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Fat- The cause of the majority of covid deaths.


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What is it about no 7 buses?  here is Sue talking about her friend with pancreatic cancer, and yesterday I had the news from a friend that his sister has just been diagnosed with it.  Not the most usual of cancers either.

Sue so difficult when you want to help but can't.  But you can be a good friend and keep her spirits up which will be the help she will most appreciate I am sure.

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Precisely Alan, Exercise burns a few calories but as an example I used to walk about 10km per day every day at work and that amounts to about a mars bar per day, thats all in calories but the sugar in a mars is way more harmful than the equivalent calories of a food that doesnt spike insulin.

Well done though! I have lost 10kg by cutting carbs and not much exercise during this lockdown.

Sorry to hear about your friend Sue, possibly the worst of news.
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I have no idea why your friend died of cancer. Probably the doctors don't know either. Oddly and tragically enough a lifelong friend died of pancreatic cancer Christmas Eve. Why, who knows! She was also of normal weight, eat sensibly and habitually walked 10 miles every day.

It doesn't detract in anyway what I have said about fat people having a greater propensity to disease. It is a fact.
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There only one way a person can put on weight: If you consume more calories than you expend you will put on weight. The quality of food, particularly here in the west is highly nutritious and that' is part of the problem.

A McDonald hamburger and chips is highly nutritious. It has vitamins; protein, fat, minerals and carbohydrate, all good stuff!! The problem is in terms of calories the same hamburger and chips is around 600-800 calories. Move into cheeseburgers, Big Macs etc and the calorie count moves up to around 1500-2000.The average male requires around 1500-2000 calories a day to live. A woman, much less. It doesn't take much working out that just one snack of a hamburger plus a normal Diet and you are putting on weight.

Food in the west is, I say again, highly nutritious. It is the amount you eat that is the problem not the quality. Eat less than normal you lose weight, it isn't difficult to understand. Just why peopler are so resistant and are forever offering alternative reasons for being fat I can only guess at.

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It is as I said earlier not as binary as you say.

The "highly nutritious" meal you are using has sugar in the burger bun, sugar in the burger, sugar in the burger sauce, sugar in the fries and then the soft drink?

The food massively spikes insulin which subsides after a while making people crave another sugar source to give the dopamine fix it has got used to.

It is not simply thermodynamics calories in calories out.

I eat fat some protein and carbohydrates less than 30g per day and fat contains more calories than than the meal you decribe per gram but my BMI is 19 and fat at 13% and this is echoed by millions around the world.

You should look at informed sources of information, the 1st being Robert Lustig


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Lustig sells books, diet books! You believe what you want either from Lustig or any other person selling diets I think I will stick with Leicester University and many years of study and teaching.
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And even if you continue to eat the same amount, the older you get, the less you actually need to eat. As I started a similar thread a couple of weeks ago after finding my BMI was just out side the limit, I was fascinated to find out where the excess fat goes as you lose it.
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It's an interesting point. The fat doesn't go anywhere, assuming you are the same weight now as you were say, ten years ago. Your body fat will have increased considerably. This is because you lose protein I;e. muscle as you get older. So, if you want to lose fat you have to eat less!
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Lustig explains the biochemical process beautifully. You can educate yourself for free via the YouTube link but I doubt your studying includes meta analysis of available data.

Now your link and sources for Leicester University please because my mind is not closed!
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[quote user="Ken"]It's an interesting point. The fat doesn't go anywhere, assuming you are the same weight now as you were say, ten years ago. Your body fat will have increased considerably. This is because you lose protein I;e. muscle as you get older. So, if you want to lose fat you have to eat less![/quote]

You metabolise the fat as energy but only after you reduce carbohydrate intake as the body uses the easiest form of energy which is commonly sugars. It takes a week or 2 to become fat adapted.

As we age we naturally lose muscle mass you want to lose fat you must restrict carbohydrates especially fructose.

John Yudkin, Pure, white and deadly.

