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latest on those pesky social contributions, please


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[quote user="AnOther"]You're effectively calling me a liar then !

I've re-read both my posts, and you know what, I can't see anywhere that I implied that you are a liar. I do however consider I did other members a favour by explaining the possible repurcussions should they decide to download a file from a link posted by yourself. Remember I didn't post the link...you did.

And BTW if you have that little confidence in your AV catching something (assuming there was something to catch which there isn't) then I suggest you change it forthwith.[/quote]

Again I am unable to see where I wrote or implied the above statement you made but thanks for the heads up regarding my choice of AV and the earlier disparaging remarks regarding my choice of pdf reader. However it would appear they served me well on this occasion. Considering I have used Foxit for over 10 years and this is the first occasion that I have ever received a message of this nature I will continue with the combination of AV and pdf reader as it appears they performed as required. 

Now the words hole, digging and stop spring to mind.

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I told you it was safe in the original post, that was the truth and it remains the truth.

I said it to assuage the often irrational fears people can have when downloading files but I would have hoped that those who know me (not you apparently) would trust me not to post something unsafe.

Having conclusively proved it's a FF issue I apologise to Foxit but it was you who accused that of flagging the file not me.

Ultimately then nothing has 'served you well' because it's a proven false positive but good luck with your little bubble of self delusion.

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[quote user="AnOther"]I told you it was safe in the original post, that was the truth and it remains the truth.

And I told you what Foxit reported to me. That was the truth and it remains the truth.

I said it to assuage the often irrational fears people can have when downloading files but I would have hoped that those who know me (not you apparently) would trust me not to post something unsafe.

Spot on. I don't know you. You are just a member of a site I frequent.

Having conclusively proved it's a FF issue I apologise to Foxit but it was you who accused that of flagging the file not me.

As I see it I didn't accuse anyone of anything.

Ultimately then nothing has 'served you well' because it's a proven false positive but good luck with your little bubble of self delusion

I must question your assertion here. Having downloaded your corrupt file and taken the Foxit precaution message at face value I now know that I'm not in possesion of an infected computer.

Well, as to the bubble of self delusion, I suppose I must concede to your superior knowledge as I am not a sufferer from Dunning-Kruger effect. I now accept that it must appear inconceivably audacious of me to question anything you post and I accept that in future if I deem to open any link of yours and I happen upon an issue 'discretion' will be the order of the day and s.o.d everyone else. Great weez eh? [/quote] 
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For those not familiar with it

The Dunning–Kruger

effect is a cognitive bias

in which low-ability individuals

suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability

as much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this

bias to megacognitive incapacity, on the part of those with low

ability, to recognize their ineptitude and evaluate their competence

accurately. Their research also suggests corollaries: high-ability

individuals may underestimate their relative competence and may

erroneously assume that tasks which are easy for them are also easy

for others.

Dunning and Kruger have

postulated that the effect is the result of internal illusion in

those of low ability, and external misperception in those of high

ability: "The miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an

error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly

competent stems from an error about others.

So don't say that you don't know, even if you like me are a bit dim [8-)][:-))]

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If anyone is interested I tried to download this on my works computer this morning (yes I know it's Saturday but I love my work). Once it was downloaded it was immediately quarantined and I was told to contact our IT department (which is open 24/7).

I asked them if there was a problem to which they asked what was the file for so I told them it was for my dad and was it infected or something. They told me there is nothing wrong with the file (specifically no virus, worm, Trojan etc.) it's just that the URL source has a reputation for being dodgy (it's Polish although I am not sure what relevance that is). Anything from that site is automatically quarantined regardless. They then granted me access to the file and I attach it to an email to my dad without a problem.

I am working in an R&D facility for one of the biggest car (and other vehicle) manufacturers in the world spanning many continents (with the exception of Mexico when it comes to compact cars!) and they take their IT extremely seriously. With that in mind I would say your pretty safe.
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Boy did someone have a bad night last night - and it wasn't me.

Sorry Andy but I do take being told to 'get real' personally.

No one told you to get real. I reported exactly what my AV protection system told me.

I've used Tinyupload many many times in the past and never had a problem like this but having checked a few things I've determined that it's FF itself which is false reporting it as a virus or malware.

I did not say that tinyupload had a problem. I used your second link, which only showed a "problem" when I tried to download the pdf itself. Hence the form of word I used.

Turn off 'Block dangerous downloads' in the security settings and it works as it should, you don't need that set anyway because if you've got a decent up to date AV running it will be far more accurate and reliable than any browser which will only be as relevant as it's last update which could be weeks or months old.

Frankly I am as computer illiterate as anyone on this site. If you think it is a good idea for people to turn off their protection (even if they knew how to do it - and I don't ) when they understand the computer system so badly, then I think you are unintentionally inviting people who know no better to disarm their computers.

Incidentally I usually get several updates per month - a bit of a pain, but there you go, that is the price of security.

Mine is turned off which is why FF isn't flagging it for me, furthermore I've downloaded the file myself and compared it to the original and there are no changes to it whatsoever which there would absolutely be if had been tampered with by Tinyupload.

As said I did not use the tul link and the problem is from where the pdf comes from not any intermediate site.

From what I'm seeing Dr Web seems to be some sort of minor 'also ran' player in the AV arena so you'll excuse me if I take what it says about Tinyupload with a large portion of scepticism.

