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Everything posted by mint

  1. I was talking to OH about de Lassus and he was sure that we had a CD with a compilation.  But, this morning, despite spending half an hour looking through our readily accessible CDs, I couldn't find anything of his. You wouldn't have a link of some sort you could post for me?  I had only heard about him and, although I understand that he has a sizeable body of work, I do not recall any of his music. Looking forward greatly to your reply.....
  2. What on earth will they think of doing next?[:-))] On another tack, the old Walkman I told you about was bien foutu so I bought a CD player to take with me.  Took a Tureck CD I found and here is a bit of her playing the Patita No 6 in E minor [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R-4jVbMecM[/url].  Blood pressure behaved impeccably, as expected. Another thing, I was amazed at the sound quality and portability of the CD player.  Plus no batteries to worry about, has an in-built battery which I charged using a USB cable.
  3. Ha! Ha! D71.  The underlinings have now all gone and the page looks "normal" again. I suppose you mean that the IT department folk have gone back one re-take year to catch up on their schooling?
  4. Yes, but what's with all the underlinings???[:-))]  Decades ago, when I had a couple of lectures on graphics (a tiny part of my course at the time), it was DRILLED into us that underlining was a definite No-No on the basis that it's hard on the eyes and clumsy and that there are many more elegant ways of emphasising something than using underlines.
  5. It's just too, too depressing reading about this subject.....yesterday, I felt really low and I don't know what answer I will get from the donkey supposed to be a doctor at the Pôle de Sante tomorrow.
  6. A programme full of fun and interest [url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/093017-001-A/rolando-villazon-presente-les-stars-de-demain/[/url]
  7. [quote user="Manon"]Dear Mint, Where did you find the list of doctors who are vaccinating please ? Thank you.[/quote] Manon, there is as yet no published list.  The best thing to do is to ask at your pharmacie or any other pharmacie near you.  They all seem to know which doctor is vaccinating and also WHEN they are vaccinating. Locally, I have spoken to a number of people, both French and British, who have told me who was doing theirs.  It is true that you don't need your "own" doctor. How it works at the moment, is that the doctors taking part set aside 10 doses of vaccine (at the mo, weekly) and they pick an afternoon in which to do them as the vaccines can only remain out of their recommended storage for 5 to 6 hours. The other person to ask would definitely be your own MT.  I guess that, like me, you are one of those drawing a blank on the Sante.fr and doctolib sites.  But, at ground level, as it were, there can be more local and up-to-date info. All the best to you, Manon.
  8. So many people to reply to and I cannot quote you all! So, briefly, NickP, my commiserations to you and Mrs NP.  What a c***-up!  But things ARE changing and I believe that at last some of us will actually get vaccinated.  Yes, I know, me the eternal optimist....or at least I WAS[:P] Judith, things have changed since Monday and I hope very much that we, the neglected ones, WILL be able to get vaccinated one way or another in the next few weeks.  Like you, I don't care a hoot which one we get, even Sputnik V!  Many people I have spoken to locally, French and a couple of Brits, have now managed to get RVs so that keeps my hope alive. Id, what really annoys me is when Castex, or Véran or that chap Atal talk about easing restrictions and a strategy for coming out of couvre-feu, I want to say a VERY rude French word.  Why don't they sort out a VACCINATION STRATEGY first? Actually, I did get a chance yesterday evening of securing the one and only slot available for OH thanks to GardenGirl (mille mercis, ma chère amie), but I was in such a nervous state of agitation with hope of an end in sight, that I somehow managed to input one digit wrong on my mobile!!!  By the time, I corrected the error, the one and only slot had gone! As it was for the astra zeneca, I was not too distressed though utterly disgusted with myself, because I see my MT on Monday (he is on the list of docs vaccinating) and I will have a chance to ask him for myself and my OH.  Phew!
