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Everything posted by cajal

  1. If any of you are unaware of THIS site, you will find everything you need/want to know regarding your city, town, village or hamlet from info. of Covid cases since the pandemic kicked off last year, through companies and who owns them, to how many households in your area pay income, habitation and fonciere taxes. I frequently make reference to it, so I'll say "good reading to you all".
  2. [quote user="mint"]Alas, I had such hope when they appointed that specialist doctor in overall charge but we have heard zilch about him lately?[/quote] I expect he will still be accepting the fee that the appointment offered for such a position.
  3. [quote user="EuroTrash"] Can it really be as simple as that? If the paperwork shows the OP as a sub contractor working for the broker, wouldn't he have to go through customs as freight and wouldn't that potentially mean him having his CPC and his van being licensed and insured as a commercial vehicle?[/quote] Yes, in a nutshell. The broker will need to document the hauliers details on the carnet. If the op was to decide to self haul in their own vehicle then they would be the haulier. If the materials and tools are owned and for the sole personal use of the op and are not commercial goods or are not for resale it will not be necessary for him/her to be a licenced haulier and the freight will be classed as personal freight. How do I know this?  I've done it myself, albeit in the 1980's, way before the freedom of movement of people, goods and services was adopted by the EU. I needed to import some personal high value equiptment to our home in France and for reasons of peace of mind I was not prepared to leave the security, safety and transportation of thes items to any old Tom, Dick or Harry haulier to do the business.  I approached a broker and they explained the necessary, did the paperwork and off I went. I suspect following brexit the procedures will have reverted, if not to the same then similar, to  the procedures I experienced.  Everything went smoothly through both customs and I successfully transported the equiptment and myself to my home unscathed.
  4. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]It is a good question. I guess you will need some kind of customs declaration and may have to pay import duties on things that are new. Might be best getting the bits shipped out with a freight/removals company. Let them deal with it. [/quote] As above. However, if I were in your situation, I would engage the services of a shipping broker and furnish them with all the details they require to export your materials from where you presently have them (you haven't stated what country they are stored in.) and to import them into France. Obviously there will be a fee for this service but to reduce your costs considerably the broker should be able to select you as the sub-contractor to transport the goods in the appropriate size/capacity of vehicle you have at your disposal and that you are licenced to drive.
  5. [quote user="Théière"] Boris's father has applied for residential status, poor france![/quote] I think you'll find that Stanley Johnson's mother was born in Versailles and his grandmother was French. He is applying for a French passport for the purposes of dual nationality.
  6. This time I will post this on the correct thread Tuesday afternoon my wife and I were at a pharmacy to receive our annual flu vaccination. This is the 2nd year we have taken up the Amelli offer and last year we were done during the 2nd week of November. "Why so late in the season this year?" you might ask. Because of the much higher uptake of the offer this year demand has outstripped supply.  This particular pharmacy received their 2nd batch of the vaccine on Saturday and as we were there then we were able to make an appointment for Tuesday. While we were awaiting the injections I observed there were 5 dispencing units open for business and all had lengthy queues waiting to be served. This was, I would add, just a 20 minute snapshot on one Tuesday afternoon in December. And the significance to this anecdote? If there was to be an annual global award to present to the nation with the highest hypocondriac percentage per head of population we all know which nation would annualy sweep the board. France??? For the "ministère de la Santé" to quote "Face à un très fort scepticisme dans la population française, nous avons fait le choix de prendre le temps nécessaire pour installer cette vaccination." is nothing more than a crock of ....(insert your own expletive). We all know how surveys can be manipulated to generate the result an organisation/state requires to enable them to or not to implement their own particular agenda. However, I do concur that to distrbute the doses  under the necessary conditions will be a logistical nightmare for someone. To add, it seems that the state is capable of organising national manoeuvers by delivering 100,000 extra police and gendarmes on to the streets of France tonight to control any partying, celebrations or raves which might develop. Just saying.
  7. Covid-19 of any strain will have free rein globally whilst the likes of Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, when attending EU type summits continues to shake hands with the attendees and maintains his total disregard for social distancing and keeping out of others faces on these occasions. I also find it unacceptable that the self same Macron, who creates the rules and regulations with aplomb, hosts an informal meal at the Eleysee for 12 - yes that's 12, 6 over the allowed grouping, which continues until 00.30, four and a half hours after the 20.00 curfew hour he implemented the previous day. It would appear to me that Macron, who sets the height of the bar, expects us to limbo beneath it whereas he finds it acceptable for himself and his ilk to side step it and manoeuver their way around it. Like the majority of today's leaders he is highly skilled in gesture politics and performing to the gallery. Unfortunately those gestures have been shown to invariably come back and bite them on the a.ss.
  8. To early to say whether it's time to breakout the popcorn on this one or not. Perhaps someone will pass by and explain to me why emigrants from the UK continually have the knives out and are constantly b*tch*ng about the UK administration but fail miserably in their condemnation of the administrations of their countries of residence. There but for the grace....... that I don't find myself in the unenviable position of having to make life changing deciisions on behalf of a nation where, it would seem, so many appear to be armchair experts on dealing with the covid and brexit situations.
  9. [quote user="mint"]Cajal, Norman's is the racy looking one[I]  Yes, yes, I know that there are at least two meanings to racy but there it is......... [/quote] I imagine you were referring to the Triumph Rocket Roadster. If that is the case, it would certainly add a totally new dimension to 'what's hot and throbs between Norman's legs'.
  10. I never knew there were two-wheel models of mobilty_scooters. Which one is it?
  11. Christmas?........'Bah humbug' just about sums it up for me.
  12. cajal

    JAB !!!

