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Everything posted by Ken

  1. So, you believe the press? What's more you can recognise gypsies!!!! If I had to rely on you in a courtt of law, well I wouldn't bother!!
  2. 'It is not reported in French news, but there are burt out cars and buses littering the streets of Tours. A commercial centre was burt down also. Montargis (rural ville in 45) was badly hit.' So you are privy to what is going on? Yes it will cost a lot. As for every major city, well perhaps your geography need adjusting! And no, it doesn't affect me. You have an agenda, what is it?
  3. Of course. Over 2000 cars burnt, nearly a thousand properties damaged several Maries and Police stations destroyed, Bus stations burned and destroyed, the list is endless. yes, I have seen the news. I was waiting for your post. You seem to have a supporter in Betise too! There are many things wrong with policing in France and I have been critical in the past. What is happening now isn't happening all over France. You and the Media zoom in on the riots and then generalise giving support to the nonsense that France is a lawless country That simply isn't the reality. When did you last see rioting here in the Pays Basque or the Dordogne, perhaps Brittany or Normandy, how about the Centre? Stop generalising. Certainly the riots look spectacular, in any city or urban environment they would, why else are the cameras there and not focusing on the fetes here in the Pays Basque? You feed on these riots as does the media because it suits yours, and theirs, agenda and then claim to know France. It maybe that a State of emergency is declared, I don't know. I do know that policing in France has to change. Simply having battalions of Police at one end of the street whilst rioters stand at the other end isn't policing. Neither is it policing when they drive around six or eight in a van.
  4. Then it is your constant condemning of France that gives the impression you lived in less salubrious surroundings!!
  5. In which case I stand corrected. You got out of the cesspit and now live in a nice part of France. You see it is there isn't it, it's not all bad?
  6. And you miss the point entirely my friend. You appear to have been immersed in a cess pit for too long you don't appreciate that there is another world out there!! The real France? Sure there are ghettos, drug areas and cess pits dotted around the country mostly in cities or large towns, as there are in all countries. I originate from a place of gang crime and drug dealing, I grew up with it. I could have chosen, as you seem to have done , to remain in that environment. I choose not to. You have that choice too! I have no doubt there are dealers around here, wherever you find the dimwits looking for a fix you will find the people to supply it. Bayonne is only 20K from me and I'm sure there are problems there. In my village, I'm told, there are people using drugs but the point is I'm not affected, I have never seen any evidence of drug use or even crime. I don't take drugs or get involved with gangs and none of what I have suggested about this region and possible drug use is apparent, so life is good. It's now the season of the fétes and the 'jeune' have already been around for some dosh to help with the running of the féte and not a hypodermic in sight!!! You should try moving!!!
  7. Now that's much better. I can appreciate an opinion, we all have them and rightly so. It's the ' fact' accusations that provoke argument and you were a little 'free' with making them!
  8. Indeed, the world would be wouldn't it? I live in the real world though and men having vaginas and women having penises transplanted on to them I fail to see how this aberration in human behaviour can make it a 'better world'! You agree with it, I don't have an argument with your views. You though, show a definite lake of tolerance for mine!!!
  9. Thank you for letting me know what I mean!!! I can't understand why a man would want a vagina and and a woman a penis. You have sympathy for them, that would appear to be obvious. Such behaviour isn't normal and never has been. You find it acceptable and join in the chorus of "It's an illness" Me, I'm much more down to earth; they are weirdos; unfortunately they are not being shunned or castigated by society, it would seem the reverse in fact! People like you support them!
  10. Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life. I think perhaps Guardian has it!
  11. Come out of the woodwork to make a comment on the back of someone else, again!
  12. I have lived a life, not without its ups and downs but wonder just what we have now arrived at. In my upbringing there were men and there were women; i. e. she had vaginas and men had, well dangly bits! Now there are women who want to be men, and of course men who want to be women. In between there is anything that you want to be!! In addition we now have children who want to be identified as cats or dogs and there seems to be support for these weirdos! , I gather my pension and think that if, or when, the world ends, I don't give a fu--ck!. I will live my life without these weirdos!
  13. Dream world, Wallace will never get the job. I agree that Prighozin may fall out of a window but N.A.T.O. can't ignore that idiot in the. White house because N.A.T.O. is the U.S.A. Ukraine will not be allowed to join N.AT.O. because of the fear of Nuclear war! I support Ukraine, but does the E.U.?
  14. I would be very surprised if Putin is ever put on trial. Exile, maybe, but trial; no. Now the Wagner threat is, apparently, over what next for Russia? The whole episode must be seen as a weakening of Putins authority but is it enough to see him overthrown? Time will tell! I have alway thought that the only way this war will end is if, and when, Putin is disposed. I still believe that and thought this was the beginning of the end of his reign, but no; not yet. The war will rumble on but Putin is weaker; of that there can be little doubt. Putin will be very concerned for his future I think!!
  15. No, he is rich in his own world . Megalomania may be playing a part but wealth, no. Is this the end of Putin? I doubt it as long as the hangers-on think he can win. My view, Putin is finished. Probably end up a 'guest' of China;
  16. There is also swimming in the Pays Basque, horse riding; camping, guided tours of abandoned villages; any number of things to do here but the point is Menthe said Mountain walking not 'Nordic walking'! Half a mind!! That just about sums it up!!
  17. "I love the Pays Basque and have had umpteen wonderful walking holidays there over many years." When someone says that, which is a direct quote, I think it reasonable that the impression given is of an experienced mountain walker!The pays Basque isn't known for its 'Nordic walking' because it happens to be a mountainous region!! Even saying that you LOVE walking in mountainous regions implies mountain walking so please, less of the injured party!!!
  18. In reply to your question, yes ; of course. You see, with friends you can talk freely without causing offence. Here, people take offence at the slightest criticism resulting in accusations, such as yours, which foster further argument.
  19. There is walking, and then again there is 'walking', Santiago!!! A stroll in the park for anyone capable of putting one foot in front of the other. Distance doesn't equate to experience in mountain craft, conditions or anything else. I thought I was conversing with someone who walks in the mountains, with all that entails, that was the impression given. Obviously that is not the case. I would agree that making a decision to not walk in the mountains because of adverse weather is a good decision but that is light years away from being an experienced mountain walker who can accommodate bad weather in bad conditions. I don't pour scorn on anyone wise enough to not be in the mountains in bad weather I do, however, hope that people wouldn't assume that because they walk around the foothills in good weather they assume they are experienced mountain walkers, or try to give that impression!!
  20. And I thought you were a real walker!!! Picnic, a guide, pâté, restaurant at the Banca!! Sounds more like a stroll around Hyde Park!!! Now if you would like to hear about some very serious walking I could regale you with real walking stories, then again you probably wouldn't believe me. Incidentally I don't mind tourists, I don't recall saying I did! It makes a nice change when they start arriving and of course it's even better when the season ends!!!! I know the locals welcome the tourist season, at least the money!!! I know though that they are not particularly keen on the tourists themselves. Keep up the walking and don't eat too much of that pâté! remember the 'Pot Belly' syndrome!!!.
  21. So vociferous! I presume the 'pot belly' jibe struck home!!
  22. You think my view of 'pot bellied' is 'warped'? It is usually the 'pot bellied' ones who react!!
  23. Really! Where do they live?
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