contrary to populist belief and the media, there are some very good schools in the County.


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