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Everything posted by menthe

  1. Lehaut, best wishes for your son's viva! Keep the biscuit for when he gets his results!
  2. Lehaut, what bits of information did you have to provide? NI number and what else?
  3. There are 2 personal annecdotes that I can recount on this subject of fraudulent use of cvs. Admittedly, the first annecdote concerned something that happened several years ago. A friend had left France to go back to the UK. After a year or so back there, she wanted to return to France to have her cataracts extracted. Nobody had asked her to return her cv when she left France. She wanted to use my address to give to the clinic that was going to do the op. Friend as she was, I refused to be part of such a fraudulent activity and so I said no. I believe she got someone else to agree to provide her with a base and the operations were done. The second annecdote happened just about a year ago. My French neighbour came to me for help to "verify" her cv. As she had no internet or computer, she came to me. As she is a good friend as well as a neighbour, I agreed to look at what was involved. The site looked authentic and it requested that she paid in €1 to confirm her details and they would authenticate and mis à jour her card. She had no bank details or card with her (in fact, I am not sure she even has a credit card). So, I just went through everything with her and paid with my card. After she went home contented and happy, I began to doubt the authenticity of the transaction I had done on line. After only a couple of minutes' googling, I realised it was indeed a scam so I got on to my bank immediately and cancelled my card. When I told the neighbour what had happened, do you think she was concerned about my bank details having been compromised? Not a bit of it, she went on about her details and how someone might steal her identity. In vain did I try to convince her that the only person who stood to lose anything was me!
  4. Hi Wools, yes, have looked till I am cross-eyed. Didnt make a mistake, put 9 and listed 9. After the 9th, I pressed suivant and blow me if it didn't come up with 10. I have even thought of making up a pretend 10th account but then I thought it would only come up with give us the details of account 11. Have written another message to them and then, if they don't give me an anwer by Wednesday, I would be too late. Seemed to have the same problem a couple of years ago (but not last year) and someone rang me and asked me to do a paper declaration and not to worry about being late. If, by tomorrow afternoon, and still no reply, I shall be extremely triggered (as the new vocabulary will have it)!
  5. Still unable to progress after filling in 3916. Got the summary of all our accounts (9) then it says do you have OTHER accounts you know of that you wish to declare. If you have declared all accounts, press "suivant". But that takes me back to account No 1 so I patiently reclick suivant, suivant, suivant until the end but no exit page. Nothing to move on from Etape 3 to Etape 4. fittersmate, read your document carefully and went through page by page and indeed all was correct including 3916. But, after everything, still cannot exit that particular screen. Now thoroughly fed up and at my wits end. Further suggestions, anyone, PLEASE?
  6. Thank you, fittersmate. VERY helpful and I have replied😘
  7. betise, how on earth did you link the two? Mind boggling indeed! You should change your name to "betise hunter"😜
  8. Thank you, DL. Yes, that's the one. I put 9 and I gave details for 9. Will have another check tomorrow. Can't bear to look at it again this evening. Thanks again.
  9. Please help me, somebody, anybody? Although I sent a message, it' unlikely to get read now and certainly there will be no reply until after the cut off date.
  10. I only know the polite version: if you fail to plan you plan to fail. Yes, I know, tame; but it's the crowd I moved in..sigh.
  11. I have now filled in all the required annexes, so Stage 3, I think. But, try as I might, no joy with trying to get on the final bit. "Suivante" after suivant after suivant and then.....end of the road. A real Kafkaesque nightmare. Therefore cannot close the page other than disconnecting myself. Is it possible to move on at all, when you have no further foreign accounts OF ANY DESCRIPTION to add?
  12. "I rarely do anything without planning it in detail, even on a daily basis" In this, we think alike. I plan everything as much as possible. I plan, whilst I am still in bed, what I will have for breakfast. I plan lunch for the next day the night before. That's not as daft or obsessive as it may sound. There might be stuff I need to get out of the freezer to give it time to thaw out. I suppose, with a husband who doesn't eat meat, I plan meals a bit more than I might have done. Some veggie dishes such as pulses might need soaking overnight or others might need several hours of marinading. Then there are routes to plan if I have to drive anywhere on my own. Without being completely sure of my route, I can bet my last dollar I'd get lost. And no, I do not have satnav, through choice. I still prefer to look at an up-to-date map. Is there some sort of syndrome that describes inability to leave things to chance?😚
  13. The only trip I have ever done when I didn't plan, couldn't plan was when I walked the Compostelle. I had no idea how far I could walk on any one day and the municipal and voluntary refuges did not take bookings. It was first come first served. Only privately run hotels and guest houses were bookable in advance. I felt that it would have been against the spirit of the Compostelle to book a room in advance and that, to try and get "authentic", I'd better just leave things to chance. Throughout the 5 weeks or so I was on the route, I found a bed every night except one and, to my chagrin, had to get in a taxi with 3 chance companions and asked to be taken to the next village along the route. It was NOT a pleasant experience not knowing where to lay my head for the night but I determined to test my own resolve and ditch that famous "comfort zone" except I didn't find much comfort anywhere.
