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Complete France Forum


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Everything posted by idun

  1. Thankyou very much for the link. Very helpful. I had looked on the EU web site, and as usual found zilch, found other things unrelated that interested me though. Apparently this friend is doing everything properly and it has nothing to do with their UK employer, they can do as they please. So I shall bow out and IF there are consequences, will give a proper gaelic shrug and say 'kes tu veut'[Www].
  2. I have been looking at another thread bout someone becoming a French resident with a UK company. And it made me wonder as I know some one, with a gite business in France and it is all registered, but they also work from their french home for a UK company .... online. And are happy because their health care is sorted in France. There was a poster called coco years ago and they were told that if they wanted to do that they would have to register a branch of the business in France and french cotisation 's etc would have to be paid. Coco did not do this and stopped working for the British company, as far as I can remember. So what is the score? I have tried to look this all up, but I cannot make head nor tail of it. Is this person I know not doing things right, getting their UK salary paid into a UK account, no idea about stoppages in the UK, or tax. And who would police / monitor this?
  3. Tio Pepe! In another life I couldn't give the stuff away!!!!! IF I had a bottle though I would cook with it if I couldn't get rice wine. I am not much of a drinker, but when I do, I like fortified wine, and in France would buy Maury as an everyday apero!
  4. My son has recently found all sorts of 'treats'. As you mentioned, lemon curd, as well as HP sauce, and Lyle's golden syrup. He can usually get cheddar cheese too and sometimes crumpets, which he says are wonderful with foie gras. Must admit that we never found a French cheese that we liked so well for cheese on toast, and our son loves cheese, any cheese, hard, soft, blue, green, stinky, all of it.
  5. Our french car insurance had some sort of assurance with it, EuropAssistance, if memory serves. And I have no idea as to whether that covered for holiday insurance or not. I sort of thought that it did, but never thought to look exactly what it did and we never needed it either. Does yours??? What I do remember about french insurance was that they used to, at least needing advising of a problem within a very short time of the incident/accident.
  6. I thought that if one has a motoring offence, that they were obliged to change their licence. Good that people haven't, and I never did. I had to change my uk licence to a french one quite early on, and as I had passed my test in the UK had to change my licence back to a UK licence quite quickly after I moved back.
  7. Does it matter what date it states that a french license expires if the laws change, then surely either people will be driving without a license, or the government will advise them to renew or even get a medical certificate. Just because one has a bit of paper, be it one that was legal at the time of issue, does not mean things cannot change. Macron, it seems, is on a mission to change beaucoup things!:-)
  8. Richard51, I have no idea how you will take this, because I always find you exceptionally prickly. It feels like endless complaints about posters, posting off topic, which has always happened, bit like any conversation between humans, which take on a life of their own, as has this thread. And on this one, well feels like you have really gone off on a tangent and are making comments that are uncalled for. We are grown ups and we all know what we know, and is anyone suggesting that their needs and requirements for such things as all this 'technology' HAS to be the same as everyone else's. And I didn't understand the bit about speaking french, at all. But there is so much in this life that is beyond my comprehension!
  9. Tis  true, wooly gives us nicknames, I really don't mind and yours has come from my auto correct pad, which always writes Cheese when I write Chessie, and it drives me mad. Your name getting mixed up is not the worst thing it does by any means. And grumps and insults, when was the board other than that, a mix of everything really. I don't mind it, even when I am the brunt of stuff. And being grumpy, well, we are all getting older and maybe patience about lots of stuff is harder to summons a lot of the time or is that just me!?
  10. I do have a mobile phone, could have internet on it, but don't. I use it sometimes, and it is handy for texts. Slave to these devices, no. I love being sat a desk and typing on a decent size keyboard which does not autocorrect me, which as some of you may notice, my spelling is very iffy, but at least when I write 'Chessie' on here, it does not autocorrect to Cheese! In fact, if I could get this keyboard to make something like the noise of a proper typewriter, I would be rather pleased. Although, I reckon that my husband would blow a fuse if I did. Still does not alter the fact that for the time being, and for some time, I have been unable to sit at this PC. Also, pre getting fibre optic, we previously had Openreach,because it always is they who provide the lines for every other provider, but Virgin,  we had a disjointed connection, which was apparently 'our' fault. Donc, an iffy connection, me not being able to sit at my desk and my posting has been limited for quite some time. Now my pad often simply shows a Complete France and the top of the page, and NOTHING else and sometimes it works, but it is capricious to say the least. I remember my brother, who got a HUGE lump sum when he retired, well it seemed so to me, saying, so and so is only £300. I am never jealous of what he has or anyone has, but the reality of the world is that for some of us, that is a HUGE lump sum, that £300 and has to be saved for and decided if it is necessary to fork out on. So a new pad, for the time being as we have to save for other things that are essential at the moment is a no-goer for me.
