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Some of the side effects of the 3 vaccines used in France so far


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The report does not sound very encouraging to me .. tho I did read, in the UK press, that younger people seemingly have stronger reactions to the vaccines than older people.

But it was also noted that younger people seemingly produce more anti-bodies than old(er) people so perhaps an adverse or strong reaction should be seen as being a help rather than a hindrance.
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Fact is that these vaccines have been rushed out, usually they would take years and years. And then some would still have side effects, because everybody, has a different 'body'.

Should any of us be more worried about the possible side effects than getting killer covid, don't think so.

Methinks that the best thing this newspaper could have done was have a damning report on the governments miserable rollout of this vaccination, without probably putting some off.

For me the side effects on the list they gave me was well documented. I have a bit of a sore arm and shoulder, and felt giddy yesterday, but I am on medication for something else that can  also make me feel giddy, both have this side effect, I am fine today, although the puncture site is still slightly sore.

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Yes, from what I have read the folk who have had side effects also had quite a load of anti-bodies to start with. A natural reaction then.

Oiseau who is stuck in London has a huge circle of friends of whom only three seem to have had any noticeable reaction.

Not really a problem unless it seriously puts people off. Much of it is hysteria.
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[quote user="NormanH"]
It is a miracle that they are available at all, and all the contraversy should not blind us to the brilliance of the reseachers who have created them in such a short space of time.

I have to agree with this.  I realize there are a lot of unanswered questions regarding all of the vaccinations.  Yet, I will take mine when it is offered to me.  Not at all happy about the fluk up the French government and EU have subjected us all to, but I cannot change that.  I cannot imagine the current French government will be re-elected.

Each day it is just an unfunny laugh.  Always 20 some thousand new cases and between 200 and 400 deaths.  EVERY day - rare exception.

I have no idea how the government can live with that, but clearly they can.  There are still no vaccines to speak of available here.

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[quote user="anotherbanana"]By the way, Biden is trying for 100,000,000 jabs in 100 days![/quote]

Well, I guess if you have the vaccinations, where there is a will, there is a way. 

France doesn't seem to have the vaccines to give, so I don't see how they can even deliver on their promise to have all adults who want the vaccine vaccinated by the end of Summer 2021.  That is a long way off, but with no vaccines coming in and none being manufactured by Sanofi (at least at this point), which was all promised, I don't see how this will happen.

Still, I'd rather be in France than in the USA.

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[quote user="Lori"] 

France doesn't seem to have the vaccines to give, so I don't see how they can even deliver on their promise to have all adults who want the vaccine vaccinated by the end of Summer 2021.  That is a long way off, but with no vaccines coming in and none being manufactured by Sanofi (at least at this point), which was all promised, I don't see how this will happen.

Still, I'd rather be in France than in the USA.


Lori, I have read that the Sanofi people have abandoned the unsuccessful development of their own vaccine and are now helping Pzifer Biontec produce theirs.

Also the Johnson and Johnson one is expected to be approved by the EMA sometime around the middle of March.  So one can only hope.

As I have written elsewhere, 3 more centres have been opened in the Dordogne.  They equally have no doses available or all their doses are already accounted for.  But it's one very slow step at a time.  I am now determined to be dogged and determined (see, I learnt sooo much about life from my late, beloved dog[:)]) and see things as going in the right direction even if it is only at a snail's pace. 

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Side effects include ladies growing beards, men’s privates shrinking, backsides getting bigger, the Oxford vaccine making people speak English, grannies running marathons backwards, Islam being denied by its adherents, Arab ladies tearing off their veils........ so much happening and one honest result Trump telling the truth!
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Wooly, I do hope that nobody hits on your post searching for lesser-known side effects on the internet to repeat to a wider audience on the dark web!

The French medicines safety agency has published its first analysis of side-effects caused by Covid-19 vaccines since the start of vaccinations in France:


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