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This is just plain wrong. It is wrong on so many levels.

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OK it is the Daily Mail.....but ??? 


Does any Brit living in France agree with the behaviour of the French in this matter ?


I dont.




Edited by alittlebitfrench
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And you believe what you read in the Daily Mail????? 

The DM is not a newspaper, it's a propaganda rag. It's a mix of fact and fiction and who knows which is which. How hard is it to dress up in a POLICE suit while your mate films you?

Further down the same page:

"Channel migrants are set to be flown to ALBANIA to a new asylum centre at cost of £100,000-a-head a year as French deny agreeing to stop all crossings"

Stated as a fact, did you believe it? But Albania has already called it out. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/migrants-flown-albania-asylum-processing-b1931430.html

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14 minutes ago, EuroTr@sh said:

And you believe what you read in the Daily Mail????? 

The DM is not a newspaper, it's a propaganda rag. It's a mix of fact and fiction and who knows which is which. How h


It is a fact that illegal migrants are and have been, flooding over the English Channel.

It is also a fact that France has been paid millions (Danegelt) to properly police their coast and prevent this.

The primary cause, as we know, is the Schengen Agreement; where all member states, instead of abiding by the rules have played "Pass The Parcel" as illegals have flooded into Europe.

I completely agree with ALBF, on this.

Would be asylum seekers are legally bound to apply for asylum in the very first safe nation they reach.

However, they head for the UK since the idiot supposed government simply throw money at them and even when and where the asylum seekers are in fact economic migrants, it makes no difference. If they are known criminals and the Home Secretary (known popularly as Preti Useless Patel) tries to throw them out, the delightful human rights lawyers (all funded on legal aid, naturally) fight and the UK government loses.

Meantime; all apart from the French authorities doing nothing, the brilliant Border Farce, aided and abetted by the RNLI rescue the illegals and roll out the red carpet...

The British taxpayer is being gouged to pay for this: plus holistic services (Health, Education, Housing) simply cannot cope.

If you feel complacent in your French idyll, Eurotrash, then I would urgently commend you to read Douglas Murray's highly rated book, "The Strange Death of Europe" and think again.

BTW, the growing problems in Poland over Belarus (And now Lithuania) over violent illegal migrants ought to provide you pause for thought: unless, you also believe this is yet another Daily Mail propaganda wheeze?

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"The British taxpayer is being gouged to pay for this: plus holistic services (Health, Education, Housing) simply cannot cope".

This is not correct. Illegal immigrants cannot claim benefits in the UK. A person is classed as an illegal immigrant when they do not have the right to remain in the country.

The UK government, in response to a petition urging it to “Stop all benefits to illegal immigrants completely”, said in 2015: “Illegal immigrants and failed asylum seekers are not entitled to, and do not get, benefits from the UK’s welfare system



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1 hour ago, NormanH said:

"The British taxpayer is being gouged to pay for this: plus holistic services (Health, Education, Housing) simply cannot cope".

This is not correct. Illegal immigrants cannot claim benefits in the UK. A person is classed as an illegal immigrant when they do not have the right to remain in the country.

The UK government, in response to a petition urging it to “Stop all benefits to illegal immigrants completely”, said in 2015: “Illegal immigrants and failed asylum seekers are not entitled to, and do not get, benefits from the UK’s welfare system



You mean the illegal immigrants being accommodated in 4 star hotels, I presume?

Also please consider the organisation started by Lord Green.



Even the bleeding heart BBC admits this...






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To state that illegal immigrants are not entitled to state aid is disingenuous. Anyone washing up on Britains shores, if they are destitute, will be given accommodation and certain welfare benefits such as food and medical care. They cannot 'claim' benefits in the same way as a legal immigrant but they do, in any event, receive state aid which is funded by the tax payer and paid to private companies to provide aid for illegal immigrants. A rose by any other name!

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15 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Seems about right. Their efforts to stop them have been half hearted to say the least. Still it suits Macron.