  9. Judith, Lori, anyone else still worried about no vaccination date [url]https://www.sudouest.fr/sante/coronavirus/vaccin/covid-19-pharmaciens-infirmiers-et-sages-femmes-autorises-officiellement-a-vacciner-1515372.php[/url] It seems that something good will come to the still waiting[:D]
  10. Judith, have you tried your doctor, or any doctor?  I have a RV with my MT on Monday and I have sent him an email to tell him I shall be asking him for a vaccination ordo or jab.  And for OH, of course. Speaking to a French neighbour yesterday she told me that she had RVs for both herself and her husband with my MT for a fortnight's time.  It doesn't matter if the doctor is yours or not, I have also had an email from a walking friend in the next département in which she gives me the name of a doctor in her town who is jabbing anyone who books a slot. It's now a rapidly changing situation, Judith.  Just go for it!  Wish you luck[kiss]
  11. [quote user="betise"]It is true that type 2 diabetes can be reversed or avoided altogether by weight loss. A report in the BMJ stated "A condition that costs NHS £22m a day could be beaten into remission if patients shed the pounds, say experts Type 2 diabetes is generally perceived as progressive and incurable, but for many patients it can be reversed with sustained weight loss of around 15 kg, say experts in The BMJ today."[/quote] Betise, yes, it seems to be true.  Lots of articles about it and many surgeries in the UK have Diabetic Clinics that have tried it with much anecdotal evidence of either being able to do away completely with drugs or being able to reduce the normal dosage. There is a Dr something or other (maybe Mozely) who has been banging on about it for years now.  Devising weight loss plans and an apparently famous surefire one where you eat very lightly for certain days of the week and then eat normally but less for others.  He's one of these TV doctors and a very annoying one at that but, in this instance, he seems to have done a lot of good to a lot of people[:)] Personally, I take off my hat to anyone who can stick to these diets that forbid this food, that food and the other or where you have to weigh everything you eat or where you get an allowance of "points" for certain foods.  And then, they PAY for the privilege of following these diets.  Still, I suppose if they work, OK. But as AZ has pointed out and I agree wholeheartedly, it's just good old common sense and self-discipline.
  12. I heat all plates, serving dishes, etc in the micro.  For dinner plates 1min 40 sec at 900 setting.  I only have porcelaine plates (good reason for it but this is not the place to talk about that) and mugs, cups, all sorts. Can't put anything in with even a slight metal (good or silver, whatever metal) rim or maker's mark on the bottom of the plate. Otherwise, glass, plastic absolutely fine and have done it for ever.  Beats putting them in the oven when they get too hot and beats heating them in hot water in the sink because that takes forever and you will need to dry them before use. Sometimes I think I should write a guide to the lazy person's kitchen practices!
  13. [quote user="idun"]mint, which vaccine do they have? The pfizer doesn't keep does it? [/quote] Id, they have the astra zeneca and in fact OH's doctor started vaccinating at 1.00 yesterday.  We hared off straight to his doctor but the receptionist said it wasn't for someone of OH's age. The pharmacien did explain that it was for saignants of 50 to 75 with comorbidities.  But, after I explained about OH's predicament, he said his doctor should give it to him. So, what could we have done? I am seeing my own doctor on Monday and I shall ask him.  If he agreed to do me, then I shall ask him to do OH as well (for vax, it does not have to be your own doctor).  BUT I am not holding my breath.  I have written before about this doctor and I shall not repeat those remarks.  Let's just say, he does not inspire confidence in me. You know, thinking about it, I have been MOST unfortunate with my MTs.  The first one didn't last more than a visit.  She was a snooty, patronising b...h and got my first prescription wrong.  The second one was lovely, dedicated and good-natured but we moved département.  Anyway, soon after, I heard that she had to retire with some sort of nervous breakdown (worked herself so hard till her mental health broke down, I reckon).  The third was good but then she lost her only child to a serious illness and she was never the same after that.  The fourth was excellent, approachable, good-natured, good-humoured and you could have a good old chat with him about anything under the sun.  But last year, he killed himself.  And now I have this......this.....donkey of a doctor. I'll have to see if he redeems himself in my eyes on Monday.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, id, I am at the end of my tether.[:@]
  14. [quote user="anotherbanana"]The government has accepted a proposal by the HAS that pharmacies should be able to give ALL types of vaccines approved so far. About bl**dy time too. This might make things go much quicker but it might increase the queues at the pharmacy[/quote] Wools, I didn't know the govt has ACCEPTED the HAS proposals. If what you say is correct, then it is even better news than I thought. When I asked at one of our local pharmacies on Monday, I had a long explanation from the owner and chief pharmacien and he said the vaccine was indeed in his pharmacie. At this moment, I choose to stay focused and hopeful if only because I am fed up of feeling depressed and hopeless!
  15. [quote user="Alan Zoff"]For me, it always come back to the same solution. Eat mainly healthy food and not too much of it. As a result, you will feel fitter and more inclined to take exercise which will improve your health further. It's not rocket science. No fad diets or gym membership needed. Just common sense.[/quote] Alan, I like your post the best! No need really for science or fads, good old common sense is widely available, free of charge (big smile) Worked for me a treat, Ditched alcohol, couple of ounces meat maximum in a week, piles of fresh fruit and veg, lovely dressings made with good quality oils such as olive and peanut, nuts and seeds for protein and some tofu when I can get it. No need to deprive yourself, a Magnum, chocolate, cake on occasion. As for exercise, I find walking, particularly nordic walking using your sticks for the purpose of working your upper body, the best and cheapest of all. Can be done anywhere. In no time at all and with no sweat and no great sacrifice, you feel as fit as a fiddle. Even people, like me, who were not overweight in the first instance, will find fat dropping off everywhere and you are left in wonder at what a marvellous lean machine your body can be....ha! ha!
