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Everything posted by Judith

  1. In all this mess, what a lovely story to read about - and such a clever idea .. leading them with food, as it were .. Brilliant! And Woolly and Loiseau .. do hope you are OK, but being together helps to keep one sane, for sure .... it must let up soon, surely?
  2. NormanH, that's is really so good, though I haven't read the original, your translation speaks so much to me. I have a lovely French friend here who writes beautiful poetry - her mastery of her language is superb. I might put a little on here when I next see some ...
  3. I get some medical reports on it, but usually no more quickly than I have been given at the time .. but it does at least put everything together, electroncially, so saves me making a scan of it myself. I think the last time I looked, even the GP's last prescription. I think, slowly, more medical specialists are using it, so in time it might become more useful, but it does not seem to be retrospective, or totally inclusive yet, so there are limits to it's usefulness, as often what has gone before impacts on what is happening now (at least it does in my case!).
  4. Spent the last few days driving down France from north to south and home .. not the nicest of weathers I've driven in, and today was particularly wet and horrendous. Happily I now know the last 200 km rather well ... which is just as well given how much spray there was hiding the view .. I felt the winds of Ciaran yesterday but happily passed them by quite quickly.
  5. Menthe, Thanks, I was thinking more of the actual fillings they do, which are certainly now almost all white and "fixed" by dry heat .. happy that you are happy with your crown, interesting pricing regime the French have!!
  6. Some roads have those two long lines to look at. I'm pleased to say I am now an even worse hanger- backer than a sit-on- your--tail driver, and have been since a contretemps with a white van man, who cut in the gap I'd left in queing traffic (but obviously not enough of one evidently) small though it was caused the car to be written off. 8 years old and in the wrong country, not worth it to the insurance to repair it! I never did drive close but that was enough to keep me even further back.
  7. Gardian, I am pleased that you found my advice helped, and I thank you for the compliment. I got the advice from one of old posters, whose name escapes me .. but he knew his stuff. I suspect that if you do send in a ne retrun they will be understanding, they much prefer people to correct their mistakes even if late, than penalise unless t hey have to do, and I think they do yunderstand that they thir forms are not always very easy to understand and fill out .. good luck, and hope it all works out for you.
  8. Gardian, Yes, it's not easy, and the impots don't always get to right either. ONe presumes that they all know about the double taxation treaty but it's quite possible that some do not. But the layout of the forms also seemed to have changed this year and I struggled more this year than usually to get it all into the correct spots. And I never did find the bit where you put UK bank interest - decided it was not so large as to make much of a difference and gave up with it. I will also confess that off the top of my head I had forgotten that everything first goes into 2047 (which you don't start with on the online system) and in the 2042 it's where you split it into its conponent parts. I can tell by the figures which is which as my CS pensions is peanuts, but gets split to get what we can form the impots. But it's how I knew which pt was which. Good luck anyhow.
  9. Just checking my return (we have civil service equivalent pensions too) (removed figures) Pensions, retraites, rentes, rentes viagères à titre onéreux Pensions ouvrant droit à crédit d'impôt égal à l'impôt français et pensions des non résidents - Déclarant 1 1 AL - civil service pension Pensions ouvrant droit à crédit d'impôt égal à l'impôt français et pensions des non résidents - Déclarant 2 1 BL - civil service pension ( I know it is that 'cos it is not big) Autres pensions de source étrangère - Déclarant 1 -1 AM - other pensions except civil service Autres pensions de source étrangère - Déclarant 2- 1 BM other pensions except civil service The full pensions (added together for each person) go into the red form 2047 in full - section 12, one total of all pensions for each person, and should then get carries across automatically. (so AL+AM. and BL+BM) I'm trying to remember if they changed something on the forms this year as I know I struggled more after completely reasonably easily in other years. Hope that helps. EDITed: yes civil serivce pensions also go in 8TK and the total appears on the form you get at the end ... and htis might also be transferred across, but can't remember either.
  10. Menthe, there are other products they use now, at least if they anything like up to date. It is set by heat, and I have had quite a few, it also matches teeth now too I believe now. I don't think many dentists would use mercury amalgam now unless cost is the major consideration which who knows, it might be, in France?? I'm pleased ot say that over the years anaesthetics have got more efficient too, and less long lasting with fewer side effects.
  11. Judith


    They did say that the trunk is still healthy and that it might just regrow .. but my mind boggles what makes peole do such insane things.
  12. 1,500 per person for clothes - EACH year????? What on earth do they do with them all .. yes, I buy good quality clothes, but keep them for a long time ... hubby rarely buys clothes and only when they wear out!!
  13. I was just told today what a charming accent I had and where did I come from (when I was at the hospital), which was a nice change. When she saw my address, she also asked did we suffer in the floods, and it took me a while to realise it was the ones in the east of the region she was talking about, but nice to have a conversation whilst checking in for a change. Menthe - long day today, but stitches finally gone - at last!
