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Cheminot, any more of a description....size etc.

When you say metal are you thinking of something cast or more from sheet material? I assume that due to the fact that you would like wood or metal means that you are  interested in the look you want to achieve more than the material? Have you got an idea in your mind of something  you have seen elsewhere maybe?

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Thank you for your replies.

I have a couple of nicely weathered and shaped tree stumps in my garden and rather than dig them out I would like to make a feature of them.

I especially like the idea of a bird of prey like a Buzzard or sparrowhawk and/or an Owl.

I envisage them to be around 40-50cm high, though naturally an Owl would stand taller than a BOP because of its posture.

I particularly like the idea of it being of sheet metal as I feel this will convey the lightness of the subject in relation to its surroundings but depending on its type, wood may be satisfactory.

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My apologies if this appears twice. I posted a reply some hours ago which seems to have got lost in the plumbing!

I have two tree stumps in my garden which, rather than dig out I would like to make features of them.

I am looking for an Owl and/or a Raptor such as a Buzzard figure approximately 40-60cm high, preferably made of sheet metal to convey the lightness of the subject but wood would be OK depending on how it is fashioned.

I feel cast or stone figures would not give the effect I am looking for.

Any suggestions would be appeciated.

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Cheminot - I don't know where you are (it would be SO helpful if people would fill in their profiles) or if this is the sort of thing you want:


but this is one of a series of sculptures on display at the Roman remains at Jublains near Mayenne. I don't have the sculptor's details, but they were with the works at the amphitheatre.

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Thanks Meg and Mog, both of your suggestions are of interest although the idea of wire gives me visions of basket woven effects which I am not keen on. I would have to see an example to form an opinion.

In terms of wood I think the use of lighter coloured woods would be sufficient to convey the impression I am looking for without the need for hollowing out but this would depend on the posture of the bird.

In terms of image I feel it would be better to have the bird in its normal perched posture rather than in flight.

Thanks Dick for the picture, not quite what I had in mind!

My location is dept 16 nr Cognac. Have tried to put it on my profile but the computor rejected my attempt. I have only been living here for 2 weeks and it seems that this livebox contraption doesnt like some of my original software.

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I have just about given up on this.

I have searched everywhere I can think of but have found nothing. If anyone knows of someone who can make or supply what I have described please let me know or I will be reduced to having a gnome or a toadstool!

cheminot. dept 16, nr Cognac
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What I envisage is something that is instantly recognisable for what it is. ie. an Owl should look close to what a real owl looks like when perched on a stump, the same for a buzzard but allowing for the materials used and the artistry involved.

I am not looking for an abstract interpretation.

I have googled, searched ebay worldwide, looked at no end of websites but have found nothing resembling an owl or a raptor.


As regards the sizes of the stumps, one is about 120cm high the other 50cm. If you are wondering whether it would be possible to carve the figure out of the stump itself then I would have to say no, it would have to be mounted on them.


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Like I say, anything is possible and anything goes cheminot. Sycamore isn't good for durability, Catalpa is a bit better.

I've read every word you've written and I personally would worry about producing something for you, simply because my interpretation of your subject matter seems to be different to yours, and...I hope this doesn't sound too bad....it's my interpretation that counts, not yours. I'm very passionate about birds of prey, they kill only what they need to eat but they are amongst the ultimate hunter gatherers of this world. No I'm not looking for work (advertising is a no no here), I have enough. Just don't freak out whoever does your work for you with too many specifics, search around and find a character who you latch onto and he/she may be relaxed enough to work for you, and being relaxed in this kind of work is most important.

Good luck. X

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