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Everything posted by ssomon

  1. i have: Windows 10 Home Version 21H2 Installed on 04-June-20 OS build 19044.1706 Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4170.0 I had Update set to automatically download updates but ask before installing, but that choice seems to have disappeared from Settings, as optional updates are no longer offered, and everything available is it now downloaded and installed.
  2. Sounds par for the course with Orange. No-one seems to have control of the automated emails sent out by their system. It's impossible to stop them, and replying to them just creates more confusion. I will be cancelling my Orange contract later this month. It just can't be too soon. See my contributions in the "Fibre Optic connection to house" thread.
  3. Thank you Cajal. I'd never have guessed. i wonder how it got there. Maybe just something W update thought I would like....................
  4. Within the last couple of weeks a small coloured cartoon image/icon has appeared on the RHS of the Search Box. Every time the mouse pointer passes over it a large window appears with a collection of bits and pieces, including a large image of what I assume is supposed to be news or something to waste one's time on, like "Looking for the burrowing owls", plus smaller images titled "On this day 1902", "Quote of the day", and "Word of the day" I didn't put it there I don't want it. Does anyone know how to get rid of it, please?
  5. I returned the Alcatel phone to Amazon and bought a reconditioned 2-phone Gigaset from them for €24. It works perfectly, so I now have phones connected both to the land line via the Orange Livebox and the new line via the 4G router. I'll probably leave them like that for a couple of weeks until I'm reasonably sure everyone important has the new number.
  6. I received the Paypal information this morning, and put the account number on the appropriate 3916. Strange that their information sheet I linked to above states they have no account numbers. What a performance, going through the entire declaration just to add a number. As our financial advisor in Spain once told me, "Don't bother looking for any logic, just do what they want"
  7. If you haven't already done so, I still think that you should urgently talk to your/his médecin traitant. He is the only person the hospital is likely to heed who knows your husband's medical history and what treatment and medication he should or should not be given.
  8. I posted a few days ago in another topic, that I usually go to topics by opening a new tab from "All Activity". I have found that, when I have written a reply, and there is a long delay before it appears, it is usually present in "All Activity" if I return to that tab. Saves siting waiting to see what's happening, or making a double post.
  9. All I can suggest is that you talk urgently to your/his médecin traitant, who should know the ins and outs of procedures there.
  10. As far as I know, in France you have to go to an opthalmologist. I needed urgent attention to my eyes a couple of years ago. I checked the lists on the Ameli site for opthalmologists within about 50 km, phoned them all, and made an appointment with one in Narbonne, 40 km away, for 2 month's time. I then checked for a hospital with one available in Urgences, found the nearest one is in Castres, about 80 km away, and drove there the next morning. After a rather long wait the problem, a chalazion, was diagnosed, and treatment prescribed. Because of all this sort of performance we usually go to an Opthalmic Optician with a clinic in Figueres, a couple of hours away, where we go a few times a year for shopping. If we need new specs we usually drive down again to collect them, and on the couple of occasions when I needed an operation this was done in Girona. The cost used to be less then in France, but I haven't bothered to compare prices since the improved payments came in here, as I think it's worth the money to use the guy in Spain every few years.
  11. Thanks for that, Cajal. They will send it to me within 30 days.
  12. Could you please tell me where to find mine? I found only THIS
  13. Martin, I saw your latest post just in time to stop me replying to the previous one ? The search results I found referred mainly to adapters to connect phones with various other connectors to RJ11 sockets. I didn't find anything addressing the problem I have, so have returned the phone. Now looking for a reasonably priced one similar to the Gigaset. Thank you, I had a vague memory of addresses being maintained when I cancelled with SFR in 2012. However, I no longer have much confidence in Orange after recent experiences with the unreliability of information I received from them in person and on line, so I'm trying not to rely too much on what they tell me. At the moment my email client collects mail separately from each provider, so I can easily spot anyone still using an old address. After a couple of months I'll set up forwarding just as a backup.
  14. Thank you for the hints, Lehaut. I was mistaken in saying that the Alcatel phone rings correctly when connected via the Orange Livebox - it doesn't, the ring is very slightly louder than on the Huawei router, but is still hardly audible, and too quiet to be of any use. WRT importing incoming mails to gmail, I can't see this option in gmail Settings, but I'm using Thunderbird to import all my messages from both gmail and Orange, so already have them all in the same place. In any case, i understand that Orange will delete all my email addresses with them as soon as I cancel my contract. I'm searching for ideas on the Alcatel phone not ringing, so maybe I'll find a solution before I decide to return it.
  15. Yes, what fun, and I'm still at it. The Huawei modem router is performing well, but I'm keeping the Orange Livebox for a while to enable us to receive calls to our land line from anyone to whom we missed giving the new number. I bought a SIMPLE TELEPHONE to use while we still have two numbers functioning. I intended to keep it as an emergency spare in case our 3-unit Gigaset ever gives up, but it doesn't work properly from the telephone socket on the Huawei router, so wouldn't be much use for that. It works perfectly on the Orange Livebox, but on the new router it sends and receives calls, but doesn't ring for incoming calls. It has a little light on the top of the handset, which flashes weakly, and I can hear a very faint ring with my ear a few inches from it, but it is really quite useless. It seems as if the router cannot provide enough power to ring properly. I presume the Livebox has a more powerful ring signal, and the Gigaset somehow boosts the weak signal from the new router, as it has its own mains power supply. Before I return the phone to Amazon, I wonder if anyone here can offer a solution? Or maybe let me know what sort of phone you use on a Huawei or similar modem router?
