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Complete France Forum

Looking for a new companion

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My family and I have decided to get a dog and I would love it to be a rescued dog. My last best friend of 13 years was from a dogs home in the UK and it would be great to do the same again in France. It does need to be one that doesn't shed / low dander due to asthma that I have and I have been recommended a bichon, Lhasa or poodle hybrid. I have searched the rescue websites and monitored this board but I can't see to locate any. We have a lovely big garden and two pre teen girls desperate to get a new pet. I'm getting desperate as my wife has said we will get one from a breeder / leboncoin if we don't find a rescue. I'm very keen to avoid this!
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Where in France are you living?  I know someone who was recently looking for a home for a poodle/jack russell cross.  We are way down south in 65 so before I see if it is has already been rehomed it would be good to know if you are limited to a particular area.


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This little chap has been waiting for 2 years and he is in your department:


EDIT Sorry I just saw that he would not be suitable with children. Have a look at the link anyway because there are lots of other poodle types on there.
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Well done for wanting to rescue a dog.  They are so rewarding.  There are so many dogs looking for homes.

Beware - many poodle hybrids do shed hair.  I rescued a poodle hybrid from this Forum and he sheds hair by the bucket load although he still has to be trimmed twice per year.  I read somewhere that only one third of poodle crosses retain their hair but I am not entirely sure if this is correct.  There is no mention of this in Wiki but there is some more info that you may find interesting.



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Coca, the little terrier cross, (see earlier post about her) is still looking for a new home - she is adorable, spayed and would be suitable.  She is very stressed in the Refuge and would make a wonderful companion. 

I know you are a distance from Cahors, but we can arrange transport if you are interested in adopting her!!!??

Coca is a bit timid at first when she does not know you, but would make a wonderful family pet.  She is very affectionate!  She is vaccinated and micro chipped.

Let me know if you need any further information. 


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