The French in lieu of payment promised to double their efforts to stop migrants.  We all know 2 x 0 =0 so the French kept to their words, wheareas Pritti Arrogant kept hold of the money, 1st good thing she's done but gets no one further on. Just like ALBF, the migrants want out of France to.

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This whole migrant business could be stopped within a few weeks if the UK and France worked together.

Anyone who reaches the UK by boat should be returned to France. then put up in a centre paid for by the Uk and France. Processed, then either claim asylum in the EU or sent home.

No one is going to pay 7000 euros for a trip on a dinghy if you are only returned back to France.

It cuts the trafficking instantly. 


It is a win win for France and the UK. Who is going to go to Calais if they can't get to the UK ? They will give up and go home.

It is not rocket science. 

The trouble is, Macron wants to punish the UK anyway he can. He is no better than Lukashenko 

It is so sad. 


Pray.... Macron does not get back in power. 

Edited by alittlebitfrench
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Sounds like a good idea Until you reflect on the bit about France and the U.K. working together! In any event Utopia is just across the channel for these illegal immigrants. The rest of the E.U. doesn't want them either.  Still your idea is the best I have seen so far. Shame it won't come to pass. As for Macron; the French are not going to vote for either Le Pen or Zemmour in the final round so I'm afraid another dose of Jupiter is in the offing!!

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Am I missing something here? 

It would appear the UK army is able to assist the Polish army to secure the Belarus/Poland border against people attempting to enter Poland illegally. However, at the same time there are people attempting to enter the British Isles illegally, with impunity, who are often assisted by the Border force to land and yet I haven't read of any incidences of the army stepping in to attempt to halt this flow of people.


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It is frustrating but also a little unfair , I think, to compare the two. if British forces can help the E.U. stop illegal entries in to the E.U. then that must help stop those same people eventually washing up on Britain's shores. Of course it should be the E.U,s  problem but the reality is it is also ours.

With regard the problem on the British coast. I doubt anyone would want illegal immigrants forcibly turned around in the channel with the almost certain results being of people drowning! Sitting in our comfortable armchairs it may well seem the solution but  again the reality is that Britain would be seen as killing these people and that it can't do.

I think ALBFs suggestion is about the best and it may have been discussed by the two countries, who knows! Shame it won't come to pass though. Britain and France working together!!! Not whilst Macron is President anyway.

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The UK troops in Poland have two roles - a small group of Royal Engineers are there at the request of Poland to advise on strengthening the border fence etc whilst a larger group is part of a NATO force of around 1000 troops from Poland, Romania, the US who are 'on manoeuvres', neither UK group is tasked with directly preventing the migrants from entering Poland.  


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43 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

............neither UK group is tasked with directly preventing the migrants from entering Poland.  


Either directly or indirectly, the UK army has a presence on the Polish /Belarus border with the sole aim of securing the said border against foreign national citizens who are attempting to enter Poland illegally.

As I stated above, I haven't read anywhere of the UK army being tasked, with or without the assistance of Nato or Polish forces or any forces for the matter, in any program to secure the borders of the UK. Perhaps that would be a start and also send some sort of message to the smugglers and the emigrants that the UK army had now become involved.

Forget cobbling together deals or arrangements  with other nations to address the issue, as they obviously cannot be relied on, and take full responsibility for the problem that is pertinent to the UK and its own security.    


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20 hours ago, cajal said:

Either directly or indirectly, the UK army has a presence on the Polish /Belarus border with the sole aim of securing the said border against foreign national citizens who are attempting to enter Poland illegally.

As I stated above, I haven't read anywhere of the UK army being tasked, with or without the assistance of Nato or Polish forces or any forces for the matter, in any program to secure the borders of the UK. Perhaps that would be a start and also send some sort of message to the smugglers and the emigrants that the UK army had now become involved.

Forget cobbling together deals or arrangements  with other nations to address the issue, as they obviously cannot be relied on, and take full responsibility for the problem that is pertinent to the UK and its own security.    


