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Everything posted by betise

  1. I was watching the news tonight about the flooding, and thought of you in your barrel Norman. Glad to hear that you're OK.
  2. Landes, if you have something to tell us, better to give a few words than a link, which most of us will almost certainly not read/view.
  3. No, that is not what I mean. And I expect that you already knew that.
  4. If you want to hear about people knocking France, you probably have to read French (language) forums.
  5. If Jimbo123 is trying to challenge your online behaviour, he should perhaps first erase his own. Eugh!!!!
  6. With you on that, they will take foreigners as voluntary pompiers, but to become a professional you must be French. But both are equally able to rescue you or your family ALBF.
  7. Indeed, full time professional pompiers in France are fonctionaires, and to be a fonctionaire you have to have French nationality.
  8. Depends which half of me you are asking ?
  9. Ken, your comments are both patronising and insulting. Before judging others, take a look at yourself. I am French, yet I can criticize France if I wish, I am British, yet can also criticize the UK, I am not blind to the faults of either country.
  10. Well that's an unusual view on naturalisation Ken. Nowadays Ukraine is Ukraine, "the Ukraine" is not much liked by Ukrainians (google it). DaveLister, who did you used to be here?
  11. Dave Lister, oh yes, I used to love Red Dwarf. Shipwrecked and comatose.
  12. Ken, unless he has renounced his British nationality then he most certainly is. Dual nationality, ever heard of it? I do applaud your tenacity, but if you are going to continue this thread much longer, you should perhaps refer to Ukraine by its preferred moniker, and drop the article that predates its independence from the Soviet Union.
  13. Mint, I just tried a test message to you, and it seems to have worked. What you need to do is hover (don't click) your mouse over the name of a user . A box will open, and at the bottom right is a "message" button, click on that. The rest is simples.
  14. Did they lock you out Mint?
  15. An email address for families who can accommodate Ukranian refugees hebergement@ukr.fr Aide Médicale & Caritative France-Ukrainе Chers tous, L'information pour ceux qui veulent accueillir les refugiés: Propositions d'hébergement d'urgence: Ecrivez à Liudmyla Mudra , Iryna Korotkova par mail: hebergement@ukr.fr afin de ne pas saturer la boite e-mail principale. Cela permet aussi de coordonner les efforts entre les régions. Merci à vous tous pour votre solidarité avec le peuple ukrainien. avec: Olga Kroshko bfmtv.com/international/europe/guerre-en-ukraine-ou-faire-des-dons-pour-venir-en-aide-a-la-population_AN-202202280333.html
  16. First step, are you French resident? If not, and you are UK resident, you will need to apply for a long stay visa.
  17. What, I'd say there is no debate, all out war is to be avoided at all costs.
  18. Oooh, I'm gonna be watching this one! Take your protein pills and put your helmets on.... ?
  19. But the news (all of the reports) no matter where you heard or saw it, were based on the study in the link that Norman posted. Example https://www.bfmtv.com/sante/95-des-francais-ont-un-niveau-d-activite-physique-insuffisant_AN-202202150220.html Were you once very overweight Ken, is that why you are so zealous now in your posts on being fat? And, before you ask, no I'm not fat. ?
  20. Yes, but... exercise is excellent for the heart, and regular exercise helps to build muscle and reduce fat. I don't know the figures for the rest of the world, but I doubt they are far behind the 95%.
  21. Oi ALBF, Lori is not a Brit, and I'll be cremated because I've no truck with religion, and care not a hoot about my earthly remains. As I said, they can twang me put of a tree for all I care. Once I'm gone I'm gone.
  22. I will die here, be cremated here, and would love to have my ashes twanged from a tree. The last one is the least likely.
  23. Oh my, I have just spent a happy half hour revisiting posts there, so many familiar names, Coops, Claire, 5-element, Bugsy, even me (before login problems force me to reinvent myself).
  24. The new patron of Orpea is on BFMTV at the moment, seldom have I seen anyone so slimy.
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