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Everything posted by Gluestick

  1. In these times of utterly confused sexual dysphoria, I wrote the following cynical small tale some years ago. " The Strange Times of a Country Vicar I had been in post as Vicar of St. Aethelstone’s. in a small rural village in darkest Norfolk for only two months and still finding my feet when George called me. Now George was an elderly farmer who somehow grubbed a living from his small farm, as had his father and grandfather before him. “Well it’s like this Vicar” he wheezed, sat in my study over a pot of tea: “Since my Ethel passed on ten year ago, I’m lonely and I’ve decided to get married again!”. “Congratulations, George!” I said, “And who, might I ask, is your intended bride?” “Oh that be Doris,” he replied “Lovely ol’ lass.” I then moved on to the more technical matters: “ Tell me, George, does Doris live in the parish?” He looked confused. “Live ‘ere, Vicar? Course she lives here! Born and bred too!” “When may I meet Doris?” I asked. “Right now, Vicar, if you’ve a mind to.” George went outside: some confusion and considerable noise followed and, eventually, he guided a large horse into my study! “Say hello to the Vicar, Doris!” he said. She neighed and pawed my carpet, which being old and rather threadbare, didn’t improve it much. To say I was stunned, perhaps understates the case: gobsmacked more like. “George,” I spluttered, “Do I have this right? You wish to err, well marry your, horse?” “That’s right, Vicar! Lovely ol’ girl!” “But, George, you cannot marry a horse! There is no Anglican process for this!” I dread to think what the Bishop might say!” “Well, that’s not right, Vicar! Arter all, today blokes is marrying blokes and gels is marrying gels. And me? I demand to marry Doris.” “Sorry, George; can’t be done.” “Why?” “Well, there is no part of the Christian creed which allows this; after all, we are governed in these matters by church laws.” “Where does it say I can’t, then, Vicar?” Now, this question was a stunner; simply because I could recall no actual prohibition about a man marrying his horse. I racked my brains; trust me to pick up a raving lunatic within two months of taking over the Parish! Then, I had an inspiration! “Tell me, George; how old is Doris?” “She be ten year, Vicar.” I perceived a ray of light and a way out of this thorny dilemma! “Well, I am really sorry, George however you cannot marry Doris as she is underage: she must be at least sixteen years old and until eighteen, must also have her parents’ permission. Are her mother and father still alive?” “Oh dear no, Vicar! ‘er Dad, me ol’ stallion went to the knackers in Bury years back: and her Mum Dotty well the ol’ girl went the same way; pet food I suppose.” “So there we are than: you could not marry Doris until she is eighteen at the earliest!” “Oh well, said George, “ with a large sigh “Suppose I’ll have to wait about a bit!” “May I make a suggestion, George?” "You certainly can, Vicar.” “Just live, shall we say in Sin: I won’t tell anyone!” “What a lovely helpful bloke you are Vicar; that’s what I’ll do then.” I heaved a sigh of relief: another satisfied parishioner went on his way: after I, an Anglican Vicar suggested he live in Sin: hardly my correct role, I suppose. However, if you will forgive me here, it was clearly a matter of, well, horses for courses!
  2. I echo your sentiments, precisely, woolly. Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men (And ladies too, of course).
  3. Cor dear me! I still have tucked away, a Jetex-powered model waiting to be built! And an original Jetex engine. I also used Jetex fuse to set off my bombs! However, these used home brewed gunpowder in ally cigar tubes, which my Dad used to smoke. I also used Potassium Chlorate: Sodium Chlorate - weedkiller - is hygroscopic; i.e it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere. Pot Chlorate and ground up rock sulphur was the best. I used to save up firework's night small bangers and use these as a detonator and make up slow fuse, with the lovely dark blue tissue paper that was in boxes of greengrocer's fruit. steeped in saltpetre solution (Potassium Nitrate): the main ingredient of gunpowder. The slow fuse allowed one to be able to hide away from any danger. By the way: it was my Dad and his younger Brother who taught us how to make bangs! The other fun one was Nitrogen Triiodide: simply made by steeping Iodine crystals in ammonia and then filtering off the ammonia. Great carried around in a testube, in ammonia solution and then pop some in the end of the Master's chalk. A nice bang and a cloud of violet smoke!
  4. Some idiot from the Anglican Church in the UK, yesterday, suggested churches with large car parks should open these up to travellers! This fool suggested the travelling community wanted to be "Friends" with the rest of society. "'Ere Vicar!" said the caretaker, "Rain is pouring into the church! Someone has nicked all the lead off the roof!"
  5. Quote: "hese recent atrocities regarding children is nothing new. It has always gone on it's just at the moment it is the 'flavour of the month' for the press to get hold of. " https://www.statista.com/statistics/303514/child-cruelty-abuse-in-england-and-wales-uk-y-on-y/ Did you view this, Ken? And if so how do you co-relate your statement against the exponential rise in such child abuse?