  16. Maybe I should have put my remarks about double posts elsewhere, as maybe you missed my suggestion in the previous post:
  17. Shortly after I clicked on "Submit Reply" for my post above, the connection timed out, creating an error message. I had navigated to this topic by opening it in a new tab from "All activity", so closing the error message took me back to that tab. There was a message at the top saying new posts had been made, and when I clicked on it my new post appeared. On returning to the topic, the post still appeared in the "Reply" box. I suppose this is the reason for so many double posts, but I was able to clear the box in the knowledge that my post had been registered. Keeping "All Activity" open in a tab may be a handy procedure to avoid annoying double posts
  18. I am due for a minor op in mid-May, and just completed a set of "pre-admission" forms, through which I nominated my wife as being responsible for me and to authorised to make decisions on my behalf. I think that if your husband is capable of doing the necessary paperwork that the hospital/doctor will be obliged to get your agreement for any and all procedures they propose to follow. This being a Sunday, and Labour Day makes it difficult, but if you can contact your own doctor, infirmière, or even dial 115 (SAMU), you may be able to get advice.
  19. Yes, I thought it unnecessarily confrontational, and definitely unfriendly. .
  20. The new Free Mobile nano SIM card, replacing the big one in my old Nokia dumb phone, arrived a couple of days ago, and the Huawei router on Thursday (28 April), so I got started on the setting up late yesterday. First, I moved all the contacts in both my and my wife's phones onto the phone rather than the SIM cards, then put my wife's card into my phone, and registered its number with various entities, so I would still be in touch with them during the changeover. Today I put the new nano SIM into the new router, and activated it on the Free website, but had a couple of problems before it worked, as the router showed no signal received. I moved the router into the grenier, but it still had no signal, although my old laptop connected to its WiFi. First, I found the SIM card was not seated properly. My fingers being a bit fat, I had to pull it out with tweezers and reinsert it. The router still did not connect to the Internet, which I eventually found was because Free mobile had not disabled the old SIM card, which still worked in the old phone, but after an hour or two the router connected and all its little lights came on, showing a strong G4 signal. I then waded through the procedure and passwords to connect everything, and finally got it right after a few tries, all this using my laptop to connect to the router via WiFi. I plugged the house Gigaset phone system into the router, called my previous mobile number from another phone; the house phone rang and connected perfectly. I then connected the PC with an Ethernet cable, and it immediately connected to the Internet. My previous speed, checked by Ookla on the laptop and the PC, using the Orange Livebox, was around 8 Mb/sec up, 0.85 down. Still using Ookla, I now have 28-44 up, 3-4.5 down, probably varying with local traffic. I am quite happy with that, especially as I am now paying 9€99 per month, rising to 19€99 after a year, instead of 45€99/month with Orange for a very slow ADSL service, or 49€99 for the fibre connection which they contracted for but failed to provide. Tomorrow I have to change the Orange email addresses and "fixed" phone number for all my contacts to my gmail address and what was my mobile number. What fun. I have ordered a new Free Mobile SIM for my wife's phone so that we will still be able to find each other when wandering in supermarkets, or on holiday in sunny Spain.
  21. Actually, my first post was written after reading one made 25 minutes earlier...........
  22. This year I decided to declare my Paypal and Wise accounts, although I never keep any funds in them, as they were specifically mentioned in a pop-up warning which appeared whilst making my tax return. This took a considerable time, as after searching for and noting the postal and web addresses and account numbers, several of the fields to be completed accept only alphanumeric characters, and the system throws up an error message and deletes the entry if it doesn't like it. Paypal has no account numbers, as only email addresses are used, and both companies' addresses contain punctuation marks, symbols, and accents, which are not accepted, together with the format of Wise's address. After several failed attempts I edited out all the punctuation and accents, wrote my email as "myname orange fr", and everything was accepted. But what an idiotic way to format the fields. Maybe someone thinks that foreign addresses don't have accents, and account numbers the world over are formatted like French ones.
  23. Many years ago, when computers were coming into commercial use, I was involved in introducing an developing a planned maintenance system for the company I was with. We had operations in several countries, each of which had their own warehouse, so there was always a possibility that someone could be in desperate need of a spare part which was unavailable immediately, but might be sitting happily on a shelf in another operation's warehouse. After the first step, sharing warehouse stock lists, was made, it became clear that there could be many different descriptions for the same item. Someone in the head office decided we needed an list of standard names, each standard name showing all the possible common names to be replaced by this one. A consultant was hired to produce this. I began to receive pages of parts lists, suggestions for standard name structures, and definitions, asking for my ideas and comments. The scope of the project was mind blowing. Two years later the idea was abandoned, as he only got about as far as the letter "D".
  24. Is the confrontational attitude in the responses of some/many members responsible for the waning popularity of this Forum? Just wondering .................
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