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Everything posted by Harnser

  1. Leclerc, as far as we are concerned, are basically dishonest. A couple of years ago we ordered 10 x 20 litre bidons of petrole for our heaters from our local LeClerc. Ordered and paid for on their "Drive" system in the evening, pick it up the next day, all shown in stock. We go to pick it up, they bring four out - "we haven't got any more" - but we've paid for 10 so can we have our money back? "No - we just put your money on your loyalty card" So we have to buy their stuff from their shop to get our money back!!! Somehow or other that has to be against some sort of law.
  2. You can do what you want to do. Everybody else can do what they want to do. How long this freedom will continue is anybody's guess as Macron is now cosying up to Xi Jinping of the CCP. Renault has also announced a joint venture with Geely. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/renault-chinas-geely-announced-powertrain-061740323.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABPccb_tjxhATiGJby7VTmD59mAi3kRAhS5AgjwFi2SDquFJJQ7KZ6yLk6v25RpQ1XSF5Od9PnW34GKsURF5EsLX1zcqeIqR4EYzeUHpKSla_M7k5VHoHp7OeFx6m8oGbrijB8ssdr7Y7LrWoP3xXdp-HuTaZ6edgqjykW29ssVi
  3. Leccy is scheduled to go up by 15% in February as far as I know - don't know about gas, ours comes out of a bottle for cooking only. Tempo is on offer again.
  4. If you drive a car in France, it may be a good idea to fill it up in the next few days, before the government’s 30-cent-per-litre discount is reduced to 10 cents per litre after next Tuesday (November 15). The 20-cent-per-litre discount being applied at TotalEnergies petrol stations will also drop to 10 cents per litre on this date.
  5. Having had some experience of trailering motorcycles, I notice you have the tricycle secured to the trailer with luggage elastics. Not a good idea IMHO - you need to get some 25 mm wide ratchet straps, one at the front from the trailer to the headstock and back down to the trailer. And one from trailer to rear axle and back to trailer.
  6. Salutations and indebtedness to thee oh gen'rous and mast'rful yellow fruit https://lingojam.com/EnglishtoShakespearean
  7. Spamagogo wants to get to know us all!
  8. "And then the latest. The power went off at 17.00 yesterday. Cheese & pickle sarnies to eat last night. Enedis website said that we’d be back by 22.00. We weren’t and still nothing this morning. No signs of any blue vehicles!" That's why we invested in a decent quiet generator and the switchery to safely connect it to the house and barn electrics after our last long term power cut due to a storm of about two and half days. Not a problem with cooking - we use propane or if all else fails the Esse wood-fired cooking stove. Never put all your eggs in the one basket - always have a back up.
  9. Well, that answers my question, as long as the insurance provider doesn't default on you. "If the builder should become bankrupt/ceases activity during the progress of the work, or following completion, the insurance policy remains in operation, an important safeguard" Thanks - we're not in a position to need this thankfully.
  10. Concerning the Responsibilite Decennale and the builder who has insurance to protect himself against claims. Question. A builder who does work on a property has insurance to protect himself against the financial consequences of a claim under the ten-year rule. But he goes bankrupt in that year that he did the work and did not continue to pay the insurance premium. Assuming he had paid the insurance premium and was covered in that year when he did the work, does that mean that the insurance then is valid for ten years to the possible benefit of the owner of the property ? Or is it only valid for ten years if the premium is paid every year?
  11. I have no experience of caravans but there is an authoritative guide to doing what you describe here:- https://www.french-property.com/guides/france/mobile-homes/caravans/
  12. Doesn't look like any towing webbing or ratchet straps that I've got - they are either orange or yellow. Maybe smooth braided climbing rope.
  13. The green lashing that is tensioning the zip wire looks dodgy - looks like some kind of cloth.
  14. Do you mean this UEA? The one where Professor Phil Jones worked? Where he colluded to alter past temperature records, so the data would fit the theory? While it doesn't prove NASA's involvement - I've got some more on their antics for later! Here's an email to Phil Jones of the UEA discussing how to do it.
  15. NASA is about the very worst example of official organisations you could have chosen for your "proof" . They are notorious for climate data fraud and have been for many years.
  16. Are you really saying that mankind can control the climate of planet earth? Drayton Boy said Control no, alter 100%.
  17. Are you really saying that mankind can control the climate of planet earth?
  18. They've been captured by the climate cult, no reason or scientific argument will deter them from believing in their false prophets.
  19. Ever heard of the great storm of 1703? "The storm was unprecedented in ferocity and duration and was generally reckoned by witnesses to represent the anger of God, in recognition of the "crying sins of this nation". The government declared 19 January 1704 a day of fasting, saying that it "loudly calls for the deepest and most solemn humiliation of our people". It remained a frequent topic of moralising in sermons well into the 19th century.[7]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_storm_of_1703#:~:text=The great storm of 1703,Forest%2C which lost 4%2C000 oaks. This occured before the industrial revolution, diesel SUV's, jet aircraft, gas central heating etc - so what was the cause? Weather? Climate? Climate is what is expected. Weather is what you get.
  20. IMAGINARY CHANGES OF CLIMATE. (Pall Mall Gazette.) a plentiful crop of speculation from weather prophets and projectors, and half-instructed meteorologists, and all the philosophic tribe of Laputa in general, to whom the periodical press now affords such fatal facilities. every season is sure to be “extraordinary,” almost every month one of the driest or wettest, or windiest, coldest or hottest, ever known. Much observation, which ought to correct a tendency to exaggerate, seems in some minds to have rather a tendency to increase it. – Brisbane Courier, January 10 1871
  21. A handy average weather data website for wherever you are. https://weatherspark.com/
  22. I shan't be pestering him all the time , it's just that we had a leak on a part where the slates are secondhand, that was done by the original french owner, and he was doing some finishing work on his roof. I don't have one of those very thin light roofing ladders to get at the site of these leaks, i'll probably end up making one.
  23. "If you get a complex DIY job wrong (leaking roofs for example) the cost benefit analysis takes a real hit, imo." I must admit to feeling a bit smug about "leaking roofs". The long unoccupied breton longere next door to us has been bought at last. The young guy who bought it is renovating it from top to bottom, end to end and is doing a very good job, including a complete new slate roof, trusses, purlins, volige. dormers etc. He works for a local roofing company. He already very kindly fixed a small leak for us requiring a couple of new slates, wouldn't take any money for his trouble so we gave him a bottle of wine - a nice old Burgundy.
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