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Everything posted by menthe

  1. What a limited range of topics we have these days so French History is the nearest fit. I see that Macron has still not appointed his new PM. Is there always a new PM if the president is re-elected? Is poor Castex to be cast aside? Must admit I didn't like Castex when he was first elected. I compared him poorly with his predecessor and didn't like his accent or the way he always seemed to shout when he talked. Then I warmed to him as I thought he was quietly efficient and he could hold his own just fine in parliament. Does anyone have any historical knowledge of this process? What happens when it's time to elect the legislature and still no PM?
  2. I agree with anotherbanana on this one. Thanks from me too, le martin-pêcheur. I have made a note of your rate and will be using that.
  3. Fingers crossed....for you, for us both?
  4. Oops sorry Judith, was replying to Kong when you posted. I also don't transfer money monthly, not even yearly. Tend to transfer a lump sum at intervals of maybe a couple of years. But, like Kong, I used to do that actual day thing.....such a bother and a pother, me with my near zero numeracy..yuck!
  5. I used to do that too, Kong. Looked up all the historic rates and it became a real pain. One reason for it being so tedious is because my husband receives money from 3 different sources on 3 different days in a month and I get my state pension and local authority pension on 2 different days which are also different from HIS 3 days! Last year was the first year that I used one single rate as proposed on here and this year I intend to do the same. I have quite a major op coming up in May and a walking holiday around the middle of June if I am up to it. Would just like to get the declarations out of the way so that I am not distracted from what I need to do to ensure a good recovery. BTW, I am glad you are on here, Kong. You will remember about those bonds (the bribery ones from the Tories at the time of the 2017 election) because we both bought some? To cut a long story short, I have left my money there through, I don't know, idlenness....But you might now like to look up the NS&I's Green Bonds.
  6. Bonjour to everyone on here. May I be the first person this year to ask what exchange rate we are using for our tax declarations this year? Has anyone had an answer from an "official bod"? I no longer have a local tax office and the allocated one is now half a département away and phone calls do not tend to be "bien simple"?
  7. Cajal, thanks. Yes, I think that is what you need to do too. However, just to test the system, I put in a link to a French newspaper article that I had saved and tried to "paste" it into the message box. Guess what, no joy.....urg...
  8. Id, so we are both back here! Plus ça change plus c'est la même chose? Weary....YES, exactly how I feel too....
  9. Thank you for your warm words, Loiseau. Judith, I am going to try to make contact. Does anyone have Judith's email or can someone please forward a message via here?
  10. Judith, I have tried to PM but I am asked "to attach or choose files" before being able to send a message so you won't be surprised to hear that I didn't have a clue what all that was. Could you therefore email me, if possible
  11. How lovely to find "old " friends. So, in no particular order: Wools, thank you for being dear old Wooly. I didn't email you because I knew you'd see I am back. Judith, one of my main reasons for coming back is precisely to hear your news. So I will PM you after I have finished this. I didn't like being unable to be in contact. Lori, I am super happy you have found your own niche in France again. Must be so nice after Paris and Sceaux. Gardian, yippy, we can talk 6 nations rugby again! Don't miss the France Wales game next Friday. It's a bit late, past my bedtime. So I'll have to get all my going to bed routine done and watch in my pyjamas. You wouldn't believe all the things I have to do before going to bed, not the usual wash and teeth-cleaning etc. I have found new ways to combat my insomnia but it all takes over half an hour...yikes!
  12. Yes, betise. Now why would they do that? As though I have committed an indiscretion or something? Chance would be a fine thing... BTW, I'm still waiting for all the covid restrictions to be lifted and some fine weather to visit the gardens in Marqueyssac. You remember we talked about this marvellous place?
  13. First of all, to Wooly, as you see, I am now here. Hadn't realised that I had to wait until told I could sign on.....whatever next? Must say I had to think about what sort of sirens Norman was referring to. I see he is talking about the ones that make a noise. Glad his post wasn't about ME.....my siren days are well and truly over. All very well for the likes of Helen and her thousand ships. I don't think MY face would launch a secondhand mirror dinghy. NB, this is not a serious post, just testing if Archant would let me come back.
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