Dr Web may be a minor player, but then they are Russian based - and where do many of the Trojans, worms and viruses come from? Russia so it would seem. [And no, no reference to whether Russia may or may not have influenced a major power's election.]

I have used "grade 1", highly recommended internationally renown systems in the past and many have brought me nothing but grief. Worst of the pack seems to Norton which has brought my system to a halt or slowed it to a virtual standstill on several occasions.

Frankly I would rather use "a minor player" which gives me a few false positive reports than a mainstream system that either does not work as it should or stops my computer working.

I can find no other authoritative evidence claiming that the site is anything other than what it seems which is a simple and transparent file hosting service.

Being transparent there is of course nothing to stop somebody uploading moody files for the unwary to download but that's not the fault of the site and it's up to the individuals downloading from it to perform due diligence.


FWIW = for what it's worth

BTW = By the way

AV = Anti Virus

I do hope you have aa better nights sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow in a better mood.

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Ta for that Andy. AV, obvious if you don't have a Mac [6] but the others were unknown to me.  Or would that be UTM?

Just waiting now for some €€€€ from our Impot after our visit between Krimble and New Years. That was a real experience to walk into an EMPTY Impot office, apart from a few staff, and in/out within 25 minutes. A querie as to why they hadn't paid part of the money we has asked for before.

Don't ask what it was because the Chef looks after anything wot I can't hit wiv a 'ammer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just a quick one folks to see if anyone knows of a quicker method than queuing at CPAM and asking them to write a letter of conformation.

Re reclaim of CSG, I've been asked for an attestation for 2014 (I supplied a current attestation in 2016). As I've dutifully destroyed most of my previous attestations as instructed, does anyone know if there is an official name for what I need or an easy way to get a copy of an old attestation?

Thanks in advance, Steve
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This is the best advice I can give anyone anywhere these days. It is about protecting one's self against bureaucrats who do not know their culs from their elbows and in some respects, never did[Www]

Being dutiful is one thing, but your priority and duty of care is simply to yourself. Good luck!

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We went to our local CPAM and explained what we needed, ie attestation for 2012 and 2013 (for reclamation of CSG). The lady printed out the latest attestation and then added a handwritten note confirming that we had been covered by S1 since 2009 without a break. She signed the attestation and stamped it. This was accepted by the tax office. Didn't take very long at all and we came away with exactly what we needed.
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I would just like to say thank you to parsnips, after just over a year of submitting our claim for our social charges refund, things were finally sorted out just before Christmas. It took just over a year in total.

So thank you very much parsnips for all your assistance that you provided, and the template letter that you generated. I hope that you have had your social charges refund also.

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[quote user="Grecian"]I would just like to say thank you to parsnips, after just over a year of submitting our claim for our social charges refund, things were finally sorted out just before Christmas. It took just over a year in total.

So thank you very much parsnips for all your assistance that you provided, and the template letter that you generated. I hope that you have had your social charges refund also.[/quote]


   Thank you for your kind words.   Last week, after my re-sending S1 details the tax office asked for a RIB , so fingers crossed for a possible result.  I'll let you know.

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Thank you to Fitter's Mate for that info. The lady at CPAM today responded to my prepared French phraseology and my scary post Christmas bulk. Aided by being particularly nice to the college stagiaire who was shadowing her I achieved something similar, stamped and signed. Hopefully that will be enough.

I must also say a very big thank you to Parsnips.

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Well mint, as I have already posted on another thread, our 2016, 2015 income, social charges have been refunded in full. I received a revised bill showing that the two earlier payments had been refunded, and no further payment was due on the third balancing payment that any adjustments are made.

Regarding the three earlier years that I claimed for, I received the refund in two tranches, I received interest on the French income within my assurance vie that I had claimed for, but on my 'Little England' sorry UK interest no interest was paid. I have decided not to pursue the missing interest as I have been refunded the 2015 social charges, and as it seems a lot of other people have not. So I have decided to take the money and run.[:D]

Glad to hear that you should finally receive your refund parsnips, you are not a 'marked man' after all in instigating all these Brits claiming their social charges back.[:D]

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[quote user="mint"]Parsnips, any feedback, positive or otherwise, as to whether claims for 2015 were allowed, please?



      I submitted a claim for repayment of 2015 income contributions soon after the demands came last autumn , I was told it was sent to the legal department, and have not yet received a refusal- (or a refund).

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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="parsnips"][quote user="mint"]Parsnips, any feedback, positive or otherwise, as to whether claims for 2015 were allowed, please?



      I submitted a claim for repayment of 2015 income contributions soon after the demands came last autumn , I was told it was sent to the legal department, and have not yet received a refusal- (or a refund).



     At Last!   I have had a letter conceding full repayment for 2011,2012,2013, and 2014. (and promising interest). 

  For 2015 income they have repaid contributions I claimed which were "prélévé" from my french life assurances, and my taxable PEL, all of which were taken on 31/12/2015. 

  They have not refunded contributions on dividends and foreign interest which were declared  and taxed in 2016 .   Once I have the money in my hands , I shall pursue this issue until the CJE rules definitively.    

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Congratulations, Parsnips!  And thank you for letting us know about the 2015 contributions.  I might send off an email initially to see how the ground lies or go the full hog and send in all the necessary docs.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, huh?

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