  16. Can't you get them in France? Are they not free since January?
  17. Cajal, thank you for your detailed reply. As you will know already, this morning they have announced that all 3 vacs will be available at pharmacies. You bet that I will be looking at pharmacies within a radius of 50 km! What a lovely birthday present you can look forward to: Can't post icons on this site but cheers (imaginary glass of something) for your birthday! Thank you heaps.
  18. Cajal, can you please explain how you can arrange a RV for May for the jab. The centres' calendars only go to the 7 mars as of today.  When I did get through to speak to someone in Périgueux end of last week, I was told no vaccine available.  So I explained about OH and how he should have been vaccinated weeks ago and can I make a RV even if it will be weeks away? The answer was No but ring back in March.  So I am keen to know how you can get a date in May? Any light you can throw on this will be GREATLY appreciated, Cajal, as I am now at my wits' end, having this afternoon spoken to the receptionist of his MT about the possibility of the Astra Zenaca vaccine in face of our utter inability to find any slot.  The answer, yes you guessed it, is no possibility but just keep trying.
  19. Sue, I am so sorry about your friend. Life is just unfair and sometimes very cruel. Pancreatic cancer, that indeed is a real bummer.
  20. Weegie, I understand what you have said about losing too much weight.  And, whilst I am here, may I just say how delighted I am that your health has now improved because I do remember how ill you were in the past. Whilst I have indeed lost a fair bit, I am still within the "normal", "healthy" range.  Also I am being checked by 3 different specialists with consultations about every 3 to 4 months.  So, for the moment, they are happy about my weight loss.  For example, I have 3 operations lined up for the next few weeks and I do make a point of telling the anaesthetist about my weight loss in case they don't look up my latest notes.  Last thing I want is for them to give me too big a dose of anaesthesia from which I don't wake up again![:)]
  21. [quote user="Lori"]Mint - can you not have grocery supplies delivered to your home?  I don't like shopping online, but it has been a life saver (maybe quite literally) during the Pandemic.  Sounds like you deserve a treat to eat.  Since restaurants are a no go, can you order supplies in and include ingredients for something special to put together?  Whatever your favorite indulgence might be? [/quote] No, Lori, can't have stuff delivered.  Only Drive is available and, if I have to order and then drive to pick up the stuff, I might as well go into the shop and pick up things myself. Plus the goods will just have to be picked up by someone else from the shelves and then transferred to bags for me to pick up?
  22. [quote user="anotherbanana"]Astra Zeneca should be available now. Definitely appointments being made when I was at the docs. this week, but at say four jabs an hour.... f****** hopeless.[/quote] Wools, Astra Zeneca is only, for now, for professionals and soignants of 50 to 64 with co-morbidities.  So none for you, Wooly[:P]  No, I'm not mocking you, none for me either![:'(]
  23. [quote user="Lori"]You could be right.  I do recall reading something along those lines.  But, what does that really mean?  To me, that they have little to no vaccines in hand.  And, the promises of future deliveries seem to get delayed and delayed and delayed.  This problem they spoke of at the plant in Belgium.  Is that the ONLY place we can get vaccines from?  And I thought there was going to be some sort of investigation into what the manufacturing delay/problem at that plant actually was.  Maybe I have missed it, but I haven't heard a word to answer that question. [/quote] Lori, I have spoken about the J & J vaccine on other threads but I am posting this here for you [url]https://www.sudouest.fr/sante/covid-le-vaccin-johnson-johnson-devrait-etre-approuve-par-l-europe-dans-les-prochains-jours-1464546.php[/url] DELAY?  Yes, that is the operative word.  Vaccine approved at the beginning of March but delays will mean roll-out will be end of March or beginning of April.  I reckon that that will be end of May then?[:-))]
  24. I agree about lockdown being great for weight loss.  No restos, no eating with friends, limited range of foods for us anyway because we scoot in and out of food shops in order not to unduly expose ourselves to large doses of virus. When I went to see my peunomologue last autumn after the 2 confinements, I had lost at that time 8 kilos.  She said I was the only patient who said they'd lost weight during confinement. Have now lost a further 1.5 kilos so I do hope we come out of confinement soon as I will be all skin and bones if all this continues much longer[:)] OTOH, it's frustrating being able to wear all my nice and trendiest fringues again and no one to show off to[:P]
  25. Because, id, none of them has reached the age of 50 and has co-morbidities![:-))]
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