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Everything posted by Catalpa

  1. There's a guy I read on Twitter (yes, I know, but Twitter isn't 100% bats**t crazy, it just seems like it) who regularly analyses French Covid statistics and now the roll-out / delivery of the vaccine. He's worth reading and has some... cheering?... thoughts about the programme speeding up. https://mobile.twitter.com/john_lichfield/status/1357690261833400322 You don't need to join Twitter to read. Also... Vitamin DIn Normandy, sunshine is in short supply in winter and spring (though nice oily fish and eggs are not). There does seem to be some evidence for Vit D boosting the immune system so we spoke to our pharmacist about effective supplements and she recommended https://alvityl.fr/alvityl-produits/alvityl-vitamine-d3/ It's about 7 €uro for spray you apply daily under the tongue because that (our pharmacist says) is the best route to efficient absorption, more so than with tablets. So if you want to give your immune system a boost - or at least feel as if you are doing something more than mask, distance, wash while passively waiting for the vaccine to arrive, that's what we're doing. Happy weekend. [kiss]
  2. [quote user="idun"]LOL Mine would probably be the Perils of Idun, things happen to me that really should not, as I have been telling mint recently![/quote]You know you've reached the point where you might need spectacles when you read the above as the Penis of Idun... ...and then you wonder about your impression of Idun because initially, you dwell more on how you've always thought Idun was female rather than the likelihood of such a phrase appearing on CF anyway. [blink] But apart from that, great post Woolly.
  3. I'd probably not bother contacting embassies or consulates on the basis they are unlikely to fine-tune published advice according to my exact circumstances. But particularly I wouldn't bother because at the point of travel, it's airline staff and ferry companies that ultimately decide who to allow on board and their interpretation of the rules may not - as some travellers have experienced - be accurate. I'd accept that at this time - pandemic, Covid tests, Brexit + rapid amendments to rules - I'd prefer to control the things I can control and I'd apply for a new passport now regardless of any loss of months of validity.
  4. Mint - a device (pc, laptop, tablet, etc) uses an operating system (eg Windows) to get the device ready to use. Uses may be MS Office programs or connecting to the internet. To connect to the internet your operating system needs a web browser. Examples of browsers are IE, Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Opera. These programs are downloaded from the web and saved to your device. Examples of search engines are Google, Duckduckgo and, of course, Bing! No search engine is downloaded to your device but your browser will need one to find information / find its way to sites you use. As a generalisation, you can't access the web from your device without a browser and you can't then search the web without using a search engine. The following may be a crap analogy so I'll apologise in advance but... A browser is like your hands physically picking up and opening - accessing - an encyclopaedia (the web). Everything is in there but until you have a way of accessing the book, you can't search for the information you want. A browser (like Opera) connects you to (opens) the book (web). Having opened the encyclopaedia via your browser (Opera) next step is to find information and to do that Opera needs a search engine to read the index and link you to the relevant entries. (I now have serious doubts as to how helpful this post might be! [:P] Sorry!) Anyhoo, I use Firefox browser and my default search engine is Google. Somewhere along the line, probably because you clicked on something accidentally without noticing, Opera thinks you want Bing to be your default (preferred) search engine. There will be ways to change to Google (or whichever) and this link might help you. https://www.lifewire.com/manage-search-engines-in-opera-browser-4103697 Now... do I press POST or delete this message? Er... [6]
  5. I'm slightly concerned about some private militia-organised catastrophe at the Inauguration - terrifyingly well-equipped, some of these groups. But putting that aside and looking forward to the presidency: at least the guy taking hold of the poisoned chalice has the experience of two full terms as vice-president to draw upon. He's not going to need to - or want to - pull in rafts of people who have no idea what they're doing other than arriving with a desire to deconstruct and trash that which had gone before. And personally profit from the new. This should be an experienced administration from the start. Which, considering the pandemic and everything it is doing to countries globally, can only be a good thing.
