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Everything posted by ssomon

  1. No-one seems to blaming the elephant in the room, Brexit, though.
  2. He's been laughing at the West since at least 2014 https://foreignpolicy.com/2014/04/16/putin-laughs-at-your-sanctions/
  3. Actually, Norman's bowl does better than that. The rent here is quite reasonable for his means.
  4. It's the Swedish tall ship Götheborg
  5. I apologise unreservedly to AB for my post above. He has an unenviable job. Maybe I should read my posts more than once or twice, or in some cases, read and submit the next day.
  6. My post was not publicity. It was simply an attempt to inform the OP of the availabilty in France of the product which they wanted to find here. For the OP's information - just Google the name of it. Hey Timothy, why didn't you delete the original reference to the name of the product? Have you joined the woke brigade? I suggest that you apply your strict rules more to removing posts advertising whorehouses, sex games and other dubious pursuits, which appear regularly here, than to innocent attempts to help people. Inutile is the term which springs to mind.
  7. Farmers have traditionally constructed dams or ponds to collect surface or rain water, not to pump water up from the ground to store it. I can understand the objections. There is a similar problem in Mallorca, where excessive use of wells for irrigation caused salt water to flow into the water table, making it useless for everyone. During one summer the tap water was so saline it killed plants which were watered, and damaged piping and equipment. The sealing system for the drum of our washing machine was corroded so that water got into the gearbox and wrecked the machine. Now, extremely expensive desalination plants supply much of the potable water. There will always be extremists and wreckers joining demonstrations; I think is up to the organisers to spot them and keep them out.
  9. Maybe the rabbits would come back sooner if they stopped shooting them ...................... Just a thought. https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/aude/comment-les-chasseurs-de-l-aude-veulent-faire-revenir-les-lapins-decimes-par-un-virus-hemorragique-2734726.html#xtor=EPR-521-[france3regions]-20230319-[info-bouton6]&pid=459386-1651791101-1b2fba3b
  10. I could think of many reasons, but hesitate to list them.
  11. You've spewed out your rubbish about Gary Lineker, so why not have a go at Fiona Bruce now - after you have figured out who she is, read around on the subject, and become an expert, of course.
  12. I think we can assume that if there were a legitimate reason, it would be given
  13. In the interests of balance...... JONATHAN PIE
  14. Whilst looking for a holiday apartment around Roses we visited one in one of the largest, and oldest, blocks there about20 years ago. There was notice board for residents in the entrance hall, affixed to which was notice advising them that it was forbidden to re-tile their apartments by laying new tiles over the old, as the building was becoming overloaded.
  15. I hope your balcony is strong enough to support a full jacuzzi, which can weigh between 1.5 and 4 tons. Recently a grossly overloaded balcony fell off an apartment, I believe it was in Narbonne. Could be quite exciting if one were in the tub 🙄
  16. If so, this is not allowed, as the downpipe is for rain water, which has to be drained away on private land or on the road. Dumping waste water from a jacuzzi or spa into this system is a health hazard. It must be disposed of via the sewage system. https://www.ligne-spa.fr/comment-vider-et-hiverner-un-spa/
  17. Are you referring to the downpipe for rainwater from the roof gutter?
  18. I suggest you visit or phone your local France Services office, they are there to help with any bureaucratic issues. https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/france-services
  19. After a longish spell in England, I had my Lloyds M/card blocked once because the "system" decided there was fraudulent use being made with it due to a fairly large grocery purchase in S France after driving there. Luckily we had several cards at that time and used another one. When I got around to calling them, my bank pointed out that on the back of the card there is a number to call to resolve such problems. They said it occasionally happens when a card is used for a largish transaction in a new, distant location after a period of not being used outside the UK.
  20. If you had closer to normal intelligence you would know that "correct my grammar" was the reason for my edit, not an invitation for daft comments. If your post was not a complaint, it certainly had every appearance of being one. Idiots like you, who seem to spend their time looking for things to criticise rather than being constructive, are the prime reason for the mass abandonment of this and other forums. Me, I've had enough. Goodbye to all.
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