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Everything posted by Ken

  1. I have to correct the St Jean de Luz date it's the 15th August not the 5th!!
  2. You obviously see some connection between moaning about where you live and the increase in electricity prices. The two, because of the subject matter, are unrelated. To answer your question: Quite obviously I would prefer to pay nothing for electricity or any services come to that but this is the real world. Shareholders have to make a profit, and why not? It is a business like any other. Shareholders stand to lose as well as gain. Perhaps you should join the 'profiteers' instead of whinging! That issue aside the profligate waste of electricity is incredible. Most families could reduce their bills by being more aware of how much is wasted. Electricity being a case in point. I bet, after you have stopped moaning about the increase in price of electricity you simply walked away from your computer leaving it connected, probably leave the room with the light on whilst you make yourself a cup of tea using an electric kettle that is half full of water when it only needed a cup of water to heat up! I could go on but I think you get my point! I have to accept that it's people with those sort of habits that force my bills up!!! Everything has to be paid for, use less. We are so spoilt here in this part of the world that an electricity increase is seen as some sort of catastrophe! It isn't, half the world would love electricity at any price!!!
  3. Makes sense! Moving to somewhere that has 'raging hoards'!! Then moaning about it!!
  4. Yes, It's a fact that some are moaning. It may not be fun but that doesn't make it any the less a 'moan'!
  5. It seems rather odd that having chosen somewhere to live, and stay, some people then moan about it. Here in the Pays Basque summer months are. a joy. The village fetes, and every village has one, are absolutely fantastic. Every aspect is taken into consideration, Force Basque, dancing, cultural events ,evening meals, and not forgetting copious amounts of drink and entertainment from traditional bands as well as modern, all organised by the youth of the villages. If you want crowds then the beaches and big towns are for you, Biarritz, St Jean de Luz and Bayonne are fantastic places to visit but if you want peace and beauty then the countryside and mountains are the place, have both!!!! The weather plays its part too. Usually warm and dry but with enough rain to keep the countryside looking wonderful with the various shades of green. Plenty of tourists, if you want them, but they usually, en mass, stay near the coast. Plenty come into the villages and some even venture onto the mountains!!!! All well behaved and the only drawback is the increased vehicle traffic but that is simply relative. I doubt anyone in the Pays Basque moans about summer!
  6. Certainly not! I don't need references. In any event I don't have a database, at least not on this subject!!!
  7. Why people are weird and perverse does interest many people. Just why would a woman try to become a man and vice versa? What is just as interesting is why some think it 'normal' or acceptable; just as, apparently, you do. Is it because of some subliminal longing perhaps?
  8. I doubt in the 'Parallel Universe!!!
  9. With or without the associated body parts? You seem to know!
  10. Could be I suppose. Anything is possible with weirdos today. Perhaps Dave was once a Davina!!!!
  11. Could be a Stephen who now says he's a Stephanie; dangly bits or not!! On the other hand perhaps he; or she claims to be both!!!!!!
  12. I doubt anyone can explain why a man would want to be a woman or the other way around unless it was to say that they have mental problems. It really is astonishing that these weirdos are considered to be normal by some. It does make me wonder at these peoples mental process!!!
  13. I started this 'topic' with a rant about weirdos, you know: men who want to be women and vice versa. It degenerated , as posts, always do, into other topics; this one into immigrants and a few personal digs! Just to bring it back to topic; we now have a weirdo, oops! sorry a man who is the most beautiful woman in the Netherlands!! If you have seen a photo of this hybrid you will see, unless of course like some here who appear to approve of weirdos, He/she or it isn't the best looking of anything, perhaps a horse!!! Fortunately I can still look at a woman and appreciate her beauty for what it is. Fortunately I can also look at these pathetic creatures wanting to be another sex or even an animal and feel nothing but revulsion. That some try to 'normalise' and except this perversion I find quite amazing! There, I feel much better now!
  14. I think you have your dates and competitions a little mixed!! The Alcatraz swim is on the 26th August. (USA) The dates you posted refer to the cross bay swim in St Jean de Luz. (France) I am doing that swim too, it's a decent pre-Alcatraz training swim, around 2k. The St Jean swim, as you noted is carried out twice. I'm doing it on the 5th August.