  14. We often find birds apparently moribund outside our house. Unfortunately, we have a fully glassed veranda (not put in by us) where birds kill themselves flying into the glass. We tried hanging up Cliff Richard CDs, as advised by Wooly years ago, but they continue to commit hari kiri. Then I put up lace curtains with big holes, to preserve the views and hopefully to preserve bird life. Alas the suicides continued. Now I have alternating grey and beige close weave curtains and the deaths are greatly reduced. But, what I was leading up to, is that we find that the birds are stunned and completely exhausted and that, if you put something light and warm round them, they often take off a little time later. So it's always safer to assume that even a dead-looking bird might not be dead at all. OH normally puts a piece of light cloth covering the body and keeps cats away. That does the trick 9 times out of 10.
  15. Oh dear, after all of the above, I forgot to ask about the declaration for the gardener paid by chèque emploie. I have noted the amount I paid him for last year but I couldn't find where to put his details. There is a form for paper declarations and I seem to remember that last year I had to give his name, social security number and his address. But I cannot find the annexe, or whatever it is, where you can provide this info. Or maybe, are they just going to take my word for it, that I have paid this small fortune to this unsatisfactory gardener? Will be no need for me to use this chap again. This year I have found an agency which deals direct with USSAF and I shall only be paying my share of all the factures, the rest being claimed directly from les impots...hooray!
  16. Wow, Martin Kingfisher, I am in awe!😄 I have noted down, complete with bullet points, your answer and, as soon as I have finished and checked everything, I will follow the steps. Mille mercis😚 Lehaut, I am totally UNSURPRISED by your post. I tried to pay our "rubbish" bill on line yesterday. Went to the 2 or 3 sites suggested on the bill. Went to the PayFip site. First line, what is the "l'identifiant structure publique" so tried every series of numbers I could see on the bill and none was accepted. So emailed the Rubbish People (rubbish in every sense of the word", marking my mail haute priorité but, of course, no response as yet. Well, if they want me to pay the bill on time, marked 9 May but only received yesterday, they'd better send me the reply. Tried to ring of course but after many minutes of the phone repeating what their website is called and what the email address is, I refused to waste any more time hanging on and went out for a walk instead.
  17. Is it possible, when it is all finished, to print a copy of your declaration? Just been through filling in all the bank account details (horribly boing thing to do) and then I eventually found out how to exit that page. Would be helpful to have all those blasted details in all their relevant boxes for next year, won't it?
  18. I leave as little to chance as I can help. I'm one of those people who absolutely hates surprises.
  19. Nah, he's made of sterner stuff than you think😜
  20. Hi Wools No joy from les impots Here is their reply to the question of writing out (once again!) all the bank accounts....SWEAR Bonjour, Vous devez remplir l'imprimé chaque année, il est lié à la déclaration des revenus annuelle.
  21. Well it's not exactly like the grave here but I still tend to treat Sunday as, well, Sunday! You know, nice lunch, maybe even an apéro, though not so much these days. Then read, potter about the garden, maybe take a walk. Not today though, rainy and damp and "pas chaud" as my neighbours have noted. So thought I'd finish off the declaration. I thought I saw a quick glimpse of the info from last year. I have now sent them a message to say, could I re-use the info and where would I find it? Also, got to the mes biens immobiliers and they have got the number of my house wrong! It's correct on the first, pre-filled page of the declaration so I am not sure why they have allocated me another house to live in. Decided to give it up as a bad job for the day, so did some exercises for my hypertension and some sudoku and watched the concert on Arte
  22. Isn't it on 2047, Wools? Glad you've brought this up because I have now arrived at the page for declaring foreign held bank accounts. Point is, it took me hours filling all the boxes in last year and I was rather hoping that that form would be prefilled. But, apparently not, I am presented with a blank form all over again. So now, what?
  23. Wooly, a belated thank you. As it happens I don't seem to need a new name. Gardian has already implied I am a sinister adopter of various identities😇. You can imagine therefore my relief at finding that I am suddenly allowed to use my own existing name and password. I did feel like I was indulging in some dastardly cloak-and-dagger activity.
  24. Thank you very much Gardian and Martin. Martin, I hesitate to address you by your full name because I have to think twice to establish whether you are a sinner or merely a fisherman!
  25. Here's my tuppence's worth. I suggest that "normal" is like "average", nobody is actually normal or average. Average is really tricky as we are all on a spectrum. The average numbers of fingers of say everybody in France is not 10, more likely 9 and a bit. Many more people would have lost fingers than people born with extra digits. I stand being abnormal and far from average.
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