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Steve, you know I don't mean Normandy.  Being Monsieur le Comte, you can command anything you like in Normandy.

But, that place you normally spend your working life in..............I bet camel milk is all that is available to go on your scones, that is, if you bake the scones yourself.  As for baking, don't tell me, you don't need an oven, just 2 flat stones..............[:P]

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Great with Gruyere cream - the nearest alternative to clotted! Not Gruyere as in cheese - but Gruyere as in lovely medieval town and district - where cows produce very fat milk with 'clotted' type cream. Their normally serve it with meringues (not packet junk - but the real thing!).

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Hi All

Interesting posts, but I thought we where trying to "SAVE" money?  Buying British food stuffs here or on the Internet is expensive, not money saving!!!!!

Now don't get me wrong each to their own, if you want something and you are willing to pay that's up to the individual but not for me.

Bacon is easy, keep an eye on special offers for potrine fumé normally €4.50 / €5.00 Kg when it's at this price check it's not too fatty if the piece you are offered is ask to see another piece then get it thickly sliced, their eyes pop out when I say 2 Kg, it is not full of water so crisps up lovely, will freeze OK, just wrap in cling film or freezer bag.

Why buy crumble mix? Flour, butter and sugar (for every 100g flour add 50g butter and 25 g sugar) into processor, wizz until it looks like breadcrumbs (or by hand) for a interesting change add cinnamon or grated lemon / orange peel.

Baked beans, easy just add what is missing, tomato puree, vinegar, sugar and salt, cook rather than just warm up, keep stiring to stop them sticking.

Bread, I sometimes cheat and use Lidl / Aldi bread mix (Granary style is very good) in bread maker using "dough setting" then into loaf tin or if you want that rustic look on an oven tray and cook in oven, make sure you put a bowl of hot water in bottom of oven or I use cheap super-market flour instant yeast, olive oil, water etc into bread maker and make as above and I do this despite having a superb baker in the village.

I hope this helps you "to save money"



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That's not fair comment.  I buy ready-grated cheese because I always manage to grate my fingers and I'm always in a hurry such as when I'm making cheese scones.

I don't buy bags of ice cubes but I do buy ice-cube bags when I have a crowd coming and I know the ice trays just won't make enough.

However, I don't buy ready-made pastry and I don't buy gravy granules; so, I guess that balances things out. 

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Hi Clair

The original poster was looking for "Crumble mix" hence why I mentioned it, so the answer is Yes!!!!!!!!!!

Why cut your fingers when you grate cheese, you need one the graters that you put the cheeese into then turn handle and out comes grated cheese available in most super-markets



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Thats a Mouli Grater.   Very handy they are as they save mangled knuckles and red cheese![+o(]

I thought Crumble topping was the simplest thing to make & difficult to mess-up, until my Mother tried to make it herself.   This "thing" was like a paving slab and equally delicious, hence why IF she makes a dessert then its straight out of a packet / tin / jar / freezer.   Safer that way!!


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  • 12 years later...

Totally off thread, but it is somewhat ageing !

Seemingly, a fair bit of the Thames Valley is without power.  Our elder son (& family) went off mid morning today and understand that anticipated re-connection is tomorrow afternoon.

Other family members similarly affected.

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3 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Power OK here in Barnes. Storm winds slated to start dropping round here about 1800 hrs. 

Walking by the river briefly a couple of hours ago, it would not have been wise to wear a wig. How would transplants have fared I wonder?

Woolyone as you seemed to delete two other posts made today, could you please now delete mine as it no longer makes sense.

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