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Everything posted by Judith

  1. Thanks Loiseau, I really have no memory of seeing that there, and I went so many times when I lived in London (it was about 10-15 minsutes walk from us). But is it a fountain, or just a statue - impossible to tell from that photo and there is no mention of it at all that I could find on the Wallace Collection page. More research, I think!
  2. More about the fountains on this site: https://www.wallacecollection.org/explore/collection/history-collection/
  3. Couldn't see it on the map I looked at. Or on the Wallace Collection web page. Any chance of a link??
  4. Et voilĂ , Mesdames, Messieurs! All you need to know about the fountains ... one of the pages gives more information about Sir Richard ... https://wallacefountains.org/
  5. Well it certainly helps to understand the game and what has to be potted next (not that I can ever remember the order of the colurs to be potted!!)
  6. I don't remember seeing a fountain the couryard at the Wallace, but it might have one .. I really must check him out beyond what I really knew already! He was very rich, and the collection is very much his own likes, plus his will stated that it can never be lent or split up ...
  7. Possibly the same Wallace who also founded the Wallace Collection in Manchester Square in London. My favourite museum in London.
  8. Yes, used to like the test card especially when colour was introduced .. at least you knew the TV was working ...
  9. That too I understand NormanH, but the fact the the King has made this all public seems to have had a beneficial on men's take up of being checked, which can only be a good thing. And it is likley that they will inlfuence change also.
  10. Quite Norman, but it must be said, the first diagnosis is always a shock which takes time to penetrate to being to talk about it I found. I'm sure he'll be given all the best treatment(s) and maybe this will shake up the NHS to take more rapid action on cancer diagnosis and treatment for everyone.
  11. Saw my first almond tree in full bloom today, but since it is early February I cannot now remember whether than means they are early or late. But whatever, always the first sign down here. Sadly our almond tree this year didn't do anything at all!!
  12. I already had the pawned one, but not the other. Useful, will add them to my bookmarks
  13. Whereas around here it has gone downhill .. since the butcher (within a supermarket, popular for miles) retired and new butchers arrived, the quailty and choice is much reduced ..I have started buying my steak from an Irish supplier .. as yes, the prepared meals in UK supermarkets doesn't just run rings round the limited offerings here, they are in a differnt league of Olympic standards IMHO. They do allow you to make a meal from scratch which taste like home-made. My sister is a very good cook, but has difficulty standing now, so she plans the meals, buys from Tesco online, hubby cooks it all, and serves it up, and you would not know it was not home made. I have been royally fed when with them. Oh for that possibility here .. and traiteurs do not do that sort of meal as far as I can see.
  14. Thanks AB, tried a couiple of times and gave up. Decided it was probably something like that.
  15. Galette, different sorts, still too sweet, and the need not to break a tooth means I sually avoid, and like Menthe, not been anywhere this year which necessitates one! Been enjoying the last of my stollen instead, as the mince pies are long gone, as is any Christmas cake I managed to find as I don't buy or make one, just enjoy others makes!
  16. Menthe, I think it might be that being overseas, we have to register yearly. I certainly have had to do so in the past. I'm off to check soon, though I am pretty sure I will still be registered as my renewal happens in November, which I already did .. but I agree, best to check soonest.
  17. Old fashioned I might be, but I still get bugged by split infinitives, and using adjectives instead of adverbs .. in Yorkshire, we also have a particular problem with the usage of "whilst" and "until", which are not the same - except in Yorkshire ..
  18. Quite, could not agree more. Especially since I've just today had my second 3-month clear report - but need to go at least a year before anything changes .. but as you say, dear Menthe, one is never totally free of cancer .. until death, of course. Sorry to be morbid, but you know that is true, as see above, so does NormanH and I presume several more on here. Still, I shall celebrate my news for one evening, at least!
  19. Prices in France, no matter where, have gone up since Covid. I am talking about local restos, as is NormanH, in our village, though his "village" is a rather large town with more choice of restos. The portion sizes have also got smaller too, other than the huge steaks, full of fat, which we (OH and I) would not eat. Our favourite restaurant, now changed hands, as the children grew, he left for the big city, I know cooked almost everything chez lui, but even he admitted he bought in his beautifully thin chips and ice cream, probably from Brakes, because his kitchen was not large enough to house the machines to make them. It's what they do with them that matters. He bought the rest himself. Personally, I prefer to pay a little bit extra and get quality food, portion size is not everything. It is now a tapas type restaurant, very popular, good quality food, homemade, tasty but not particularly cheap either. It's quite small when the outside terrace is not in use, as now, but usually pretty full, even so. And these are locals, not tourists as this time of year.
  20. Indeed NormanH, But we weren't coming from Beziers, there was no signpost, even though we knew the road we needed from Puisseguier which was our route to it .. the town was not well signposted, we ended up somewhere else on our first try and it was very well hidden, though when we did find it, finding out whether they were indeed open, or active was impossible. I might add that the map you give shows where it is, is does not tell you that the road is not as it seems on that map. And there was a new road which I had never seen before. Both of us can navigate perfectly well, and drive to the UK and back as well with fewer problems than finding Le Petit Beret. Another time!!
  21. Not sure Betise - that's about the date I did the test for them, and I've seen nothing since to say it is now active.
  22. Thanks, now that does look useful.
  23. That's the current regulation .. and it is intended to remove that limitation once the law has been effected I think you'll find.
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