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Everything posted by Harnser

  1. Further investigation reveals that previous user experience of Nordnet is not valid as this service is a new Orange/Nordnet service launched yesterday 16/11/23 using the new satellite. If it works it seems like a good deal. >A very high speed connection Surf and watch videos at very high speed at home with Wifi 6 and a connection of up to 200 Mbit/s ↓ and 15 Mbit/s ↑ . >Landline telephony Keep your existing land line phone number and make unlimited calls to landlines in mainland France and 50 other destinations, and unlimited calls to mobiles in mainland France and 8 other destinations. >A Satellite Kit The Satellite Kit is supported by the State if you are eligible for the subsidy (€299 otherwise). Don't have time to install it yourself? Nordnet offers an optional installation service. "if you are eligible for the subsidy" which we seem to be as we are in a "white" area where fibre is unlikely to be installed if at all. Might give it a whirl.
  2. The satellite used by Nordnet is Eutelsat Konnect VHTS launched last year. https://reseaux.orange.fr/nos-reseaux/internet-fixe/internet-par-satellite-nordnet I'm not too worried about which satellite in what orbit - it's the user experience I'm looking for.
  3. We are interested in having Nordnet satellite broadband installed Our reason for considering sat. broadband is that our orange broadband, mobile phones and land line phone all went down for days after storm Cieran - totally out of touch for days. We cannot have Starlink - too many trees around us. We have reliable, good quality generator power available when EDF power goes down so it makes sense to consider a satellite broadband and phone connection. We note from https://assistance.nordnet.com/ etc that we are eligable for assistance "as part of the Digital Cohesion of Territories" system, it says we can benefit from the satellite kit for 0€. This presumably is as a result of being in a "white" area where fibre will either not happen or not for a long time. Does anybody have experience of using Nordnet please? https://newsroom.orange.com/orange-lance-son-offre-satellite/
  4. Harnser


    Spelt isn't gluten free. "If you have a celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), the bottom line is that spelt still contains gluten and can cause similar reactions to wheat when eaten. For those with celiac and non celiac gluten sensitivity, spelt should be avoided" https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/is-spelt-gluten-free/
  5. Harnser


    I was intrigued some time ago by the term "epautre" in some breads in some bakery shelves in France, so i looked it up. Spelt - epautre- is an ancestor of modern bread wheat, it has been grown, milled and used for bread making since neolithic times, modern bread wheat dates from much later, about the beginning of the 20th century. All wheats used for bread flour are a result of complicated hybridisation of diffent wheats grown in different parts of the world.
  6. Why is your flood water a fetching shade of salmon pink?
  7. Shortly before the D-Day landings of 6 June 1944, Radio Londres broadcast the first stanza of Paul Verlaine's poem "Chanson d'automne" to let the resistance know that the invasion was imminent. The first part of the stanza, Les sanglots longs des violons de l’automne ("the long sobs of the violins of autumn") indicated that the invasion would begin within 24 hours; the second, Blessent mon cœur d'une langueur monotone ("wound my heart with a monotonous languor") was the specific call to action.[3]
  8. There is definite trend in France for resto's to serve reheated industrial food - precooked and reheated in a microwave etc. There was an online newspaper article on the subject recently but I can't find it. But this is representitive and dates from 2011 ! "Of the 33 dishes on the menu of Jean-Luc Madec's restaurant in Guyancourt (78), 6 are of industrial origin So many admissible arguments... until we look at the copious margins made thanks to industrial preparations. “On a dish with sauce which costs 2 or 3 euros per portion, it is common to multiply by 4 or 5 to put it at between 10 and 15 euros on the menu, and some do not hesitate to go even harder” , assures Yannick, a professional who has run several trendy establishments in the Oberkampf district, in Paris." https://www.capital.fr/economie-politique/les-plats-industriels-envahissent-les-cuisines-des-restaurants-595930 Nothing wrong with doing that if it's made from proper ingredients and not full of preservatives.
  9. We have one LHD bought in france car and one RHD imported new from the UK in 2015 both are french registered of course. There is no visible coding on a carte grise to identify a RHD car - but probably it is within the VIN number.
  10. Perfectly balanced? Guterres? The UN? You must be joking. The UN has long been a rat's nest of marxist theory and thinking, since Maurice Strong of the UN came out with this little gem. Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about? Maurice Strong 2010/2011 https://www.msn.com/en-sg/news/other/un-guterres-s-speech-justified-the-unjustifiable-editorial/ar-AA1iRhie "Pure sadism deserves no context, no explanation, no excuse. None. If Guterres doesn’t understand this, he has no business heading an organization whose goals are ostensibly to promote peace, security, and human rights. As US President Joe Biden said in a speech to the American people on October 9, “You know, there are moments in this life – and I mean this literally – when the pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world.” Hamas’s barbarous attack, he said, was one of those moments. That is moral clarity. And that is what Guterres needed to say to the Security Council convened to discuss the current war: that there is good and there is evil in the world, and that what Hamas perpetrated – what Hamas itself documented and celebrated – is sheer evil that must be uprooted. No “buts,” no stories about context or tall tales about vacuums."
  11. Harnser

