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Posts posted by cajal

  1. [quote user="Judith-aka-Judith"]And it seems that what they doing in Tenerife reflects what they did on the Diamond Princess, and we know how that speeded up the catching it rates, don't we?[/quote]

    I watched a news report, this morning from Tenerife, where a woman and family (two children, husband and inlaws.) have very sensibly self quarantined themselves in their rooms.

    Cut to poolside: moorons laying on recliners in swimwear and facemasks.

    Cut to restaurant serving area: moorons queuing for food wearing face masks.

    Cut to dining area: moorons consuming food, face mask either hanging around their neck or perched on their head.

    Give me strength!

  2. Sorted......I'm now the proud owner of a downloaded temporary Carte Grise displaying, amonst other things, new address and new immatriculation. This afternoon I should be able to become the proud owner of new licence tags although I was quite content with the originals. Because of their age they were begining to display an element of uniqueness.

    My first mistake in this procedure was to attempt to use the services of a government agency site in the evening on a week-end as it is now apparent that all the so called 'live' links I needed to follow to continue their extra requirements were infact 'dead'.  This morning when I revisited the site I was able to click through the whole procedure within 5 minutes. I actually had longer to wait to receive an sms from the card company to enable me to pay the required €2.76 tax.

    I frequently encounter a similar 'dead' scenario when attempting to use BNP Banque on a week-end.

  3. Any help appreciated.

    I needed to carry out changes of address for our vehicles with ANTS.  No problem there, all went tickety-boo and the new address stickers arrived, via the post, within a few days.

    However, we have one vehicle which is 18 years old and immatriculated with the old licence tag format of NNNN-LLL-NN. The Ants site acknowledges the address change for this vehicle but informs us we need to update to a new Carte Grise bearing a new style immatriculation number.

    For this to happen and to receive a new Carte Grise, enabling the purchase and fitting of new licence tags, there is a fee of €2.76. The problem I have now encountered is I am unable to to find a link to enable me to carry out the required procedure and to pay for the new Carte Grise.

    My question is, has anbody already been through and dealt with this procedure and is able to point me in the right direction as required?


  4. Looming municipal elections  can prompt 'grandstanding'.  Smoke and mirrors to deflect from the pension reforms disaster?  Cynical, moi?

    On the other hand the world is full of idiots.

    "l’atterrissage d’un avion de tourisme non loin du sommet pour que deux

    alpinistes suisses n’aient plus qu’à gravir les derniers mètres, un

    Britannique qui avait monté un rameur sans réussir à le redescendre, des

    Lettons qui avaient tenté de monter un mât de 10 mètres pour y faire

    flotter leur drapeau… Les autorités ont également décidé de rendre

    obligatoire la réservation en refuge, pour lutter contre les bivouacs


    I do admit to a certain bias towards the lump of granite (Mont Blanc not Macron) as our original home was located on the other side of the valley looking directly onto the Mont.

    Full article Here

  5. Even though the first our two different periods of French residencey began way back in 1989, I would never dream of attempting to obtain French nationality.

    I feel, particularly at my time of life, that I am too old to embark on attempting to perfect 'the Gaellic shrug' gesture which surely must be a integral part of the nationality test?
  6. [quote user="idun"].... you had me thinking that the photo was manipulated by scammers, there must be a proper term for that....[/quote]

    'Photoshopped'- after Adobe's editing software.

  7. If you were in receipt of any income liable to UK taxation  at the time of your arrival in France you should have filled out and filed a Form France-Individual United Kingdom/France Double Taxation Convention (SI 2009 Number 226.

    This form would require you to enter 'the date on which you became a resident of France'. On completion the form should have initially been forwarded to Service des Impôts Particuliers for the district in which you reside. The Service des Impôts Particuliers will certify that you are resident in France for the purposes of French tax and will return the form to you to forward on to HM Revenue and Customs.

  8. [quote user="mint"]

    I have just glanced at our village newsletter where mention was made of the barrier to be constructed next year.  Most amused to see that instead of giving the name of the road or the family who owns the orchard, it states that this will be built à coté chez Mint![/quote]

    That will be to enable accounts to know who to send the 'Facture' to.