  6. "The original idea was conceived by Jean Monnet, a senior French civil servant and it was announced by Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister, in a declaration on 9 May 1950. The aim was to pool Franco-West German coal and steel production, because the two raw materials were the basis of the industry (including war industry) and power of the two countries. The proposed plan was that Franco-West German coal and steel production would be placed under a common High Authority within the framework of an organisation that would be open for participation to other European countries. The underlying political objective of the European Coal and Steel Community was to strengthen Franco-German cooperation and banish the possibility of war. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Rome
  7. There we different views expressed earlier in this post, reference the ability and focus of social workers. Hm... Drilling down further into this appalling matter:- Smith turned 18 a month after Star was born, and her family said she was very immature for her age. She was still playing with dolls when she was 16, favouring lifelike models that she would wrap up when it got cold. She grew up in a chaotic house with her single-parent mum and various siblings. After her arrest a psychologist assessed her as being in the bottom 2% of intelligence. The psychologist said she was “abnormally compliant” and “abnormally prone to going along with what an authority figure is telling her to do”. Star Hobson killing: timeline Read more Savannah Brockhill, who became her on-off girlfriend, was one such figure, the prosecution argued. Eight years older, she left school at 10 and had hidden her bisexuality from most of her family until she discussed it in the witness box. A keen amateur boxer, she hoped to compete in the Olympics but got injured and worked as a carer and later a security guard. The couple met in the Sun pub in Bradford, where Brockhill worked as a bouncer. Their tempestuous relationship began in November 2019, around the time Smith split up with Hobson. Before long, Smith’s friends noticed her further losing interest in Star and becoming “obsessed” with Brockhill, spending hours and hours on the phone to her." Surely there ought to have been cause for concern, for social services? https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/14/star-hobson-victim-of-an-immature-mother-and-her-violent-partner https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/14/star-hobson-killing-timeline
  8. Now what I find so risible, Ken, is the whole concept behind the formation of the EEC - which was naturally ignored by fools such as Heath, of course! - was to end wars and problems between member states. Of course, no politician actually bothered to read or task a highly paid civil servant with apposite skills to read and report on the Treaty of Rome, which was the founding document. Now, if they had have actually taken the time and trouble, they would have recoiled in horror; as the Treaty laid out forward plans for EMU (Economic and Monetary Union: i.e. the Euro and one system of taxation common to all); plus the concept of a federal state, one system of law, and so on. Heath, of course, lied and represented the EEC as a sort of trading agreement; neatly ignoring the singular fact that we already had one! It was called EFTA (The European Free Trade Agreement). So why did we need another? In order to now limit legal immigration (essential to achieve) and Illegal Immigration, needs absolute agreement by both Brussels and member state politicians: as well as ensuring that there would be no breaches of the European Human Rights Laws. Plus, of course, shutting up the fools in the blighted UN! Oh, and the silly old duffer who presently serves as the Pope! Expecting all such boxes to be ticked with the current gang of useless self-serving politicians who would be hard put to run a bath is impossible. Which is why they waffle, pontificate and rabbit on about "Social Enrichment", the wonders of a multi-cultural society and etc. in the attempt of trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the electorate.
  9. From my perspective, it is pretty clear our glorious leaders haven't a real clue about handling this pandemic. Only a few days ago, one UK government spokesman stated that there were 250 cases of Omicron in the UK: shortly afterwards, this was corrected to ten! This virus has created more supposed "Experts" than any other situation I can recall.
  10. It seems pretty obvious, Ken, that all leading contenders set out to eat Le Pen's lunch, on immigration! Politicians know full well, that flooding a nation state with incomers who refuse to integrate and demand the constant accommodation for their own cultural mores (Let alone their religious demands), has created/will create huge societal friction. However, spouting on about it is easy in a political manifesto: actually doing something about it if and when elected are two hugely disparate matters! At least Orban has actually taken positive steps; despite constant and increasing threats from Brussels.
  11. About the only politician to have the guts and brains to speak out is Viktor Orban, the PM of Hungary.
  12. Good point, Lehaut. However when I use the term generically, I do tend to leave out the USA! Mad, mad place. California in particular. That said, I worked on a project in Silicon Valley Calif. back in the early 1980s, based in San Jose and enjoyed some splendid experiences and made some good friends. Your comment reminded me of the first UK tour of one Jerry Lee Lewis back in the mists of time; when he brought along his new bride of circa 14 years old! Big stink and furore!
  13. I know it is near Christmas and I ought to be more uplifting, however, how could any sane person hurt and eventually kill this gorgeous little girl? https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/14/star-hobson-murder-verdict-savannah-brockhill-frankie-smith I despair.
