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Everything posted by Judith

  1. SueyH, I can't answer thaat entirely as I'm stil trying to find why I cannot find some sections (such as the ones for bank interest in 2047) as I go through the online versions. And some sections I don't know what to fill in. I don't have UK property so I can't answer that one either - sorry. I was giving it a pause untilI have time to get an answer for the impots, but that won't be that soon I expect, and I am pretty busy next week. The bulk is in, what it left is for us a mere bagatelle of amounts. If I find out more, I'll re-post.
  2. Of the two places whose votes I have seen down here, it was Le Pen followed by Macron and then Melechon. Standard these days. Chatting to a French friend yessterday she says they are left to chose between the devil and the deep blue sea (not her words, but what she meant!). I can't see the French will be satisfied whatever the outcome.
  3. Sueyh, thanks, brilliant. And yes, it looks like the on screen with no numbers as before! Typical. So if you have the usual combination of pensions, you will already know, I presume, what to do about the govt pensions. Your OAP is treated then as a private (in Fench terms) pension, and whether or not you get it directo to your French account (sensible they get the best rate poissible) it is treated as pension income and must be taxed in France. All prnsions recieved go in 12 on 2047 and then is transferred to 2042 .. which is where you do the split between govt and private .. hope that makes sense.
  4. Sueyh, tried to edit the above, it didn't work!! For the OAP (I presume UK) it goes in as private income, ie it is NOT a govt pension which is for central and local govt pensions .. thus if you have any other pensions eg from personal or company pensions, they are treated as private. If you have no govt pensions, you can breathe more easily ... it is less complicated. But you will have to complete 2 forms, 2042 (the blue one) and 2047 (for foreign income). All pension income apart from govt (as defined above) is regarded as private. So in 2047 (which they have changed) but I think is section 12, it is the section I am questioning above), is where all your income wil go .. and then it will be transferred to 1AM if it is only you declaring on 2042. I have not yet managed to find a hard copy of the 2047 so cannot give you the section etc no. I cannot check whilst I am on here, so will get this posted and then go see.
  5. Since this might be relevant, I also have been trying to fill the forms in. Here, we have a mixture of public (ie govt) which I know is taxed in the UK, and I am aware of where to put those, and private, which in our cases both include the OAP / state pension. But as you might know, they have yet again changed the forms! On 2047, where we put our total pension income, you now have to say what is prive and what is public .. and I really do not know which to choose. A good bulk of bubby's if govt, whereas my govt is not a lot. Any thoughts, oh knowlegeable ones? Thanks
  6. Unfortunately, locally, there are no appointments yet. Beziers yes, but I'm not going into Beziers for it! No doubt once this rural area has caught up there will be!
  7. Judith

    Meet Ziggy

    I'm not a pet person, but Ziggy is a lovely little thing ... definitely needs cuddling by a special friend.
  8. Paid 4 weely, so usually 13 a year. It might depend, if this is new for you, that your OH's payment started at a different time and missed one 4 wk period, but 13 is the correct number for a full year. No difference in gender allocations. To the best of my knowledge. It's what we have at any rate.
  9. Thanks Lori. Happily "our" end was lucky this time.
  10. Happily, for us NormaanH, this time it has gone the "other' way from us .. and yes, I know the road you mean into Beziers , of course. Very low lying and near to the river. If you are up in the town, yes, you should be safe enough .. it rises steeply enough from the river ... but as you say, it is what has to still come down from the Montagne noire which is worrying.
  11. Hope you are safe NormanH. I went to Bize MInervois yesterday - centre was flooded, biut not where I was, and I think it stopped, and has cleared excpet for the clean up. But then it moved onto your area. Happily, this time, it didn't come down our several local rivers .. but I didn't sleep well Friday night. Still raining, got sodden on the way back from church this morning!
  12. Mint, Just PM'd you, I am now off to bed! J
  13. Mint jacrowe13@gmail.com should work. I don't have an email for you, either, messages always came though PM's before. Like you I can't find out how to PM, and Banana, I can see no black envelope anywhere either. Sorry, on Sundays I am always late looking at the forum, church am, then got involved in lots of other Sunday things .. sorry Judith
  14. Bit old for that G, no, but Mint knows to what I refer ...
  15. So pleased to see you back again MInt, you have been much missed! Especially since I have some good news for you!
  16. Round here, several mairies are organising collections of stuff for Ukraine.
  17. Ken, Ken, got to disagree .. yes, plenty do go back, but plenty too die here .. I've certainly attended sufficient funerals here of English people to say that for sure.
  18. Well it's cold and cloudy here, NormanH, but as I type I see that the blue is returning .. a pocket handerchief as we used to say, is now evident. I agree it's been lovely to have the sun, but there's often been a cold wind with it which precludes sitting out here, even in the sheltered garden. I was in Toulouse yesterday (medical - again!) - left in bright sun, it came over cloudy and very cold, and stayed that way all day, evn on the return. But the sun does make your heart bloom, and stops depressive January taking hold. Hope you can continue to sit outside at your cafe every day all year!
  19. It's nasty to carry (the new UK one) because it does not bend at all, and the plastic cover is definitely cheaper than the lovely burgundy ones. At least the rigidity keeps the attached CdS in place. Photo is about the worse I ever had, but that's my own fault 'cos i took it digitally during one of the lockdowns. Have you ever tried to get a decent head and shoulders on a phone when you have short arms, without that stick you can get? Hard work and almost impossible,and frighteningly, at the same age as it so happens, I look just like the photo on my mother's bus pass taken just about the same time as I am now, just before she died (probably via a supermarket machine, certainly not a mobile phone as she never had one!). But agree with Banana, it did come back in about 3 weeks, and that was over the Easter period last year, so credit indeed for the speed. By the way, it's black, not blue!
  20. Modelled on the Arsène Lupin books? If not, it won't stand the teast of time.
  21. Absolutely - which is why we had and wanted to leep the original fixed line, in spite of the cost ... mind you, today I find that line fixe is not working, rings beautifully if you try to ring it but not a sausage of sound does it make her (I wondered why hubby was not answering my phone call!!), .. and the line is dead .. here I go contacting Orange .. tomorrow - now! We wonder if they are trying to tell us something!
  22. Blimey .. right, will look at it more seriously .. but maybe wait until the wonderful fibre is installed! ?
  23. Just looking, tells me little, ie is it a subscription paid serivce .. any further info please?? Seems too good to be true to be free ... in spite of the name!
  24. If you are in an area where fibre optic is being installed, you may find that you can do (or be made to do) other things, we shall loose our standard fixed line when this happens (not our choice, but it seems that copper cabling is being phased out as soon as possible). This is through orange and they do have various options with TV, mobiles etc etc. We inherited a satellite dish and box enabling us to watch UK TV (OK, down boys!), we'd watch French TV if we could find much we liked!!, but would love to find alternatives too to the satellite but I have a hubby who resists change so it is easier to stay as is for now!
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