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Everything posted by menthe

  1. Hey, particulier, I MIGHT have done all that is necessary! Sent 2 emails relating to my car insurance and to my guarantie accident. Had a "bot" asked me questions to which I provided answers. Then the message asked for a phone number on which they could reach me "en cas écheance".....feeling my luck might just be in today!
  2. Yeah, you bet! But I can send the lettre recommandée via my trusty computer.....hah!
  3. Thank you, particulier, just the info I need. As I have just about a month before the end of my contract, I shall send a letter via my secure messagerie tomorrow. As I do everything online, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle (famous last words, ha! ha!)
  4. It's years since I last changed car insurer and so I would be grateful if someone can kindly take me through the process. Ok, found new quote, filled in necessary info, and agreed in principle to the new insurer. These are some of the questions that now come to mind. Is it one month for notifying the previous insurer? And is it the releve personelle that I need to ask for? Can I telephone or send an email to resilier the old contrat or will I need to make the request by registered post. How the world has moved on and how differently many things are done and her I am, in my quiet way of life, quite often at sea about how to go about doing things which would have been a cinch in the past😕
  5. Yes, I find your video very interesting and the explanations very well put and illustrated. I think we can forget all the Christmas lights and eat a cold smorgasbord type lunch for the "holidays"? Sorry, maybe that's not the best tip you have had all year?🤐
  6. menthe

    Tree Dahlia

    I do hope you have managed to save your tree; Lehaut. We have a large murrier in our front garden and we did have to water it this summer as it looked so sad and its leaves were yellowing. And now, it's full of thick green leaves. When they do eventually fall, it wil be a big job to clear the leaves, dozens of barrels' worth.
  7. menthe

    Tree Dahlia

    I agree, absolutely gorgeous! And the house looks OK too! It's at times like these that I envy the moneyed....want a Judas tree, well just send off for a mature one and have a great, big camion bring you one from wherever😄 OTOH, maybe not as I don't think "plant a tree" means going through the process I have described.
  8. menthe

