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32 minutes ago, NormanH said:

These go off every first Monday of the month (here it is 12.15) so there is no need to panic if you hear one today..

Dear Norman,

As it is Wednesday today, should I not therefore be panicking?

Confused of Côte d'Azur

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No sirens ever in our village or anywhere as far as we know in the Loir et Cher. Indeed, we were in Vendome our nearest big town today, no sirens. So it looks like if it all goes pear-shaped, in our little corner of the world we will be quiet safe. Phew!!! That's a relief.  ? ?

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2 hours ago, cajal said:

Dear Norman,

As it is Wednesday today, should I not therefore be panicking?

Confused of Côte d'Azur

OOOOPSSS I should have written Wednesday....???

In answer to the question of what to do: 



Comment réagir en cas d'alerte ?

En cas d’alerte, vous devez adopter un comportement réflexe afin de vous mettre en sécurité et faciliter l’action des secours. Par défaut, rejoignez un bâtiment afin de vous protéger et vous informer sur la nature exacte de la crise. En fonction des situations, les autorités vous indiqueront la conduite à tenir : se protéger dans un bâtiment ou évacuer la zone dangereuse.

Si les sirènes sonnent, 4 comportements réflexes de sauvegarde à adopter

En situation de crise, les réseaux téléphoniques et/ou internet pourraient ne plus fonctionner. La diffusion hertzienne est celle qui a le plus de chance de résister. Les antennes de radio France sont les stations de référence pour obtenir des informations quant à la nature et l’évolution de la crise. Vous pourrez ainsi adapter votre comportement en conséquence.

  • Si l’on vous demande de vous confiner: arrêtez la climatisation, le chauffage et la ventilation, bouchez les ouvertures (fentes, portes, aérations, cheminées…) afin de vous protéger d’une éventuelle pollution de l’atmosphère.
  • ou, sur ordre des autorités, évacuer. Tenez-vous prêts à évacuer dans les plus brefs délais. Afin de vous préparer au mieux à une évacuation, la brochure « Je me protège en famille » aide à la constitution anticipée d’un kit d’urgence.

Source  https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/Alerte/Alerte-ORSEC/Comment-reagir-au-signal-national-d-alerte



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8 minutes ago, NormanH said:

OOOOPSSS I should have written Wednesday....???

In answer to the question of what to do: 



Comment réagir en cas d'alerte ?

En cas d’alerte, vous devez adopter un comportement réflexe afin de vous mettre en sécurité et faciliter l’action des secours. Par défaut, rejoignez un bâtiment afin de vous protéger et vous informer sur la nature exacte de la crise. En fonction des situations, les autorités vous indiqueront la conduite à tenir : se protéger dans un bâtiment ou évacuer la zone dangereuse.


Si les sirènes sonnent, 4 comportements réflexes de sauvegarde à adopter

En situation de crise, les réseaux téléphoniques et/ou internet pourraient ne plus fonctionner. La diffusion hertzienne est celle qui a le plus de chance de résister. Les antennes de radio France sont les stations de référence pour obtenir des informations quant à la nature et l’évolution de la crise. Vous pourrez ainsi adapter votre comportement en conséquence.

  • Si l’on vous demande de vous confiner: arrêtez la climatisation, le chauffage et la ventilation, bouchez les ouvertures (fentes, portes, aérations, cheminées…) afin de vous protéger d’une éventuelle pollution de l’atmosphère.
  • ou, sur ordre des autorités, évacuer. Tenez-vous prêts à évacuer dans les plus brefs délais. Afin de vous préparer au mieux à une évacuation, la brochure « Je me protège en famille » aide à la constitution anticipée d’un kit d’urgence.

Source  https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/Alerte/Alerte-ORSEC/Comment-reagir-au-signal-national-d-alerte



That link should be https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/Media/Securite-civile/Files/je-me-protege-en-famille


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On 02/03/2022 at 16:26, NickP said:

No sirens ever in our village or anywhere as far as we know in the Loir et Cher. Indeed, we were in Vendome our nearest big town today, no sirens. So it looks like if it all goes pear-shaped, in our little corner of the world we will be quiet safe. Phew!!! That's a relief.  ? ?


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First of all, to Wooly, as you see, I am now here.  Hadn't realised that I had to wait until told I could sign on.....whatever next?

Must say I had to think about what sort of sirens Norman was referring to.  I see he is talking about the ones that make a noise.

Glad his post wasn't about ME.....my siren days are well and truly over.  All very well for the likes of Helen and her thousand ships.  I don't think MY face would launch a secondhand mirror dinghy.

NB, this is not a serious post, just testing if Archant would let me come back.


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Yes, betise.  Now why would they do that?  As though I have committed an indiscretion or something?  Chance would be a fine thing...

BTW, I'm still waiting for all the covid restrictions to be lifted and some fine weather to visit the gardens in Marqueyssac.  You remember we talked about this marvellous place?

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Menthe !  So good to see you here. 

Weather is definitely getting better round here.  Restrictions appear to be scheduled to lift just in time for Spring.

And, hunting season ended on 28 Feb here (at least for the most part), so we can now delve into areas we have avoided since last September.  Hooray!



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How lovely to find "old " friends.  So, in no particular order:  Wools, thank you for being dear old Wooly.  I didn't email you because I knew you'd see I am back.

Judith, one of my main reasons for coming back is precisely to hear your news.  So I will PM you after I have finished this.  I didn't like being unable to be in contact.

Lori, I am super happy you have found your own niche in France again.  Must be so nice after Paris and Sceaux.

Gardian, yippy, we can talk 6 nations rugby again!  Don't miss the France Wales game next Friday.  It's a bit late, past my bedtime.  So I'll have to get all my going to bed routine done and watch in my pyjamas.  You wouldn't believe all the things I have to do before going to bed, not the usual wash and teeth-cleaning etc.  I have found new ways to combat my insomnia but it all takes over half an hour...yikes! 


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Judith, I have tried to PM but I am asked "to attach or choose files" before being able to send a message so you won't be surprised to hear that I didn't have a clue what all that was.

Could you therefore email me, if possible

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Hello Mint,

I've never used the message service here. However, having looked at it and if I wanted to send a message, my first shot would be to create a document, type the message into the document, save it to desktop, documents or wherever. Then I  would open the message area on here and, as required, drag the message document from wherever I had saved it to into the message box and send it. I stand corrected if that is not a feasible method.

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20 hours ago, menthe said:

Judith, I have tried to PM but I am asked "to attach or choose files" before being able to send a message so you won't be surprised to hear that I didn't have a clue what all that was.

Could you therefore email me, if possible


jacrowe13@gmail.com should work.   I don't have an email for you, either, messages always came though PM's before.  Like  you I can't find out how to PM, and Banana, I can see no black envelope anywhere either. 

Sorry, on Sundays I am always late looking at the forum, church am, then got involved in lots of other Sunday things .. sorry


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Cajal, thanks.  Yes, I think that is what you need to do too.  However, just to test the system, I put in a link to a French newspaper article that I had saved and tried to "paste" it into the message box.

Guess what, no joy.....urg...

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Mint, I just tried a test message to you, and it seems to have worked.

What you need to do is hover (don't click) your mouse over the name of a user . A box will open, and at the bottom right is a "message" button, click on that.  The rest is simples.

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