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Posts posted by NormanH

  1. [quote user="sweet 17"]

    Came back from Keep Fit this evening and caught part of the most wonderful programme on the BBC about Rostropovich. 

    He was such a very brave and moral person besides being a wonderful musician. 

    It's a great pity you can't get BBC TV....[:(]


    I can watch on iPlayer...

  2. The wonderful Tenebrae

    Responsories for the Office of Holy Week are




    links should play one after the other.

    I am sure you will know the

    texts, but

    I will copy them as the sequence is


    of the most moving dramas I know



    Passions of Bach.

    Amicus meus osculi me tradidit


    Quem osculatus fuero, ipse est, tenete eum:

    hoc malum

    fecit signum,

    qui per osculum adimplevit homicidium.

    Infelix praetermisit pretium sanguinis,

    et in fine laqueo se


    Bonum erat illi,

    si natus non fuisset homo ille.

    The sign by which my friend

    betrayed me was a kiss:

    The one I kiss, he is your man; hold him


    This was the evil sign he gave,

    and through a kiss murder

    he wrought.

    The wretch returned the price of blood,

    and in the end he

    hanged himself.

    It would have been good for that man,

    had he never been born.

    Iudas mercator pessimus osculo

    petiit Dominum:

    ille ut agnus innocens non negavit Iudae osculum:

    Denariorum numero Christum Iudaeis tradidit.

    Melius illi erat, si natus non fuisset.

    Judas, that dealer in wickedness,

    sought out the Lord with a kiss,

    and He, like an innocent lamb,

    did not refuse Judas’ kiss:

    For a handful of coins he delivered Christ up to the Jews.

    It would have been better for him, had he never been born.

    Unus ex discipulis meis tradet

    me hodie:

    Vae illi per quem tradar ego:

    Melius illi erat, si natus non fuisset.

    Qui intingit mecum manum in paropside,

    hic me traditurus est in

    manus peccatorum.

    This day shall one of my disciples

    betray me.

    Woe to him by whom I am betrayed.

    It would have been better for him, had he never been born.

    He who dips his hand into the bowl with me

    will deliver me into

    the hands of sinners.


    quasi agnus innocens:

    ductus sum ad immolandum, et


    consilium fecerunt inimici mei adversum me, dicentes:

    Venite, mittamus lignum in panem eius,

    et eradamus eum de

    terra viventium.

    Omnes inimici mei adversum me cogitabant mala mihi:


    iniquum mandaverunt adversum me, dicentes:

    I was like an innocent lamb.


    was led to sacrifice, and did not know.

    My enemies plotted against

    me, saying:

    Come, let us put wood into his bread,

    and drive him from the

    land of the living.

    All my enemies devised evil against me.

    Cruel words they spoke

    against me, saying:

    Una hora non potuistis vigilare


    qui exhortabamini mori pro me?

    Vel Iudam non videtis, quomodo non dormit,

    sed festinat

    tradere me Iudaeis?

    Quid dormitis? Surgite et orate,

    ne intretis in tentationem.


    you not keep watch with me one hour,

    you who declared you would

    die for me?

    Or do you not see that Judas does not sleep,

    but hastens to

    deliver me into the hands of the Jews?

    Why do you sleep? Arise and pray

    that you may not be put to the


    Seniores populi consilium


    ut Iesum dolo tenerent, et occiderent:

    cum gladiis et

    fustibus exierunt tamquam ad latronem.

    Collegerunt pontifices et pharisaei concilium.


    elders of the people plotted together

    to have Jesus arrested by some trick, and to put him to


    with swords and cudgels they went out as if against a


    The priests and pharisees conferred together.

    Tamquam ad latronem


    cum gladiis et fustibus comprehendere me:

    Quotidie apud vos eram in templo docens,

    et non me

    tenuistis: et ecce,

    flagellatum ducitis ad crucifigendum.

    Cumque iniecissent manus in Iesum,

    et tenuissent eum, dixit

    ad eos:


    if against a robber

    you have come out with swords and cudgels to

    seize me.

    Day after day I was with you teaching in the temple

    and you did

    not arrest me, but now

    you scourge me and lead me away to death

    upon the cross.

    And when they had laid hands upon Jesus,

    and had arrested him,

    he said to them:


    factae sunt, dum crucifixissent Iesum Iudaei:

    et circa horam nonam

    exclamavit Iesus voce magna:

    Deus meus, ut quid me dereliquisti?

    Et inclinato capite, emisit spiritum.

    Exclamans Iesus voce magna ait:

    Pater, in manus tuas

    commendo spiritum meum.


    was darkness when the Jews crucified Jesus,

    and about the ninth

    hour Jesus cried out aloud:

    My God, why have you forsaken me?

    And having bowed down his head, he

    breathed his last.

    Crying out aloud Jesus said:


    into your hands I commit my soul.


    meam dilectam tradidi in manus iniquorum,

    et facta est mihi

    haereditas mea, sicut leo in silva:

    dedit contra me voces

    adversarius meus,

    Congregamini, et properate ad devorandum


    posuerunt me in deserto solitudinis,

    et luxit super me

    omnis terra:

    Quia non est inventus qui me agnosceret, et faceret bene.

    Insurrexerunt in me viri absque misericordia,

    et non

    pepercerunt animae meae.

    The life that I held dear I put into the hands of the


    and my inheritance has become for me like a lion in

    the forest.

    My enemy spoke out against me,

    Come, gather

    together and hasten to devour him.

    They placed me in a wasteland

    of desolation,

    and all the earth mourned for me.