    Tree Dahlia

    Thank you, Lehaut. You do take some stunning photos. But, I can't make out the height of the dahlia; so roughly what height would you say it was? BTW, it made my morning as they are amongst my favourite flowers, if only because there are so many varieties. Had to show it to OH because our dahlias haven't even put in an appearance this year. In our previous house, we did have some very beauriful dahlias which were grown by the previous owners. Maybe we do not have suitable soil here or maybe the bulbs were not of the best quality (bought on line from leboncoin).
  9. Now you have me really worried. I hope none of the regulars with an envious eye on your table have plans to use whatever dastardly means available to get that table for themselves. Do watch your back, won't you?
  10. What I want to know is, does that plaque on the wall say "Norman lives here" or is it like the blue plaques in the UK and Norman is just making sure that people will khow where he used to live before he quits his barrel for the last time? Don't worry, Norman, I wish that you won't be leaving that barrel for decades yet🙂
  11. Well done, Lehaut! I have decided that I will not buy from Leclerc online ever again. Used to Amazon, I felt confident in buying an iron centrale vapeur on offer online with Leclerc, without so much as thinking that the customer service would be inferior to Amazon's. Had no end of problems with the sending. The offer included delivery to your nearest Leclerc, so I put down for delivery address the Leclerc 6 km from my home. But the iron was delivered to a branch 40 km away. I was damned if I was going to do a special trip to collect an iron. After many protests, the iron did get delivered to my local branch, the one I had chosen for delivery. But, when I wanted to return the iron, I was told I couldn't simply take it to the shop. I was to send it, at my own expense, back to Leclerc online. You'd appreciate that an iron is a heavy object and I was nervous about the cost of postage. Also I had just left hospital unable to use my arms and had arranged an aide domicile. I bought the iron specifically to make the task of ironing easier and so I conceded that the easiest option was just to keep it. All in all, not a happy experience for me.
  12. I think that if you left an interval and you did have an adverse reaction, you would know which jab was responsible? Also perhaps for older people (with clapped out bodies, NOT mine😄), it would allow the their bodies to deal with the production of antibodies efficiently before introducing another stimulus to produce another type of antibodies. I don't know but that is my conjecture. It's prudent, I suppose, not to overstress the body's immune system. After all, many of the body's functions do not work as well when we get older. Whether advice is the same for younger people, I simply do not know. I made sure the pharmacien knew that I was asking for my older husband.
  13. Norman, I think NickP was talking about the flu jab rather than the anti-covid. Certainly I was ONLY talking about the flu one. Anyway, to your query about waiting an interval of time between the flu and anti covid jabs. Here is my contribution, or at least that of the pharmacien. He said to wait 3 weeks after the flu jab or after a covid injection. I was asking for OH. As for myself, my inclination is still to wait a bit. Our cases of new infection are very few in the Dordogne and no deaths from covid for the past 7 days.
  14. Sorry, my answer perhaps does not touch on the taxe H being no longer applicable for most people these days. But I was inferring from you initial post that yours was a holiday home. I don't know about holiday homes but perhaps an owner of a résidence secondaire will appear to talk to you about that side of things.
  15. The bills relate to the current year. Therefore if you sold this year, the bills run from 1st January to 31 December. You pay for the year 2022 for if you lived there for the whole or for part of the year. The taxe H is paid by the owner of the property and the taxe F is paid by the occupant. Therefore you pay for all of the taxe H and a pro rata (usually) part of the taxe F.
  16. Reply to your last question, Norman. I have had "my" nurse for a number of years now. She did all the necessary home stuff for me through my years of treatment for cancer. Always put herself out and always ready to help in a practical way (such as getting an earlier appointment with the specialist when necessary) and that is even during the periods when I didn't need any nursing interventions. She likes coming to us and be kept au courant with my various treatments and outcomes. So, it's both convenient to have her do the jabs and I also think that the (small) amounts she gets paid are of help to her.
  17. Thank you for all the interesting replies. Indeed, the Amelie site explains it all. All the same, I think I'll wait a bit. Back in May, I tested positive (thus having to have my op postponed) and I did not have any symptoms......I mean, none, nada, not a sniffle, not tired not anything. In fact, felt better than ever. Because I tested positive, OH had to have a test and his was negative. We have both also been in contact with friends who had covid, with varying degrees of illness. But neither of us have had any signs or symptoms. I therefore concluded that our jabs/immune symstems must still be effective. It's about 6 months now since our last jabs but, at the moment, I am inclined to wait a bit. We have also left the flu jab till next week. Have spoken to different medical sources and they tell me that flu is "décalé" so later to arrive than usual. Mid to late November is said to be the best time so that we'd be protected until around March. But I do now understand about the 5th dose so thank you again?
  18. Oops, sorry, the last line should read mask NOT obligatory.
  19. Thank you for posting about this. Collecting flu jab from pharmacie next week and having nurse to give it to us. Been thinking about the covid one and was wondering whether we will get a reminder from CPAM? Does anyone know about reminders? In any case, was going to have a word with my pet pharmacien as he will be the one giving it to us. Also wondering whether we should wait a bit to see whether cases are increasing and also to have a longer period of protection. Like you, we have both had 4 doses and also 1 (maybe 2) bouts of covid. Asking all this because at the kinés', the official policy is no mask "obligatoire".
  20. Bought a bag of individually wrapped chocolates but no visits this year. Mind you, it was raining heavily and the wind blowing lustily. Fortunately, I had the foresight to buy chocolates that I liked eating. So now have a nice big bag of TREATS to look forward to after a nice big mug of tea after lunch each day for the forseeable future!😄
  21. Ah, thank you for an excellent explanation, DL. I suppose iceberg is a good choice as it's arguably the most tasteless of lettuces?
  22. DL, forgive me, I do not understand. Who is tofu....I quite like it in a stir-fry, nicely spiced. As for lettuce, I eat lettuce practically everyday summer and winter. Please explain or I shall be wondering every time I eat tofu or lettuce!
  23. Er.....nul point? As the late Katie Boyd might say! Well you did know her better than most of us, DB🙂
  24. Lehaut, I wonder if this is news? Yes, a shocking thing to say when someone has died. But really doesn't this happen EVERY hunting season? OH who is old enough to have been conscripted in the UK always expresses horror at the careless and amateurish handling of their guns by hunters.
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