  11. [quote user="chessie"]OK Idun - accept your challenge. You wrote - Me, this is as much as I can manage for hours. My pad is useless and often won't even show the board, and due to recent surgery, cannot sit here at my pc for more than five minutes without being in great pain, and that frankly puts me off. So WHY have you got a useless Ipad - order one online for heavens sake - and then you can post as much as you want. Ah - I'm sorry you're not well - don't like the sound of that 'painful surgery' - wot you dun to yuself me old butt ? Maybe the Ipads aren't such a great idea; not a clue cause I don't want, don't need, and not inclined to spend a lot of money just to flash around something expensive to get lost, get broken, or stolen. Not for me. Only have a mobile phone, never switched on - for emergency use only. Call me old-fashioned...do I care, nope !!! Chessie [/quote] Chessie for some reason I can use this pad tonight. Have I got money to replace this one, nope. Remember, we lived most of a full working life in France. I would suggest that ending up with a lot of spare dosh would be very difficult and pensions are just that, pensions! No taking a lump of cash out of it, it is simply paid monthly until death do us part. We are not poor but not aise either, and big expenditures have to be justified, and my pc is fine, just 'me' who cannot sit at it yet. Soon, but not yet. So I post when I can, but I do post. And I would suggest that I alone would not be able ressusitate this board, takes lots of willing posters and 'lurkers'!
  12. Me too, I have posts that don't get replies, so I should feel offended or something........ I don't think so.  And really, how is there a clique???? I truly get sick of that old soldier. I really really do. On any board, there are people one gets drawn to, as in life, like the cut of their cloth, like the way they post,  just something about them. As in life, it does not mean that they reciprocate either! There are people on here I am very fond of. And as in life, I do not agree with some of their posts, as I am sure that they do not agree with me. And chez moi, there are many things that my and my old man do not agree on, and the kids, well, it seems the older they get, the less we agree on anything at all. I have never met anyone on here. There are some I would like to meet up with, and cooperlola did just that, what an adventure that surely was. For me, if I ever do it, it would mean that I could end up with some meetings with joy and some with regret. And I shall never know unless I ever do it! And new posters, well, I personally like ALBF, OK he comes out with some daft stuff, but as I had never seen him post anywhere before as I said, just like something about him. And he got the board posting......and that is a very good thing. Ah well, lurkers please post, if you have been lurking for a long time, surely you understand how this works. And that is me finished, my five minutes up, too long sat.
  13. I keep wondering why more people do not post. We have LOTS of members and yet toooooooo many simply lurk, there is no clique, no club of those who post, just people sat where ever they are and hitting the keyboard. I know that lots of you have had a go at ALBF about his posts. But at least he has been posting on here and getting replies, which is the ONLY way a board survives. And when one loses regular posters like Chancer, then that is VERY BAD, and very SAD too. Me, this is as much as I can manage for hours. My pad is useless and often won't even show the board, and due to recent surgery, cannot sit here at my pc for more than five minutes without being in great pain, and that frankly puts me off. So you lurkers, PLEASE post, or this board will probably end up dying.
  14. LOL I always wished the UK away from it and the more federal it became the more I loathed it. I do not know what living in France has to do with the EU, the french are remarkably good at ignoring EU rules and laws until it suits them. And I wish that the UK had done the same. France is France, and even if the EU folds, will still be France. And remember when we moved we HAD TO GET ID cards and all paperwork translated and all our goods and furniture that we had delivered from the UK had to be listed, translated, signed off by the french consulate in the UK and then the Douane in France. That was OK, people still move, even with hoops to jump through. My loathing of the EU continues. And Macron wanting it even more Federal..........[:@]
  15. And remember there are three very right wing governments in the EU at the moment, and maybe more to come, even Germany now has a presence in it's parliament. So IF the EU is going to make a statement to represent it's members...... just which members are going to be represented?
  16. Dreadful scenes, but not unexpected......... Madrid made threats over the past few days that it would not put up with this and today they showed what they could do. All very sad.
  17. idun