  6. And a new Guardian article on the subject this morning... https://www.theguardian.com/global/2021/jan/11/vaccine-scepticism-in-france-reflects-dissatisfaction-with-political-class
  7. Are you still using an old version of Internet Explorer as your browser, Mint? If so, this link may help you... https://theunlockr.com/how-to-change-the-default-search-engine-in-windows-8-ie10/ << The Internet Explorer that comes with Windows 8 has Bing as its default search engine, of course, as it’s a Microsoft product. Most of you who’re fond of Google might not like this and want to change the default search engine to Google, well, it seems possible now. By simply changing some settings here and there you can set Google as your default search provider. >> Continuing to use Windows 8 + IE10(?) may leave you vulnerable to security problems, though. I'm not sure either are supported nowadays. But others will have better knowledge, i'm sure, so I'm happy to be corrected on that.
  8. Thanks for the information and links, Pomme. Now I know what to research, it makes interesting reading and answers my questions.
  9. Sorry to hear of your problems, Mint. It would probably help to know what version of Windows you're using. And re Word, etc, are you paying an annual subscription for updates, etc, and if so, have you cancelled it or has your credit card for automatic renewal expired? It's most likely a Windows update has caused your normal icons and shortcuts to disappear but we probably need a bit more info in order to guess. Have you closed down your device completely and then re-started? Sometimes (rarely) my icons disappear for no obvious reason but everything resets itself when I do a complete shutdown. File Explorer is the Windows 10 version of Windows Explorer so what's you're looking for there depends on your version of Windows. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-explorer-has-a-new-name-c95f0e92-b1aa-76da-b994-36a7c7c413d7
  10. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"] Albf is Angry. ALBF family and co have always played life by the rules. By doing so, we just get screwed all the time. [/quote] Referring to oneself in the third person always looks a bit weird... That said: We (99%) play by the rules here in France. We did in the UK. It's who we are. We don't get 'screwed' - by the system or anyone else. There are aspects of the French way of life that are open to abuse and - I agree - abuse happens. Same in the UK. I knew of people who operated half their lives 'tax-free'. But no country, system or culture is perfect - because it involves human nature. Yes, we can choose to move elsewhere... but we always take ourselves, our attitudes, our dissatisfactions, with us. We can choose to live safely by our own values and standards in many countries and personally, what others are apparently / allegedly doing in their own small lives is mainly none of my business and I lose no sleep over it. If I was aware of fraud or scamming on a massive scale I'd try and do something about it but that doesn't seem to be what we're discussing here. Someone obtaining a CdeS they're not entitled to or remaining registered with the NHS while they spend most of their time in France or Spain... not my problem, not my worry. Probably, one day, sooner or later, it will be theirs. e2a: a most excellent post above, Eurotr@sh.
  11. It may be that each region - or even departement - is doing things a little differently. It's not unknown, it's one of the... charms of French bureaucracy. Isn't it? [;-)] Perhaps someone received their TdeS before provision of fingerprints was a thing... in which case I expect that will be rectified via an appointment at the relevant préfecture before the replacement card is issued. We applied online to change our existing 10 year TdeS (which still had 9 years to run) in November. Our generic confirmation of application received email says: _______________________________ Madame/Monsieur, Vous venez d’effectuer une demande en ligne de titre de séjour dans le cadre de l’accord de retrait du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne. Le dépôt de cette demande au nom de XXXXXXXXXXXXX a été enregistré sous le numéro XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1. Votre dossier va être transféré pour instruction vers la préfecture de votre lieu de résidence. Si votre dossier est complet, vous serez contacté(e) par mail pour convenir d’un rendez-vous auprès de votre préfecture afin de finaliser vos démarches (présentation de votre passeport/ prise d’empreintes/ fourniture d’une photographie d’identité récente (format 35mm x 45mm)). Si une pièce est manquante ou inadaptée, vous recevrez un mail sollicitant un complément d’information. Vous devez conserver la présente attestation pour vos prochaines démarches en préfecture. Ceci est un message automatique, merci de ne pas y répondre. 1Ce numéro d’attestation d’enregistrement est distinct du numéro de demande de titre de séjour (numéro « GED ») qui vous sera communiqué par mail par la préfecture en charge du traitement de votre dossier. Lors de vos futures démarches, vous devrez utiliser votre numéro de demande de titre de séjour.    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ATTESTATION D’ENREGISTREMENT DE DEMANDE DE TITRE DE SEJOUR EN LIGNE : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Le présent document atteste que, conformément à la règlementation applicable, Mme / M. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a déposé une demande de titre de séjour dans le cadre de l’accord de retrait du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne. Mme / M. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx conserve l’ensemble de ses droits prévus par l’accord de retrait jusqu’à ce que sa demande de titre de séjour soit instruite par la préfecture. __________________ In normal times, I wouldn't be surprised if interviews were required to deliver new photos or to re-confirm (if the TdeS is several years old) that applicants are still clearly part of 'the system' - ie, tax returns, have health care cover, etc. Things can change over a number of years. Still, at this virus-ridden time, I think organising a succession of face-to-face meetings in offices would be a bit surprising, but... < shrug >
  12. [:)] We will get there eventually, Mint... but yeah, the general thinking around the French vaccination plan is a bit odd - to this Anglo-Saxon brain anyway. What I really can't understand is why France is so vaccine-averse. A country that is so wedded to its pills and potions... why? [8-)]
  13. I'm sure someone has already provided this vaccine tracker link (France has vaccinated about 7000 people so far - 5000 yesterday, on 5th January) but as a reminder, here you go: https://covidtracker.fr/vaccintracker/ It certainly isn't 'rapid'. Scroll down to see how other countries are getting on with their programmes.
