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[quote user="woody234"]SO WHAT YOU LOT ARE SAYING is you are not aloud to change your home insurance company or it is difficult to change home insurance, in the uk your can change your car and home  insurance company every week but 1 can u do the same in france and 2 do i have to have house insurance in france ie bricks and morter insurance not contents insurance[/quote]

The terms under which you can cancel your insurance are laid out in your contract.

Typically, unless you have a "cas de force majeure" (illness, loss of employment, move caused by a new job...), the contract runs for 12 months.

Household insurance is not compulsory in France for houseowners, however...:

[quote]L'assurance habitation n'est pas obligatoire pour

les propriétaires mais elle est essentielle pour couvrir les sinistres

susceptibles de frapper le logement et les meubles mais aussi pour

couvrir au titre de la responsabilité civile les dommages causés au

voisinage et, plus largement, aux tiers.

En l'absence de garantie, aucun dommage n'est

naturellement pris en charge. Il revient donc au propriétaire du bien

de supporter les frais liés aux sinistres causés à son logement ou aux


Household insurance is not mandatory for house owners but it is essential to

cover claims likely to be made against damge to the property and furniture, but also to cover

for liability for damage to the neighbourhood and, more broadly, to

third parties .

In the absence of cover, no damage is

supported. It is therefore down to the property owner to bear the

costs associated with accidents caused to the home or third parties

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[quote user="woody234"]it is not a legal req for house insurance if france, so if you close your bank account then they cannot take the direct debit out each month, thats wat im going to do [/quote]

Unless you have given your insurance company the required notice, stating you do not wish to renew your contract, you are still liable for the cost of the cover for the remainder of the contract.

Closing or switching your bank account will not change that.

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