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Everything posted by ssomon

  1. We both had several falls from our bicycles, and after OH broke her ankle and I badly cut my leg we both gave up. As we need exercise and have problems walking we bought two rather expensive Pfautec tricycles,and sold our five bicycles to help defray the cost.We then discovered how difficult it is for people used to bicycles to return to tricycles, which were no problem with when they were kids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSBaoOQv9A0 If it doesn't follow on from the previous video, you might enjoy this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE85x9VCdz8 We rarely rode our bikes on the roads here, as there are plenty of tracks in the garrigue, but they are too narrow and rough for trikes. We have tried riding them on quiet lanes here, but it is nerve-wracking to be on such a wide machine when cars pass, especially when one hasn't really mastered the riding technique. There are no cycle paths on the roads and the footpaths are impossible because of high kerbs with no lowered access even for invalid transport, and are obstructed with posts and street furniture. The trikes can quite quickly be dismantled into two sections, but even then are too big to both fit into our station wagon, so I have bought a motorcycle trailer and added channels for the rear wheels so that it could carry one of the trikes. We are now set to go by road to reach Voies vertes in France or Vias Verdes in Spain.
  2. There are others besides what you have. e.g.https://www.amazon.fr/Braun-20042HB-boucles-renforcées-capacité/dp/B002C1ARSK/ref=asc_df_B002C1ARSK/?tag=googshopfr-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=194868891965&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10169985011655647695&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9110773&hvtargid=pla-350423648596&psc=1 Edit: O.K. that's for lifting. There's one for towing HERE
  3. It looks to me like heavy duty webbing, as used for towing, etc.
  4. Empty vessels make the most noise................
  5. It's obviously much more fun to believe conspiracy theories than to do one's own research. Oh, and "research" doesn't mean scouring the garbage on the internet to find something that suits one.
  6. I don't really believe you represent the majority of Brits, however many guns you have😀
  7. That's why I assumed he is also British. Other reports I have seen since give his name, which is fairly obviously French, so I was mistaken. I still have the same views about Brits and guns. The majority are just not used to them being around.
  8. Brits under the age of 80, few of whom have never been near any form of armed service, tend to go bananas when offered the chance to use a firearm. Something they know nothing about and for which they have no respect. The average rural Frenchman, even though liable to partake of a few bevvies when on a so-called hunt, at least has some idea of safety.
  9. Oh well. I suppose everything depends on individual details of residence and the interpretation of the Treaty. It has always worked out for me as I expected.
  10. Everything you need to know is here https://www.french-property.com/guides/france/finance-taxation/taxation/
  11. Maybe that was before the double taxation convention came into force?
  12. CGT is due in France. See UK/France Tax Convention HERE , Article 14
  13. Putting a drop or two of olive oil onto each water butt should suffocate any larvae, if what I was told in primary school is correct. Even if it doesn't work it won't hurt anything. Shallow bowls of water for the birds etc. do no harm so long as you empty and refill them once a week. That wouldn't give enough time for the mossies to hatch, pupate and fully develop, which takes about 10 days.
  14. I've heard it said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. You seem to be half-way to being a wit 😉
  15. We have any number of feral cats who walk through our garden on their way somewhere known only to cats, all following a path probably established by the First Cat. We regard them as no more or less than any other wild animals which pass by, with no wish to either befriend or nourish them. Yesterday a young one, looking very like "Jake", was tormenting a tiny mouse, about an inch long, on our grass patch, letting it loose only to hunt it down again when it moved a few feet. When I went out a couple of times to interfere, it picked up the mouse by the tail, carried it out of reach into the bushes, and returned to its game when I went back inside. Cats have nasty habits as well as smells.
  16. Same paper, different story says they got off with probation. It's a bit garbled in places, but that's The Connection. https://www.connexionfrance.com/article/French-news/Dordogne-homejacking-Shooter-and-accomplice-escape-jail-sentenceAA In contrast, this young lady, although doing bad things on the road, did no harm to anyone, but received a jail sentence. https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/tarn/albi/tarn-la-figure-emblematique-du-mouvement-conspirationniste-one-nation-interpellee-2622424.html#xtor=EPR-521-[france3regions]-20220927-[info-titre6]&pid=459386-1651791101-1b2fba3b
  17. Our bathroom and toilet have no windows - maybe a common problem with large single storey houses. I installed extractor fans with timers in both of these. They start when the light is switched on, and stop after an adjustable time - about 10 minutes for the toilet and 30 for the bathroom. This avoids having a fan running and using power all day. The kitchen, hob and utility room extractors are manually controlled, and we usually open a window when they are running.
  18. I seem to remember people exchanging a licence in one state for one in another, but this needs a short stay in the other state.
  19. Filled up one car with SP95 this afternoon at 1.499/litre. That's the cheapest it's been since February 2021.
  20. The site started working again, with a few glitches, and showed our local station had SP95 for 1.499, compared with 1.699 yesterday (but that price was posted on 18/8). It's only a few hundred metres away, so went to fill up in anticipation of a trip to Spain shortly, but after queuing for a few minutes and selecting SP95 nothing happened. Same on another pump I tried, and similar for a couple of people on the other pumps, so we surmised the SP95 had run out. It would be nice if someone had put up a notice. The supermarket owning the station is just across the road. Incidentally, diesel was 1.79.
  21. I just tried to check the effect on local prices of today's extra 12 cents fuel subsidy, but the gov't site is overloaded. Fortunately not a problem with this site 🙂
  22. That looks a bit like the van belonging to the man we met going through the bins at our dechetterie, who has a reclamation yard a few km from us. He came with his two sons to collect two massive stone fireplaces we removed, and left with the rear wheels rubbing the arches. And that was before the two large sons climbed in.
  23. I know it's sometimes difficult to understand everything, ALBF. Some things are just beyond our ken.
  24. A PAC - pompe à chaleur - is a heat pump, which is what we use for heating, although the term seems to have come to be used colloquially just for central heating installations in France, where they love acronyms. Ours are reversible air to air split units, using the outside air and treating the air in the house. In heating mode this requires the high pressure side of the unit to reach relatively high values in order to adequately heat the air in the house, which are not reached when it gets too cold, but the lower pressures reached in cold weather are able to heat liquid to a temperature sufficient for underfloor heating. Ceiling heating is also possible - Google it. The best solution for heating, taking into account the current costs of electricity and fuels to burn, is probably a heat pump system with underfloor (or ceiling) heating. This is expensive to buy and install, could make sense with generous subsidies, but won't provide cooling in the summer. For existing rather than new build houses where summer cooling is necessary, air/air reversible split units, multi-split or individual depending on installation constraints, are a good compromise. These should be inverter units with enough output to satisfy the worst winter condition expected, in which case they should work well down to lower temperatures than 8º. Check the specs for information. For very cold conditions ground source heat pumps will still work.
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