    For there was no one to acknowledge me or give me help.

    Men rose up against me without mercy

    and spared not my life.


    me in manus impiorum,

    et inter iniquos proiecerunt me,

    et non

    pepercerunt animae meae:

    congregati sunt adversum me fortes:

    Et sicut gigantes steterunt contra me.

    Alieni insurrexerunt adversum me,

    et fortes quaesierunt

    animam meam.

    They delivered me into the hands of the ungodly

    and cast me among

    the unjust

    and spared not my life.

    The mighty gathered against


    and like giants they stood against me.

    Strangers rose up against me,

    and the mighty sought my life.


    tradidit impius summis principibus sacerdotum,

    et senioribus


    Petrus autem sequebatur eum a longe, ut videret finem.

    Adduxerunt autem eum ad Caipham principem

    sacerdotum, ubi

    scribae et pharisaei convenerant.

    The ungodly man betrayed Jesus to the chief priests

    and the elders

    of the people:

    but Peter followed him at a distance, to see how it would end.

    They led him to Caiphas, the chief

    priest, where the scribes

    and pharisees were gathered together.


    oculi mei a fletu meo:

    quia elongatus est a me, qui consolabatur


    Videte, omnes populi,

    si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus.

    O vos omnes, qui transitis per viam, attendite et videte.

    My eyes were blind with weeping;

    for he that consoled me is far

    from me.

    Consider, all you people,

    if there is any sorrow like my sorrow.

    All you who pass along this way, take

    heed and consider.


    pastor noster, fons aquae vivae,

    ad cuius transitum sol obscuratus


    Nam et ille captus est,

    qui captivum tenebat primum


    hodie portas mortis et seras pariter Salvator noster


    Destruxit quidem claustra inferni,

    et subvertit potentias


    Our shepherd, the fount of living water, is gone,

    at his passing

    the sun grew dark:

    For even he is taken,

    who captive held the first of men.


    our Saviour has burst alike the gates and bolts of death.

    The bounds of Hell he has destroyed

    and overthrown the devil’s


    O vos

    omnes, qui transitis per viam, attendite, et videte

    si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus.

    Attendite universi populi, et videte dolorem meum.

    All you who pass along this way, take heed and consider

    if there is any sorrow like my sorrow.

    Take heed, all you people, and

    consider my sorrow.


    quomodo moritur iustus, et nemo percipit corde:

    et viri iusti

    tolluntur, et nemo considerat:

    a facie iniquitatis sublatus est


    et erit in pace memoria eius.

    Tamquam agnus coram tondente se obmutuit, et non

    aperuit os

    suum: de angustia, et de iudicio sublatus est.

    Behold how the just man dies, and no one feels for him:

    the just

    are done away with, and no one cares:

    from the face of iniquity is

    the just man taken,

    and his memory shall be in peace.

    Like a lamb before the shearer he was silent and opened

    not his

    mouth. From anguish and from judgement was he taken.


    reges terrae,

    et principes convenerunt in unum,

    adversus Dominum, et adversus Christum eius.

    Quare fremuerunt gentes,

    et populi meditati sunt inania?

    The kings of the earth rose up,

    and the princes assembled together

    against the Lord, and against His


    Why have the nations given vent to

    their rage,

    and why have the people set their hearts on empty



    sum cum descendentibus in lacum:

    Factus sum sicut homo

    sine adiutorio, inter mortuos liber.

    Posuerunt me in lacu inferiori,

    in tenebrosis, et in umbra


    I am counted among them that go down into the pit:

    I have become like a man

    without help, free among the dead.

    They placed me in the pit of Hell,

    in darkness, and in the

    shadow of death.


    Domino, signatum est monumentum,

    volventes lapidem ad ostium


    Ponentes milites, qui custodirent illum.

    Accedentes principes sacerdotum ad Pilatum,

    petierunt illum.

    When the Lord was buried, they sealed his tomb,

    rolling a rock

    before the entrance to the tomb:

    setting soldiers to guard it.

    The chief priests came to Pilate


    petitioned him.

    My personal

    favourite recording of this sequence is

    by Westminster

    Cathedral Choir, and extracts can

    be heard from each

    track on this site


    (just click on the

    little notes by the track you

    wish to hear.)

    The passion in

    this performance is incandescent

  3. I know it's not Christmas yet, but I couldn't help wanting to share this


    :Tarara, I'm Anthony,

    black by birth,

    and I sing loud and clear.

    I am Anthony the Moor

    and the newborn child,

    son of working folk,

    has all my esteem.

    And so with my rattle,

    my bells and my tambourine,

    I'll go to Bethlehem

    to dance the Puerto Rico and the Cameroun.

    Just look at all those shepherds

    searching for the God-child,

    they run to the stable

    to offer their adoration.

    The youthful cherubs,

    splendidly dressed,

    sing their villancicos

    with good rhythm and fine sounds
  4. I have been really enjoying a recent purchase of the whole of Beethovens's works in the Brilliant Classics series.

    This particular boxed set has 100 Cds, including 15 'doubles' of famous historic performances ( The Cortot/Thibaud/Casals trio for example, and a Furwangler Fidelio) so I have the Violin concerto played both by Stern and Oistrakh

    Even many of the 'standard ' discs have fine performances (the Quartets are the complete set by the Guarini Quartet)

    I 'overdosed' a bit years ago, and am now having great pleasure in re-discovering the chamber music that I used to know so well.

    The cost of this treasure?

    49 € [:D]

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