  15. Two or three posts, that many? One or two here will be hoping the odd shark comes my way!!!!
  16. It's not that far actually, around three kilometres, unless of course you are swept out of the bay and then it's several thousand to Japan!! The water is cold but not not too bad, some do it without a wet suit. me, I'm a wimp and wear one along with most. Several hundred make the attempt from three boats that takes us to the Island for the start. Jumping 30 feet down into the bay from the boat then swimming to the start is always a bit problematical, goggles get washed off, bumping into others etc. but then it's off!! Super dooper swimmers do it in around 30 mins, I take around 50 mins although there are always plenty behind me. Many in fact don't make it and have to be picked up. As far as I'm aware no one has ever drowned!!! The big factor is the tide, get it right and it helps tremendously, get it wrong, as I did a couple of years ago, and I only just made after some very hard swimming. This year I will get it absolutely spot on!!! I want that prize!!!
  17. In a few weeks I'm off to swim the Alcatraz to San Francisco swim. Have done it several times with varying results, primarily because of the strong tides. Get it wrong and you end up in Japan!!! This year I hope to win it! Well at least my age group and only then because I could be the only one in it. I've read all sorts of stuff about how San Francisco has deteriorated due to crime and drugs over the last year though I'm not particularly concerned. These 'problems' are usually in one area and in any event, after the swim, I'm off down the coast road to Disneyland where the only people who are 'high' are big kids like me!!!
  18. Ken


    There is no difference between Titanic and any other grave site. It's in the minds of those who think there is a difference. How about the mummified bodies of Egyptian Kings, should they be on show? It's the soft world we live in. If people want to respect certain grave sites then let them. To think though, one is more important than another is ridiculous.
  19. With women or men!!!!!!!!
  20. I'm afraid your sexual inclinations don't do too much for me!!! Try women!!!
  21. No, you just say what you think it is, well actually I doubt there is much thought at all as it is always very juvenile.
  22. If you are going to try and tell me what I have written or make some attempt at a quote at least get it as accurate as you can! Your populist nonsense may go down well with one or two of the less bright here but doesn't reflect on what I have written. Trying to score points is a childish game though it pleases you it would seem. I have given no analysis regarding solving rioting in France other than saying it is a Police and social problem, would you argue with that? neither did I say "I will now pay" I said it "affects us all' Read again what I have written and this time absorb it. As for the rioting in 'leafy suburbs' across France (and presumably you stick to the 'North, South, East and West comment you made?) It seems to have escaped the medias attention that the vast majority of ' quiet leafy towns' have had no problems whatsoever, nary a pane of glass broken even! Perhaps, as you seem to be better informed, you could let them know so it can be covered in the news?
  23. The knock on effect regarding insurance will affect all of us. Insurance companies don't exist to make a loss! Premiums across the board are likely to rise particularly car insurance. If reports are in anyway near accurate over 7000 cars were destroyed. Some, as per your example, may not be able to claim but I would think most will. As to why these people destroy their own neighbourhoods: I would hazard a guess and say that the rioters, in the main, do not have access or the money to use the services they destroy. Looting is a much better option!! As rioters are probably drawn from various districts destroying local infrastructure won't trouble them. Policing and community work has to change in France or this will continue on the huge scale it does. I know of no other country where rioting is almost a national sport! Every country has its occasional civil upset resulting perhaps in some broken windows and the Police having to move in but nothing like the scale that is a regular occurrence here. I really do believe it is the Policing that is largely to blame. It's not the 'ordinary' policeman but rather the methods and system that is at fault and that is the responsibility of senior officers and politicians. Pictures of Policemen whacking people with sticks isn't what Policing is about at all and will only further alienate the Police from the Public. Perhaps a strange paradox is that over a million euros has been raised for the Policeman who shot the youth and less than 200.000 for the family!!! Police reform and community projects are not just necessary but essential .
  24. Precisely, but for some they prefer the speculative nonsense in the media and social networks because it agrees with their agenda. I can understand people who hate discipline and law and order feeding on the rubbish but I fail to understand people who should be intelligent enough to know better!!! Perhaps 'should be intelligent enough' is the key phrase!!
  25. Anyone simply believing press reports need certifying! They're a one or two here!!! Because people and the press come down on one side or the other then that is, for them, the truth because it agrees with their beliefs. The reality is a yob was shot by a Policeman, we don't know the circumstances but decide we know what is 'real'! We don't! What we do know is that Policing in France is very poor, hence the riots!
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