    [quote user="mint"]
    Accepted or not, it seems that everyone is expected to know our name![:-))][/quote]

    Yes. So as they will all know who to thank for paying the 'Facture'.
  9. [quote user="Patf"]
    She's human, like the rest of us.

    Cajal - hasn't anyone anyone in your family ever done something like that? I know some of mine have.

    What you're saying is that MPs have to behave in a super- moral  way.


    I must say I admire your much misplaced resolve in support of Dianne Abbott.

    Yes, we are all human, although that term should only be used loosely where certain of society are concerned.

    However, neither myself nor any of my family have chosen to follow a career of politics and public leadership. She has and on that basis the public is entitled to expect her to conduct herself in line with her chosen way of life.  Yes, that is what I am saying, she must behave in a 'super-moral way'.

    I would suggest she thinks twice before slugging on a can of alcohol on public transport in full view of the people she expects to follow the laws that her Westminster organisation has imposed upon them. I would also suggest that if she wished to criticise her colleagues on their childrens education choices whilst privately educating her own she should have applied more thought into which flavour of politics she decided to follow.

    As to being a good constituency MP towards black and Jewish people, the borough of Hackney and Stoke Newington's demographic is of people of colour and the largest concentration of Charedi Hasidic Jews in Europe. She wouldn't have lasted this long had she ignored that fact.

    Although from the neighbouring borough to Jeremy Corbyn she still holds that 'Islington' attitude and mentality which transfers itself to the 'Westminster Bubble' at the detriment of  the good people like those from your own neck of the woods.

    Take a couple of minutes to read the Wiki link in my post above to enable you to  fully understand how this public-servant operates and conducts herself.

    Finally, what amazes me when I read French forums is how many 'sitting on the terrace, wine quoffing, socialist elite living here in France' seem to all know what is best for the UK. Let's face it we all know who are the most adept ones to sort out the woes of the UK. Unfortunately they are all to busy driving taxis or cutting hair.  
  10. [quote user="Patf"]
    And as for Dianne Abbott - she's a very popular MP in her Hackney constituency, which is multiracial. She is impartial, supports Jews, black people and all other minority groups.

    whilst in 2003 she cast aside the comprehesive schools the majority of her constituents are forced to use to have her son privately educated having already denounced colleagues for sending their children to selective schools.

    Would this be the same Dianne Abbott you are referring to?

  11. [quote user="cajal"]
    [quote user="woolybanana"]Well, we know who you are not voting for![/quote]

    Assuming you are referring to the forthcoming UK election and that I would be eligible to a vote, there is no way on earth I would cast that vote on behalf of Jeremy Corbyn, even if my life depended on it. Vote for him and you also get John McDonnell, one time deputy leader to Ken Livingstone on the GLC.
    In the late seventies and early eighties I was resident in Islington where loony Margaret Hodge was leader of the council and Corbyn was and still is MP for the north of the borough.
    I saw, first hand, what material they were woven from.

    Don't you just love it when those that warrant it are seen to get their 'recevoir ce qu'ils  méritent' live before your very eyes.

  12. Michael Foot won more seats back in 1983!!!!

    Once the champagne socialists absorb that fact, they may, just may begin to make inroads back into becoming a viable alternative.

    Tip for the future:

    Don't tell the electorate you will honour a referrendum vote and then campaign on a alternative policy.

  13. If you're not capable of successfully manouevering your way around your shoe cupboard and you're also unable to distinguish your left foot from your right, how could you possibly be responsible for the security and safety of 68 million residents of the GB and NI?

  14. It looks, possibly, that an MP and prospective Home Secretary may have sent their son on a research reccy to test police resolve in the event that, following next weeks election, they become the police services' head honcho.

  15. [quote user="woolybanana"]Well, we know who you are not voting for![/quote]

    Assuming you are referring to the forthcoming UK election and that I would be eligible to a vote, there is no way on earth I would cast that vote on behalf of Jeremy Corbyn, even if my life depended on it. Vote for him and you also get John McDonnell, one time deputy leader to Ken Livingstone on the GLC.

    In the late seventies and early eighties I was resident in Islington where loony Margaret Hodge was leader of the council and Corbyn was and still is MP for the north of the borough.

    I saw, first hand, what material they were woven from.
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