  14. How did I miss this thread when it was started?! Using 6 oz of flour (of whatever sort) makes sense - I found 8 oz + the other ingredients was too dry (compared to how I remembered it) so I kneaded more mascarpone into it - another quarter of a tub. That meant I'd worked it a bit longer than it probably liked but it still worked extremely well and the mince pies vanished over the course of 2 evenings. I made some lemon curd yesterday so I may make another batch of pastry... [8-|]
  15. Taking the OP at face value... [Www] For a successful family move at this time, fluency in French is the top requirement. Confirmed jobs on CDI contracts come close second. Get yourselves confirmed employment. Yes, I know, Brexit and Coronavirus are obstacles but even without them, moving countries with a family is always going to be a challenge and far more expensive than you budgeted for. When you've got confirmed, permanent jobs to come to, that's your entry into the health system, it informs your location choice (avoid buying a renovation money pit) and from then on, Bob's your oncle. At the time of a global pandemic when we have no idea how the travel and tourism industry is going to regenerate, put any thoughts of running gîtes, b&bs, etc, out of your mind. Be honest with yourself about why you're moving. If getting out / getting away from the UK features anywhere in your thinking, find a nicer place in the UK to live - and work. Post-pandemic, there will be horrendous unemployment problems across Europe. If you have the right to live and work in Britain, is it wise to disadvantage yourselves by moving now? Wait until the effects of the double whammy of Brexit and Coronavirus are a little more clear and then reassess your plans from a position of knowledge.
  16. [quote user="NormanH"]I'd like to invite you both to explain exactly how you would envisage the logistics of vaccinating people in the thinly populated rural areas of France, given that the vaccine[/quote]That is a problem - whether the country is the US or the UK or France... but... ...in most countries, the locations with the worst (or, from the virus's pov, the best) transmission rates are the major cities. Start the vaccinations there (Paris, Lille, Marseille, Toulouse, Lyon) while the problem of distribution to the smaller towns and more remote areas is addressed and solved. If that causes a dismayed "what about us" reaction outside the main cities, that starts to solve the resistant to the idea of a vaccination problem. Perhaps, with more and more people accepting the vaccines and cautiously returning to a more 'normal' life, the antivaxers will see that there's little to be feared and plenty - for themselves, their families, their communes, their businesses, social culture - to be gained. The number of obstacles put in the way of administering the vaccine won't help France. I'd line up for the vaccine this morning - if the option were there - but I or someone I love may die while waiting for French beauracracy to convince those who're more scared of the vaccination than the virus to apply a little logic and common sense.   There were a further 26,000+ cases identified in France yesterday. Even allowing for under-reporting earlier in the week, the figure is climbing again.