  14. Eh? A diesel injection system is very simple: actually, more simple than a petrol car. mainly because the diesel is what is called Compression Ignition whereas a petrol car needs regular sparks and the fuel and ignition systems are intertwined and controlled by a complex computer which uses what is called "Mapping". Modern diesels are also mapped. The fuel pump and injectors are indeed proprietary (as are petrol injection systems), however nearly all parts are readily available and there are legions of specialists who rebuild pumps and injectors. The most vulnerable component in a diesel is (If fitted) the Turbocharger. That said many performance petrol cars also use a turbo for more oomph. However, once again, many specialists these days who repair and recondition turbos. Worth remembering, perhaps, that probably the most common Taxi in Africa and the Middle East was/is the Mercedes 200 diesel: and are expected, if correctly serviced to achieve 400,000 Km! https://www.mercedes-benz.com/en/classic/history/michael-nickl-and-his-million-kilometres-in-the-mercedes-200-diesel-w124/
  15. If you hover your cursor over it, Nick, it tells you your rank! A bit like a McDonald's good girl star I suppose! ?
  16. "Denmark The age of consent in the Kingdom of Denmark is 15 as specified by Section 222:[20] § 222. Whoever has sexual intercourse with a child under the age of 15, shall be punished by imprisonment for up to 8 years, unless the situation is covered by § 216 paragraph 2. In determining the penalty, it shall be an aggravating circumstance if the perpetrator has gained intercourse by exploiting his physical or mental superiority. Section 223, part 1, reads: "Any person who has sexual intercourse with any child under 18, who is said person's adopted child, stepchild or foster child, or who is entrusted to said person for education or upbringing, will be liable to imprisonment for any term not exceeding four years", this includes teachers. Further, part 2 of § 223 establishes that the same punishment is applicable to any person found to have grossly exploited their age and experience based superiority over a person under the age of 18 to seduce said minor into intercourse." Q.V. https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/EUR1824302020ENGLISH.pdf Surely, Ken East and West have absolutely nothing to do with law? The next problem, to me, is that the ECHR have, once more, reached a decision which conflicts with the apparent body of law? What's next? "Oh, Female Genital Mutilation is the normal thing in our country." Or, "No it is normal in our country to smother malformed babies at birth, because the Prophet, peace be upon him, cannot tolerate imperfection."
  17. "Former Danish Migration Minister Inger Støjberg has been sentenced to 60 days in prison after being convicted of illegally separating child brides from migrant men in 2016. The former Minister for Immigration and Integration, who served in the role from 2015 to 2019, was found guilty of violating the Ministerial Responsibility Act on Monday over her brief policy of separating couples — predominantly migrant men with underage wives — during the height of the European migrant crisis. Støjberg had separated 18 couples in 2016 after deciding migrant girls aged between 14 and 17 would not be accommodated in the same asylum reception facilities as their husbands, most of whom were adults. According to a report from the Danish broadcaster TV2, the separation of the couples was found to be contrary to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and several points of Danish administrative law." Thus, those who seek to prevent paedophiles, must be banged up in gaol? Pardon me?
  18. OK, Woolly: I'll send her a PM then!?
  19. I am unable to create and send Private Messages. I can infill the recipient and the title, however that's about it. No way I can compose and post the message. Why, please?
  20. Well cajal Hades, being a supposed Greek God rather than a place, your mythological belief tends to beat all! ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hades Additionally, you clearly believe in having a soul and some form of life after death? Beats me...
  21. Well, having looked up this musician, I would suggest she is a bit of a nut: however, since she is Swedish, these days, that goes without saying! For me it all depends upon how one defines "Culture". No doubt many of the uber-Woke brigade would suggest The Who performing in, say, St. Pauls Cathedral and finishing the gig by smashing up the organ would be a cultural event. Quote: "However, catholics dictating what standards and beliefs are acceptable, in a free society, where history shows that their shenanigans frequently have fallen short of their very own preachings and moral standards, seems rather questionable." Does this apply to most of the few remaining devout worshipers as well as the shall we say management honchos in the Vatican? I would think not. Those who support a church community, attend regularly and respect their Pere, are surely entitled to reject use of their sanctified building for any event to which they have justified misgivings about, are they not?
  22. "The incoming left-wing coalition government in Germany is set to push for a so-called ‘United States of Europe’ through the creation of a federal EU superstate, confirming concerns long expressed by Brexiteers." https://www.spd.de/fileadmin/Dokumente/Koalitionsvertrag/Koalitionsvertrag_2021-2025.pdf Considering Germany's dominant role in the EU, financial aspects in particular, it seems the Fourth Reich will be enacted shortly. Macron's apparently cosy relationship with Merkel has already sown the seeds. Now, bearing in mind the staunch anti-German feeling of so many older people in France, one wonders quite where this might lead?
  23. To be serious for a moment, ALBF, national competitions such as Miss France are the precursors for the Miss World, competition. That is the point. Non? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_World
  24. Well yes indeed, Woolly. The once hallowed BBC a day or so ago, published a list of (in their warped opinion) of the 1,000 most influential women in Britain. Which included - yes, you guessed it! - a number of blokes who state they are in fact women! My first thought was that, well, now we know how all the "Bearded Ladies" who appeared in the post Victorian freak shows came about!
  25. Well, I can think of two points immediately, ALBF! ? Whether they have tassels is a wholly different matter.
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