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Have You Got a Bath in Your Bathroom?


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I think that baths and bidets might be seen as essential by, how do I put this delicately, the slightly more mature generation?  And even then there is a limit in the attraction of baths, as very elderly or infirm people have difficulty in getting in and out of baths anyway.  I don't think that either baths or bidets would be regarded as essential by anyone born after 1970.

When I took the bath out of the minuscule bathroom in my UK house, to replace it with a large shower and free up some space, I was worried that if might affect the sale, but it didn't.

The first house I bought in France had a bidet in the bathroom.  It seemed like a nice idea, but I think I only used it twice for its intended purpose, and thereafter washed my feet in it.  Same with the bath in my new house, seemed like a good idea, but only used it twice.

As for your last sentence Coops, wouldn't that be the very reason not to even consider putting in a bath?

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Now I am officially agée, thank you, Cat.  If I could only have one thing; bath, shower or bidet then I'd plumb for a bidet anyday.

I can keep myself perfectly clean with a washbasin and bidet.  When I was young, we used to say that you need to wash the 3 F's daily:  your face, your feet and your f****!

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Bidets?  We found them invaluable for soaking the wine labels off the bottles (to put in out holiday scrapbook, don't you know!) and soaking our intrepid tourist aching feet!

Mind you that was in the 70's, when we were new to holidaying in France, new to (and learning about) the huge variety of wine, and we were travelling down the Burgundy wine route .....and when you were lucky to get an en suite - it was usually at most a bidet and washbasin in the room. 

I won't tell you how we used the bidet sometimes in the middle of the night - I am sure you can guess .......

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[quote user="Judith"]... and when you were lucky to get an en suite - it was usually at most a bidet and washbasin in the room. 

I won't tell you how we used the bidet sometimes in the middle of the night - I am sure you can guess .... [/quote]

And the loo was about 100 yards away down some long corridor, where the timed light always went out before you reached the loo door ... those were the days!

Sue [:)]

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When I was on a course in Paris many years ago my nearest public WC was at the Gare du Nord, several minutes away from my 'maid's' room at the top of an apartment block. That was my final call last thing at night and I always hoped to time my visit there just right in the mornings - and prayed for no queues! I was pleased to swap my tiny room for one in a hotel; a young couple were pleased to take my room over, sharing what I remember as a 2' wide bed. Cosy! The hotel may have had bed bugs, but it also had WCs and was close to my daily base, so no more rushed visits to the WCs at the Gare du Nord and squashing on the Metro. I certainly couldn't count on coping like that nowadays! [:D]
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[quote user="suein56"]

And the loo was about 100 yards away down some long corridor, where the timed light always went out before you reached the loo door ... those were the days!

Sue [:)]


Oh - yes!!

Now you know why chamber pots were invented!!

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[quote user="AnOther"]

...... I loved soaking away the grime and aches and pains of a hard days toil with a bottle of wine


Sorry Ernie but you're just not doing it right - perhaps screw tops or boxes will be easier at your age.[:D]



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But to return to the subject. Our en-suite bathroom has a bath (well, it wouldn't be a bathroom without one, would it?) installed just in case. In the past 4 years or so it has been used less than 10 times - imho it takes too long to fill and empty and, unless you shower first, who wants to soak in dirty water ?

The other 2 rooms in which we have showers are too small for a bath anyway but that was what we wanted, more space for living in.

FWIW my advice is to design your house for you not the next owner unless you plan a Sarah Bigboobs renovation and immediate sale.


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We have a bath in our French bathroom, a 'sit up and beg' affair!!! it is only about four feet long and two feet wide? (not there at the moment so guessing!) it has two levels so the shallower side acts as a seat. It is quite old and both my OH and myself were going to get rid of it until we tried it, it is SOOOOOOOOO comfortable!!!!!! it is quite tall so simple to get in, just perch on the side and swing legs in,  I have restricted movement in hips, knees etc and a knackered back and find getting out of a conventional bath, or indeed getting in too much of a challenge whereas this makes a long soak possible, bliss for the joints!!! The only problem is the surface is damaged and I can't find a stockist of the re-enamelling kits you used to be able to buy[:(]

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[quote user="Rich1972"][quote user="Bugsy"]If you're doing the mods on a house to live in surely it makes sense to kit out the bathroom as you want it and not worry about re-sale.

We have both a bathroom with bath and a bathroom with shower. In eight years+ of living here I have yet to try the bath......[:D]

waiting for the comments [:)]



I agree with you in principle. I ought to fit the bathroom out for my own usage (and I haven't had a bath for many years either!) But it would be naive of me to think that there won't be a time when the house has to be sold. I guess I'm just trying to consider that eventuality. I suppose young families would want a bath for the kids/babies and maybe older folk too. Ugh. I don't know what to do. I've planned for a bath and the plumber is arriving soon to begin preliminary work on all the plumbing in the house.

These are my options:

a) small bathroom with a bath and no window and a decent-sized third bedroom.

b) larger bathroom with a bath and an east-facing window but a small third bedroom.

c) small bathroom with no bath (lots of walking space) no window but a decent sized third bedroom.


Hi, I assume that you don't have a bath at all in the house? It is probably too difficult for anyone to make any real judgement based on what you describe without seeing a layout the space. But have you considered a bath with a shower end like the one in the below link?Like I said it is very hard to know exactly what you mean by small. If you take option b) how small would your bedroom have to be?

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Gosh, that didn't work too well will try again. I have had all sorts of trouble with the site including not being able to log on for ages.

Hi, I assume that you don't have a bath at all in the house? It is probably too difficult for anyone to make any real judgement based on what you describe without seeing a layout of the space. But have you considered a bath with a shower end like the one in the below link?Like I said it is very hard to know exactly what you mean by small. If you take option b) how small would your bedroom have to be?

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Thank you for that Christine, I was going to ask what they are called and now I know what one looks like, a bit moche but I am desperate to have a bath once again, with a bit of remodelling I might just be able to squeeze one in my salle de bain.

Would you by any chance know the dimensions?

I can see some leboncoin and E-bay.fr surfing coming up.

Its funny but 40 odd years ago my late father told me about one of these that he encountered on a business trip to Paris and now I finally get to see one, maybe even own one!

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