    Dog bite

    We have done more insurance declarations than I can remember. Why? Because french people had the good sense to tell us to!! And a couple of things ended up with follow up treatment that literally went on for years AND the CPAM and mutuellist would not have covered the bills by a long shot and not just hundreds of euros. In these particular cases the Maires have been informed and should follow the laws..... the dogs owners should have informed the Maire too.
  18. idun

    Dog bite

    IF this man is renting then he should have insurance, if he isn't then he does not need to be insured. What I would say is that everyone in France should have insurance for la responsabilité civile because if such things happen then they are covered. Frankly, if this went through, I would imagine that it would be your insurance that pays........... because that is the way it often works. But that may gall, and it certainly did me when my son had his teeth knocked out by another kid, and that was a sports accident during training. But when it boils down to it, WHY should the CPAM pay when this is an unnecessary accident or with S1's the NHS???? I am now bearing in mind that health care covers all sorts of betisse which are just down to human nature being what it is, but when it comes out of this bracket, then it should not. And remember even in the UK the insurance companies pay the NHS for the medical bills for accidents, I know this because I have discussed this after a family member was in an accident.
  19. idun

    Dog bite

    http://www.ameli.fr/assures/droits-et-demarches/par-situation-personnelle/vous-declarez-un-accident-cause-par-un-tiers.php Not only do I believe that you should declare this to the CPAM, BUT you should have done a declaration with your insurer too and you have a small window to do this. This would be perfectly normal procedure in the olde days, and it looks like nothing has changed. (that link should be live) ps I realise that it states that you have 15 days for the CPAM,  but insurers want you to be quicker off the mark... or at least used to. This way the CPAM claims the money for any treatment from the insurer.
  20. LOL NickP, you have quite taken me aback there....... really????[8-)]
  21. We always kept a uk bank account and I am glad we did. Due to our financial circumstances with regards to France we will always have a french bank account even if we never move back to France. For all we would prefer not to, it could happen what with brexit. I am always loathe to close bank accounts.
  22. I am affoler with a letter we had from our french banque, the questions, the tone, GRRRRRRRRRRR! And as they can simply close/bloque de account at will these days, we had to fill it in and send it back. We were asked last year to prove who we were, as if we  had changed since we opened the bloody account! And now, in spite of them knowing exactly our source of income and where it goes, they have had us jumping through more hoops. As I said, we sent it back without the s ie g he il I felt like putting on it, or perhaps sweetly asking if they were cultured enough to have read 1984 and understood it and therefore the consequences of their actions. I am so angry with the 'system'. Instead of going after us little people, why don't they go after those that can afford these super yachts that cost millions and millions and see exactly where that money comes from.
  23. idun


    For me the 'gain' in going faster is that I am very alert.........At speed one has to be very very aware of all the traffic, in front and behind. And ofcourse I try to be alert at 70mph, but it is mind numbingly boring and tedious, and I am not surprised when people doze at the wheel. And I do not feel I have any choice but adhere to the speed limits in the UK, no matter what speed the other traffic is going. And now, ofcourse, I shall end up overtaking someone who was say going at 65 on a dual carriage way and they speed up and I'll get done for speeding.......although I am not too proud to slip in behind someone who has speeded up........ I do know drivers who just won't do that....... they will get past come hell or high water!
  24. idun


    The thing about not working is that one is sensible about times one is out and about and I don't usually hit any traffic jams. HOWEVER, last week, some idiot decided that a meeting we had to go to, north of Newcastle would start at 9am, and we got there in time, only we set off over an hour and a quarter earlier than we would have in non peak times and were either stopped or crawling at 5mph. And french cities are just as bad at rush hour.
  25. idun


    I can tootle, but I really do like driving. A friend and I were discussing these traffic jams that are simply caused by other traffic, rather than an accident, road works or a breakdown.  Doesn't take much to cause one does it!
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