    I would hazard a guess that you are proboaly in a minority.  Would a 'vaccination jab' appease the predicament for you? 
  13. [quote user="Lehaut"]William Hill 11/8 for 2021. As I have never placed a bet in my life, I have no idea it means.[/quote] If you were to place a bet of an event happening, eg. a race being won and the winner was quoted '100 to 1' it means the bookies consider this participant was capable of winning 1 race in a 100. If a participant in the above race is quoted at '11 to 8' it means the bookies consider that if this participant performed in 100 races they or it would win races at a rate of 8 out of 11.  Or to put it another way, their chances of winning this event are mathematically  1.375 to 1 which is rounded up to whole numbers of '11 to 8'.     The above principle should be transposed to whatever event you are quoting William Hill's odds for.
  14. Oops. Sorry Norman, I was unable to read the article your link led to. Clicked on it and I was immedialely subjected to a portrait of Polly Toynbee (must check the settings of my anti-virus software.) and immediately felt I'd lost the will to live and so therefore declined. I would add, however, that if I were a BBC licence payer or shareholder in any of the commercial tv companies I would be enquiring as to how they justify the expenditure of the saturation coverage. Yes, I agree. A great nation. I spent a great deal of my life there and have no regrets whatsoever.
  15. So that will be: Keir Starmer - 2Cyclists - 0
  16. Aherm, is this the same Jeremy Corbyn that 12 months ago the labour party believed was fit and competent enough to become prime minister of the UK?
  17. Download and fillout option B of form V888. Enclose the fee and post to DVLA Swansea SA99 1AJ.
  18. For a trip down memory lane This link will take you to 41 pages of topics and posts where SD is mentioned, thanked or posted himself.
  19. Searching for - 'UK house insurance for landlord owner living in France' brings up This. Not a recommendation by the way, but, remember Google is your friend.
  20. [quote user="Lehaut"] CCleaner is an example that tries to download antivirus software. [/quote] Beware! Piriform, who developed CCleaner are also owned by...........suprise, suprise, 'Avast' and will always attempt to hoof all their products via a back-door when you update CCleaner. I always had it installed on all my machines from 2004 (when it was originally referred to as cr*p cleaner) until 2018 when Avast purchased Piriform and it very soon became obvious that it was becoming a battle of wits between you and Avast. CCleaner has also been hacked with malaware and who is to say it won't be again in the future? Subsequently I reverted to Microsofts own 'disk cleanup' utility in Win 10.  This tool removes temporary files, previous Windows installations, log files, old Windows updates, thumbnails, and various other cache files. To access the tool go to Settings > System > Storage and click “Free Up Space Now” under Storage Sense. Windows will automatically scan for files you can delete. It shows exactly how much space you’ll free up by removing each type of data. An excellent and unobtrusive non nagging utility.
  21. Two comprehensive articles ie. principal of system, costs, pro's and con's  etc. of: Pompe à chaleur and Climatisation reversible
  22. [quote user="Gardian"]I am at a loss to understand why a UK High St Bank would regard somebody who happened not to live in the UK as “Too much trouble”. I simply can’t see why this might be seen as no longer worthwhile ......... but am I missing something?[/quote] Whilst the UK was a fully paid up member of the EU all banks were, by law, obliged to offer a 'non resident no frills' basic account to all non resident citizens who resided in any of the EU 28 nations. This directive will obviously cease for the UK from 31/12/20. This will now enable any on-shore UK bank that choose so, to dump non-resident accounts and services at will. The majority of customer accounts carry an annual cost, for the banks, to administer. This can be as high as £400/annum/account. The banks are able to absorb these costs through the use of customer cash whilst on deposit along with account and overdraft fees etc. If, as an account holder, you only use the banks services to park small amounts of cash that are awaiting transfer to a third party currency exchange service, rather than use the banks own fx service, your cost to the bank will be at the higher end of the annual cost to them. Also, it is extremely unlikely you will be making an application for a mortgage, loan or overdraft facility. With the intense anti-money laundering procedures banks are required to implement on all customers, your non resident status makes checking your integrity a much higher customer cost procedure. Couple all this with their inability to check your present credit rating renders you not only a liability but also an unprofitable liability. Banks are a business, not a welfare organisation, but they do however expect a welfare response and action in times of crisis for themselves.
  23. [quote user="Hoddy"] The things that have upset me the most have been people for whom I’ve done personal favours referring to me as a gauleiter and such like. [/quote] For those sort of people you ought to adopt my tag-line.
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