I wonder just how the military, if deployed in Britain, to stop illegal immigration would actually operate? I haven't read either of any military intervention regarding illegal immigrants and perhaps the reason is that it would be absolutely pointless to do so.  What would they do, machine gun the immigrants as they landed? People make all sorts off suggestions without thinking it through. There is no way to stop illegal immigration other than making it unattractive in terms of the largesse Britain offers. I would be interested in ideas as to just what the military could do that the civil forces are are not doing!

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In WWII, Britain had to urgently build up what were classed Coastal Forces.

The causal drivers were Eboats attacking mine sweepers, Luftwaffe aircraft dropping mines, UBoats and etc.

This was achieved by building high speed wooden hard chine hulled MTBs (Motor Torpedo Boats) and MGBs (Motor Gun Boats) as well as similar Air Sea Rescue craft. Most were made by Vosper Marine and Thorneycraft.

In order to prevent the hordes of illegal migrants, it would be possible to build today's version from GRP; and set up a chain of patrols along the channel coast, aided by military standard drones to spot problems.

In all probability, the total cost would be no more than the huge cost now, if once includes the Border Farce, reception staff on the coast, accommodation, health care and etc.

And thereafter, the vessels could be employed to boost up fishery patrols, which are at present, almost non-existent.

Clearly, if Britain faced WWII Germany now, Hitler's grand plan called Operation Sea Lion (The invasion and occupation of Britain) could have been achieved with rubber boats!



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On 18/11/2021 at 18:00, alittlebitfrench said:

OK it is the Daily Mail.....but ??? 


I have a friend who works on the ferries and he says it's been mad in the last few days with the number of small boats crossing.  I reckon the Daily Mail article has worked like an advert!

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1 hour ago, Gluestick said:

In WWII, Britain had to urgently build up what were classed Coastal Forces.

The causal drivers were Eboats attacking mine sweepers, Luftwaffe aircraft dropping mines, UBoats and etc.

This was achieved by building high speed wooden hard chine hulled MTBs (Motor Torpedo Boats) and MGBs (Motor Gun Boats) as well as similar Air Sea Rescue craft. Most were made by Vosper Marine and Thorneycraft.

In order to prevent the hordes of illegal migrants, it would be possible to build today's version from GRP; and set up a chain of patrols along the channel coast, aided by military standard drones to spot problems.

In all probability, the total cost would be no more than the huge cost now, if once includes the Border Farce, reception staff on the coast, accommodation, health care and etc.

And thereafter, the vessels could be employed to boost up fishery patrols, which are at present, almost non-existent.

Clearly, if Britain faced WWII Germany now, Hitler's grand plan called Operation Sea Lion (The invasion and occupation of Britain) could have been achieved with rubber boats!



You are saying that Britain should build a fleet of gun boats, patrol offshore and stop the immigrants, is that right? I wonder how they would stop them! Run them down, I don't think so. Machine gun them , even worse. How about just whizzing by them and cause them to capsize perhaps? Tie a rope and tow them back into French waters ? I think the French would have something to say about illegal entry into their territorial waters. 

In short your suggestion is a non starter. Almost certainly every method would involve people in the water and some drowning. That would be unacceptable not only internationally but to the people of Britain themselves. Quite clearly Hitler's rubber boats could be machine gunned. Illegal immigrants, women and children can't. The government is facing tremendous pressure to do something about this problem and all I ever read are rather silly and unworkable 'solutions'  Try again, I'm sure the authorities would be pleased to find a solution. Incidentally I have no idea how to stop it either!

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Pick them up and take them back?

Put the SBS on the beaches. This latter is not entirely stupid given the weak effort by the French to police the beaches - we even saw the illegals in the dunes and later being walked through the streets of a Pas de Calais beach resort led by their minder.

Difficult to puncture the boats on land as they are walked to the water by a shield of illegals.

Stop them getting that far by checking at the Belgian and other frontiers. Make the sale of rubber boats illegal for a while.

Fly them straight back to wherever they came from- not practical.

Pray for storms in the Channel?

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