  14. Yes, indeed, Menthe, but the Covid and the flu jabs are nothing much really in the wider scheme of things. I shall get the flu jab when I get the paperwork for it .. I did do them together once, but decided 2 arms out of commission for a couple of days together was not a good idea, but as it happens, since then, the two timings have not coincided.
  15. Had my 6th one 3 weeks ago, but it was already due in the usual 6 monthly cycle .. so I'm sorted this time, happily. They do seem to do them throughout the year for those in the protected groupings.
  16. Bread making .. and makers.. well, I gave up with mine the day I retrieved it from the back of the cupboard as Covid struck and everything disappeared off the shelves. I only ever did the dough in it, anyhow, as I could never get the paddles out, nor did I like they way it baked the bread! But this time, the machine made the correct noises, everything worked, but the paddles did not go round! So it's back in the cupboard, and I looked up bread recipes, espcially no-knead ones, and now I do just that. Mix the flour, yeast, olive oil and water together, make into a rough wettish paste, and leave it to rise. When it's risen - I cook it. Might not pass eveyone's taste tests, but it works for me. Takes about 5-10 mins to mix it all up, and then whatever time it needs to cook (30 mins roughly as I only make small loaves).
  17. Thanks, Menthe, been a bit difficult recently, but hoping life will be on the up soon! Or, I can at least hope so!🙏
  18. Menthe, that's SO useful - thanks! Phew! I have to go to Toulouse on a match day - happily that day the match is in St Etienne! Toulouse is the next day! Saved again!
  19. Menthe, I read that the host city is Toulouse, but other than I quite like rugby I know very little else! Presume there'd be a web site with althe details - somewhere!
  20. Good to see you again, Teapot! Hope all is well, and well done for your perseverence, yes, it's not the easiest foroum to nagigate onto! Unlike Lehaut (I thought you liked the cold weather LH), I'm inside, but sheltering from the heat down south .. I could almost wish for cooler weather even if I hate being cold now!
  21. Living as I do in the area under discussion, we are neither SW (which I know well) or SE (which in my mind starts at Marseille). We are rather the sud de France .. exactly south of London, as the meriden goes through Carcassonne, not a million miles away ..
  22. Menthe, I'm with Orange, partly because we all Orange for Internet and TV too, so makes it easier, and I got a good deal by perservering. I still have an old sim card from Le Clerc PAYG, now in a phone (not a smart phone) which I gave to OH, but he never uses it .. If you have good coverage go with the best, or widest in your area. We ave friends on SFR, they do get some problems .. and I know other providers can be problematic too. But not always, and even orange does have its problems, but on the whole rarely, and they are pretty good a responding too ..
  23. Menthe, I don't believe there is any need of a top of the range model. I haven't said anything so far becasue I am entitely MAC based so it would not have been helpful, but I still have my original iphone from about 2014, which does most of what I would need, but cannot be udpated any more, and did show signs of not working any more, though it has so far continued to do so it is hardly now used, but I did buy a newer model during the lockdown, and it is already superceded by a newer model, which I have quietly ignored. So find a phone which does what you want, and as long as you can update it (for security more than anything else), there is no reason why an older model would not serve you perfectly, and it will also cost a lot less than a new one ..
  24. And as we continue to say, Brexit .. which keeps on giving ..... actually I now watch where the goods are coming from it if I buy from Amazon UK which still usually turns out cheaper even with postage than Amazon France. I now try to avoid third party sellers for that reason, having been stung once or twice, and not from Amazon, ever (so far!!). As a totally off post comment, I was searching recently for a hymn tune called Amzon (yes, honestly - dates from the 18th century, and a Charles Wesley hymn, but could I get the search engine not to produce Amazon EVERY time. Of course not! Such is it's power. PS I got there, eventually!!! PPS been out of contact all day, power cut just after the Maire finished his speech (the loud speaker travels well across the park to our house in the next street) (note the day!), to muted applause .. turned out to be a transformer .. came back about 5.30 ... such is the power of local maires!!! Started off with about 4-6 houses in our street, ended up a whole sector because of what is was. Happy Fête National everyone!
  25. Thanks Lori, we have a gardener / landscape chappie who works with such items (the other you can see in the picture was done by him to replace the rotten one there a couple of years ago), so we'll get in touch with him. Meanwhile, today, we have gone all high tech for our TV, and another wonderful chappie has installed a firestick for us .. plus the necessary VPN. Now I can watch catchup on my MAC and the ipad, and OH can watch alhe likes of Wimbledon, F1 etc, even if the satellite goes off, which it does more now with the HD channels, whilst I can can ignore him and enjoy my own preferred programmes on catch up on my MAC!! Some you win, some you loose! Good uck with the shutters, I am sure they will be simple enough to replace, now Lehaut has set you off in the right direction!
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