  17. Yes - I read about this (AstraZeneca-Oxford) vaccine approval earlier. It doesn't seem to be the EMA dragging its feet... << Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad quoted the EMA deputy executive director Noel Wathion as saying: “They have not even filed an application with us yet. Not even enough to warrant a conditional marketing licence. “We need additional data about the quality of the vaccine. And, after that, the company has to formally apply.” >> https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/news/astrazeneca-oxford-vaccine-eu/ So it's not just the EMA being careful or wary - if a company doesn't apply for a product to be marketed in a country (or group of) - the country can't approve / licence / buy it for use. Disappointing for France (or not) as that may be. I'm surprised France is so slow off the starting blocks with regard to getting the vaccine programme started... and then again I'm not surprised because in my limited experience with France and organisation of major events over the past years, France is sluggish and unwilling to learn from others' experiences. The longer the masses remain unvaccinated, the more people will continue to contract it and it therefore follows that a percentage of those will suffer long term consequences or die. And then there's how a slow, badly managed roll-out will directly affect the resurrection of the economy... [:(]
  18. I'm never particularly visually Christmassy as dragging loads of greenery in from the garden and converting it into wreaths, garlands, etc, is time-consuming and only lasts for 3 or 4 days before looking dry and dusty. Then I make a mess dragging it all out again. And we're not religious so there are no birth of the saviour style considerations for us. But... ...this year, for the first time for several years, I have Idun's mince pie pastry recipe again and it's as good as I remembered. So it's a good Christmas already by my standards. [:D] Meilleurs voeux pour les fêtes, y'all. May your Christmas days be good (or at least adequate). With no seasonal power cuts.
  19. [quote user="NormanH"]The Brexit mantra  "Take Back Control"   ( of borders and free movement for example)  has caused howls of outrage now that  France did  it for 48 hours. Apparently it was only intended to work one-way ?[/quote] And it's all Macron's fault [:-))] ... The hard-of-thinking in the UK seem unable to rationalise that 40+ countries doing the same thing kind of suggests border closures are virus-related and not political or even Brexit-related. Though it may be political I suppose - an attempt by its own government to scare the English population into behaving sensibly while not realising that the language will be reported around the world. Fools. And the language used to describe this variant: mutant / mutating / 70% more infectious / out of control / running rampant / uncontrolled - language used by politicians in briefings and interviews and therefore by the press... maybe that has something to do with borders slamming shut. If France had identified the same problem (in fact, I'm sure the new variant is well established in mainland Europe already but, due to lack of genome sequencing is unrecorded) and if France had used the same language and the media had reacted in the same way, the UK would have closed its borders against France immediately. Cartoon in Ouest France yesterday : [url=https://postimages.org/][img]https://i.postimg.cc/yYJZLvBm/toujourslememesouche.jpg[/img][/url]
  20. [quote user="BritinBretagne"]Well I hope that wasn’t aimed at me as I do speak French, do watch the French news and do read French newspapers. [/quote]It was not. In fact, it wasn't aimed at anyone I've seen posting here in the last few months (since I started visiting again.) I have in mind people I know (tho' haven't seen much or any of since March) in this area who can argue for / against Starmer, Johnson, Corbyn, Gove... but don't know the name of the current French premier ministre... or any past PM, for that matter.
  21. Yay! [:D] (It's now a clear road to longer days, earlier mornings (if you see what I mean!) and... the January lockdown.) [:P]
  22. [quote user="cajal"]Perhaps someone will pass by and explain to me why emigrants from the UK continually have the knives out and are constantly b*tch*ng about the UK administration but fail miserably in their condemnation of the administrations of their countries of residence.[/quote]They don't speak French or watch French news, read French newspapers... And... They're not entirely certain that their decision to be immigrants was the right one so push all such unsettling thoughts away by denigrating the UK. That said, no European country seems to have done well with the management of this virus. All quick decisions come with consequences, often unwanted. But I do think that Boris and his gang - partly because they have Brexit to deal with too and partly because Boris is fundamentally a lazy libertarian with no core values or beliefs - are not the people you want leading by example right now.
  23. [quote user="woolybanana"]Judith, how do you know that wimmin have lost out over men during COVID?[/quote]It's a trend that has been widely reported in the UK (in part because of the make up of the job market there) but is an effect less seen in France - so far. For eg: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/future-of-work/covid-19-and-gender-equality-countering-the-regressive-effects Or shorter version with fewer charts... https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20201021-why-this-recession-disproportionately-affects-women
  24. I found the full thread 'Outcast Has Been Arrested' thread this morning - and read the first page and then skipped to the end to see how it all panned out. I'll find it again... e2a: here we are... sanity warning: there are 36 pages... [geek] http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance-forums/cs/forums/1/2578605/ShowPost.aspx#2578605 If you're not feeling well, maybe leave it for a day or two, Idun... or it may cause a relapse. e2a:2 which I now see is the same link Weegie posted earlier but when I tried that, it didn't work.
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