    Macron II?

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_Attal - Personal Life.
  12. In practice, French radars are not yet equipped to detect all these offenses . Technology will evolve and could hit the roads faster than expected. However, one question remains unanswered: would AI as a fine-tuning system be too intrusive to the point of entering into the private lives of motorists? https://auto.orange.fr/ecomobilite/news/securite-routiere-15-infractions-bientot-relevees-par-les-radars-CNT0000028jXcK.html
  13. You don't have to remember it - even if you did, how are you going to measure it on a road at 130 kph? What you do is to use the 2 second rule. The two-second rule helps a defensive driver to estimate the minimum following distance needed to reduce the risk of collision under ideal driving conditions. "Only a fool breaks the two second rule - when it starts to pour, you make it four" Following another vehicle, you pick a road feature, a crack in the road, a post at the side, a piece of litter in the gutter etc and as the back of the vehicle in front passes that point you say "Only a fool breaks the two second rule" which at normal speaking speed takes about 2 seconds, if the front of your car gets to the road feature before the two seconds, you are too close, drop back and repeat etc. To make it four seconds in the wet, you say it twice. Driving on snow or ice you make it ten seconds.
  14. I had a chuckle at this "rule" which is never enforced from the link https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/codes/article_lc/LEGIARTI000037411183 Nr 5 - Respect of safety distances between vehicles provided for in article R. 412-12 ;
  15. Have you checked with companies house? Which company called Pelican is the one you are trying to contact? There are quite a few. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/search?q=pelican+consulting
  16. Of course I've heard of NVT - but the association of Honda with NTV was stronger.
  17. No need. Instructions for left hand key fob flip. 1 - Carefully turn key fob over 180 degrees keeping the unflipped key facing away from you. 2- Press button underneath - key will flip out from right to left 3 - Insert key into ignition switch.
  18. Harnser


    Who used to be a "lumberjack" but who has two leaky heart valves and is said to be not fit enough to have done it.
  19. Harnser


    That is/was a large tree-you have to know what you are doing to fell that without it falling on the feller. What on earth is the motivation for doing that?
  20. "To provide continued access to our products and services, NatWest Group plc (“NWG”) continues to serve most of its European Economic Area-based customers from NatWest Markets N.V., another bank in NWG, which is headquartered in the Netherlands, with branches across Western Europe" https://www.natwest.com/business/support-centre/contact-us/western-europe-offices.html#office
  21. We don't have a problem as we have an admin address in the UK. Natwest don't seem to mind that we have many UK accounts with them, savings and current, but are resident in France; which they are well aware of, so why should Barclays see it as a problem? Wise now operate out of Belgium. https://wise.com/help/articles/2965898/how-does-brexit-affect-wise
  22. Why bother with an international bank account when you can have a Wise card? And as for Barclays, who tried hard to bankrupt a business that I was a partner in, during the nineties, to get hold of our houses which had been put up as security, I would sooner eat my own fingers than hand over any money to Barclays to look after.
  23. From the article you linked to:- "Any existing UK accounts and contracts that were established before Brexit should be allowed to continue provided there is no change in the contract" And as Barclays have had a branch in France since 1922 - https://www.cib.barclays/contact-us/fr.html there is no good reason for them to do this, apart from the fact that they cannot be bothered to service existing private accounts, seeing these as a cost rather than a profit centre.
  24. You forgot - Rishi Sunak has planned that the deadline for the prohibiting of the sale of petrol & diesel vehicles will be pushed forward to 2035 from 2030. Cue emergency delivery of smelling salts for Guardian readers........................😂
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