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Everything posted by mint

  1. Thank you, dear, kind Norman[:)]  I look forward to savouring each of your links a bit later. In the meantime, here is Joyce Didonato; the first time I have heard her sing this since the original proms on BBC TV[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DXASK9-qKg[/url] Off topic for Irish music but can't resist posting you le spectre de la rose by JD (you know how I love these Berlioz songs)[:D] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF8mds4VULE[/url]
  2. Stangely enough, I hesitate more when speaking in English than I do in French.  Could be because, in day to day life, OH is the only person I speak English to.  Even then, he is Welsh and we both sometimes use a Welsh construction even when speaking in English and certainly we use many Welsh words. For English, it's not just speaking but writing too, stupid hesitations like, well,like writing "stupid" and I think I need an e as in stupide. With speaking, it's words like responsabilité, qualité, capacité, etc. Mind you, English isn't my first language either though, when I was in university, I was classed as a "native speaker" (a course that requires the student to be a "native speaker" of English, whatever native speaker means). As for words like bache (no it's not exactly tarpaulin, is it) or poele or devis, I stopped thinking of these things in English a very long time ago[:)]
  3. Apart from John Field, can you, off the top of your head, suggest some Irish composers that might interest me?
  4. Ah, thank you, Sue.  That would be it as that sounds about right amount-wise.
  5. Strange but True![:P] Had a secure message to say that my query is now closed and that I will get a letter in the post "soon".  Meanwhile, there has been a credit to our bank account.  The amount is at least one nought short of what I was expecting, so not sure if the credit is to do with the repayment of social charges. I'm not complaining, beggars can't be choosers and as the Tesco ad would have it, "every little helps"! If anyone else has had money, could they please say if it's money from social charges?
  6. wonderful coloratura.....and perfect diction!
  7. Yes, I know what you mean.......and I was just watching for the music and also to see how much of the dialogue I could follow. I must admit to being a bit of a camp follower when it comes to orchestras and all the stuff that takes place behind the scene.  And you could say that I'd get more enjoyment from the sounds of an orchestra tuning up than being bent over the grand piano as shown in the first few minutes![:D] 
  8. Not a music programme but a film about an orchestra, therefore doesn't strictly "belong" here.  OTOH, can't think anyone else would be interested and, if they were, they know where to find us[:)] Was on France 2 (last night so Wed 23) just after 9 pm.  The film is a drama called Philharmonia and is in 6 parts; first 2 episodes shown last night. I'd post a link but I found a number of links and wasn't sure which would "work" so I am leaving you to find the most appropriate.
  9. [quote user="Evianers"]This is actually Sheila...... surprise, surprise!Our claim is "being dealt with" whatever that means. One can obviously put in one's own interpretation. But not wanting to sound in any way superior or snobbish, we feel that perhaps [probably] the Haute Savoie is geared up to deal with these claims more effectively? Or not? What do others feel - does where you live play a role in all things to do with the dreaded Impots? [/quote] Sheila, I would say that where you live has EVERYTHING to do with the dreaded impots and the dreaded everything else[:-))] I have holidayed a few times (summer and winter) there and I love being in the Haute Savoie!  Maybe you are just a more sophisticated lot altogether?  Here in the Dordogne, as no doubt ALBF would be quick to confirm, we are mere compagnards!
  10. Something to report but, don't hold your breath, it's nothing definitive, lol! Email yesterday to say that my request has now been put in the hands of the bods who deal with "contentious" issues.  So, I emailed my local impots end of Oct, was told that my problem has been referred to the impots in Périgueux and now, 3 months later, told that my claim is contentieux and is now in some legal section. Thought it's only fair to tell you in view of all the help I have had and also to see if anyone else has had any reply from their impots. alors, à vous?[:)]
  11. Haven't had time to listen to your latest offering but will be able to do so tomorrow evening. Meanwhile, heard some of this programme in the car on the way home from the kiné so couldn't pay it full attention but I think you'd enjoy it: [url]https://www.francemusique.fr/emissions/les-grands-entretiens/matthias-goerne-baryton-1-5-68544[/url]
  12. Just been listening to both your clips.  Thank you.
  13. Thank you.  Have been laid up for a couple of days and I only get reception in the one room in the house.  Looking forward to learning more about the operas of which I know nothing. BUT I daresay I can still play some of the pieces for piano that I used to play over and over again because I loved the counterpoint.
  14. Alagna, yes, I was embarrassed for him......
  15. More enchanting singing: [url]https://www.france.tv/spectacles-et-culture/musique-concerts/832461-maria-callas-une-vie-d-opera.html[/url] at the same theatre des Champs Elysées[:)]
  16. Stressed and frazzled?  Not me..... and on the theme of the beguiling of cares and so forth, here is balm for the soul: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXnFSeZsb38[/url]
  17. Most enjoyable, thanks. Ruhe sanft is one of my favourite songs of all time.  In fact, when I got to bed, the tune was in my head for hours! OH always says that it's so lucky that we are alive AFTER Mozart.....
  18. Almost too packed with goodies! [url]https://www.france.tv/spectacles-et-culture/musique-concerts/820291-mozart.html[/url] Singing to leave YOU breathless ............ as for the performers, what wonderful talent!  PS Sabine Deveilhe does not disappoint[:)]
  19. Just do it, pd; it only takes a couple of minutes and there is nothing else to lose?  Parsnips did say earlier that you only have till the end of this year to make the claim for the last 2 years.
  20. Haven't heard a dicky bird.  However, I have to go in tomorrow so might bring up the subject of my email. Just received a letter with a demande for the taxe foncière with a fine added.  As I pay by prélèvement, how can it be my fault if they don't take the money?
  21. I haven't heard of this concours before but I enjoyed it very much.  I hope you enjoy it too[:)] [url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/082228-000-A/carmen-don-carlos-au-concours-reine-elisabeth/[/url]
  22. I hope you can access this one, Norman.  I really enjoyed the concert though unfortunately there was a technical glitch of several minutes with transmission during the Saint-Saens. [url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/083948-001-A/verdun-requiems/[/url]
  23. I agree, tio pepe, horrid stuff!  For sherry, it has to be olorosa, sweet and dark.
  24. One thing I have never seen in France (that is all the bits of it that I have visited) is sherry.  British people tell me oh pineau is the same.  I beg to differ but pineau is NOT the same as sherry.  I find pineau disgusting but, although I hardly drink nowadays, sometimes I come in from a bracing walk and feel that I could murder a glass of Bristol Cream. OK, a bit fuddy duddy and it's the housewife's ruin and so on but I have never claimed any sort of sophistication, have I?
  25. Juswunderin2, I expect that it's now the same for everybody.....waiting to hear what the court says.
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