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[quote user="Ken"]Lustig sells books, diet books! You believe what you want either from Lustig or any other person selling diets [/quote]

Actually not true, he doesn't sell diet books. The book is about how sugar works in the body and specifically fructose and the modern diet and why we are getting sicker.
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Lustig sells diet plans. You simply want to argue the point about various ways in which weight can be gained. The bottom line is that being fat is dangerous and that what you put into your mouth causes it. I'm really not interested in someone who wants to be pedantic.
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So you are not going to supply links or sources from your Leicester University?

Is it really pedantic to want to un earth the mechanism that makes people fat, obese, type 2 diabetic? You can, as you binary explain, use a calorie deficit route but that will not be sustainable unless you tackle the core problem that sugar creates. Thats been proven by just about every slimming club you care to mention that fails people.

Don't like Lustig who is purely explaining the mechanism. Then as previously mentioned look at John Ludkin who identified the mechanism and who Lustig took reference from and Pure, White and Deadly.

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Boy, am I glad that I am not and have never been fat. My weight is pretty well much the same as it was when I was 25.

Having nailed a 1st rdv for May to receive a Pfizer jab I will be on a roll of success, fortunately, not a roll of fat.

Read all about it HERE

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Cajal, can you please explain how you can arrange a RV for May for the jab.

The centres' calendars only go to the 7 mars as of today.  When I did get through to speak to someone in Périgueux end of last week, I was told no vaccine available.  So I explained about OH and how he should have been vaccinated weeks ago and can I make a RV even if it will be weeks away?

The answer was No but ring back in March.  So I am keen to know how you can get a date in May?

Any light you can throw on this will be GREATLY appreciated, Cajal, as I am now at my wits' end, having this afternoon spoken to the receptionist of his MT about the possibility of the Astra Zenaca vaccine in face of our utter inability to find any slot.  The answer, yes you guessed it, is no possibility but just keep trying.

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Actually the studies are quite a few years old!! But true. Your body metabolises fat and the waste is carbon that you breath out, burn (heat) and water, and you know where that goes!

Given that around 80% is lost via breathing it is partly why exercise isn't worth doing regarding weight loss!!! Important though it is.
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[quote user="mint"]

Cajal, can you please explain how you can arrange a RV for May for the jab.[/quote]

Ok, this is the chain of events of how I or should I say my wife snagged me the May and June rdv's.

For the purposes of the explanation I would add that I underwent a triple heart bypass 7 years ago and I am not yet 75.

At the beginning of February I called the doctor for a repeat prescription appointment and whilst talking with the receptionist I asked if I was eligible for a vaccination in view of the bypass. She said to ask the doctor for an 'ordonnance' and to call this telephone number if he issued one.  The telephone number was not a 08 or 09 but a geographical local number.

At the appointment on the 11th I asked the doctor if I would be eligible for the vaccination, he said yes, and printed off a pre filled 'ameli ordonnance' titled "Eligibilité à la vaccination contre la Covid-19"  containing all my details.

That afternoon my wife informed me that she had called the geographical telephone number and had got straight through to a person who allocates appointments for the Pfizer vaccine and she explained the situation to her. Following the obligatory sharp intake of breath she allocated me the 1st at the end of May and the 2nd in the middle of June, on the afternoon of my birthday.

My wife informed me of this success whilst I was 25 foot up a ladder finishing off a spring clean of the inside of the gutters. Needless to say my response to the good news was somewhat muted until I had both feet firmly back on the ground.

Hope that helps and good luck. The reversal of the AZ vaccine decision could help your efforts. I would take it if offered.


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Cajal, thank you for your detailed reply. As you will know already, this morning they have announced that all 3 vacs will be available at pharmacies.

You bet that I will be looking at pharmacies within a radius of 50 km!

What a lovely birthday present you can look forward to: Can't post icons on this site but cheers (imaginary glass of something) for your birthday!

Thank you heaps.
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