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Everything posted by Judith

  1. EAch to his own, Menthe, suspect hubby might the same ..
  2. Our labs round here do that too .. "par internet" they say, ie you go online to their web site and download it, having set up your login etc first. Swift and simple.
  3. Thanks Menthe! Nothing heard yet, but she had had the confirmation letter for me, so I expect the poll card will be on its way.
  4. Have organised a proxy vote this year .. my proxy has had confirmation of her being my proxy, the last time we emailed each other, but no poll card as yet, but I expect it will arrive soon.
  5. Menthe, I think you've already had your answer, but yes, we got a new mattress just before Covid, bought from the UK becaue of the base size. A friend with a large van took it to the dechetterie for us .. no problem.
  6. Makes sense, Dave. Cartilage alone wouln't hold it in shape, and once that goes in death, the bones remains with nothing to hold them in place. . Thanks.
  7. Menthe, I see what you mean. I hadn't thought of that .. but then, how do you get a broken nose? Which is where we came in .. bit of investigation called for perhaps ..
  8. Menthe, well mine feels a though it has bone! I suspect otherwise it would have no shape and not be as rigid as they are. But I didn't study biology longer than I had to, or even anatomy, so who am I to say!
  9. I tend to not be a reserver for restaurants unless I am sure and there is a need (have often done so only to find taht teh restaurant is hardly busy, but we do tend ot eat earlier than most. Same with hotels, rather than paying up front, and getting a reduction sfter several times not being able to cancel and get a refund during Covid, unless I am absolutely positive I book flexibly even at more cost so that I can cancel if needed. But no, once reserved, I would always ring and cancel hotels or restaurants if have to alter plans. .. it's only polite.
  10. In understand .. bit slow on the uptake at present .. been a bit hectic here .. drains had to be rerouted, and it was rather difficult for a couple of days with no loos!! When I went back in I realised why it was in Caps!! Sorry - but at least it proves I was using / reading the posts!! Caps have always caused a difficulty with me, due to my form of myopia!
  11. Yes, seems to be working now I'm able to look in again, but must they use capitals as headings, I find them impossibly difficult to read! Or is it just for emphasis !! We'll see, seems a little quicker, or is that my imagination?
  12. Cooler with us certainly, but not quite that bad, I am still in T-shirt and cotton trousers!
  13. Fingers crossed .. as it happens 18th and 19th are busy for me, so I probably won't be on the forum anyway! But I will very much hope that all will come back smoothly ..
  14. Any competent adult should have their decision of when their time has come to leave the world respected. The one thing we humans surely have left to us is the choice of when to die. The choice should be the individual's alone. I have thought that for a very long time, not just because this has all reared it's ugly head again recently. Experienced doctors who both know their patients and are competent, know that occasionally 'bypassing" the law is needed in an intelligent society such as we humans are meant to be in. Governments should not have the power of such a choice as this. [And I am usually a very law-abiding citizen, but this I have believed is a human right for a very long time, sometimes the only one we have left.]
  15. I haven't watched it since they stopped singing songs with any element of true musicality in them - ones you could sing along to without the whole backing band, without anything but the simplest of settings (and which are still sung today as it happens). Today they are judging the scenery IMHO from what I saw of the pre-pub (unavoidable even when watching the News!). Happily, I always have better things to do than watch a whole load of TV, and if we are really stuck, there's always a DVD or video - yes, we are still in the dark ages here .. even reading a book would have been preferable to watching the junk that passes for popular music these days!!
  16. My nephew, In Cambridgeshire, took some glorious photos of them!
  17. ABLF, I agree, Jak Jones a much more entertaining player to watch than Kyren Wilson, also, I think more stable emotionally, as see the tears at the end ... from Wilson .. not that I saw it all, but I do read the news, and keep up that. I know my ball skills would make me a useless snooker player, amd well done you, and it's all about angles and how you hit the cue ball, plus strategy and how you escape or place snookers (hence the name!), plus it is so much harder than it looks, and can sometimes look as though nothing is happening at all. And how those balls just <don"> go in when they really should have... takes a lot more skill than kicking a football or whatever other sport the majority follow and pay huge monies for!
  18. Menthe, that is certainly true, about his clothes .. but as the last ranked player standing, you would expect so, but this year, nothing can be assumed I think!
  19. I've only popped in now and then, Menthe, but it's good to see that the experienced heads don't wine everytime, even when we know experience helps. There have certainly been some serious upsets this year .. all makes for more entertaining TV!
  20. Apart from getting all the figures I need from OH, I long ago gave up getting him involved - it's much safer that way!
  21. Menthe, we have this problem with satellite reception often especially in the rain, and at certain times when climatic conditions interfer with the signal. Similar to what you could get on the radio signal in the old days. We got around it by having a VPN installed and using the interniet and an Amazon firestick, but I can't get BBC to work on that at present, but I also have it on laptop, computer and Ipad and with the VPN connected, I can get trhough on those. Yes, OH has been glued to the snooker too. It's becaue they are now if HIgh definition, which Channel 4 and ITV work much better as they are not (I think) but even they disappear when it rains, hence the VPN etc. It tends to get better in teh evenigns - sometimes! He's watching it on the TV now, for example.
  22. Just completed mine today .. but my excuse is that next week is busy with birhdays and then we go on holiday and won't be back until it is too late!!😉
  23. Yes, being an Apple person, I have that on my devices too, and I find it very useful, even though I can touch type within reason, though it doesn't seem to understand French words, but then I'm working in English .. so if I changed it to French maybe it would be OK then. Certainly worth investigating ..
  24. Judith

    Spring 2024

    Good idea, Noisette, that would work too .. it's the movement and shiny surface that does it according to OH.
  25. Judith

    Spring 2024

    We put up old CDs on string to discourage birds from nesting under our "upstairs" terrace, as we sit underneath it .. seems to work, I can see the terrace as I type and there are no birds evident, nor have been ever since we put the discs up. Bits of aluminium foil would work as well if you don't have old CDs.
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