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Forum Member cooperlola


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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Said goodbye to the delightful staff and residents of the Centre de l'Arche this morning.  My, it is good to be home permanently now, even though I'm back there on Monday to start out-patient treatment.


I celebrated in the traditional fashion by nipping straight down to the local Nissan dealer and buying a car.[:D]


To employ that wonderful Andrew expression from Nelson's time, JE, "I wish you joy of it!"

Much joy.


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Coops I dont visit too often these days but just seen your post... 9 months WOW... you must be so happy to be home! you're clearly built to last! hope Mr Coops gets well soon and you have wonderful adventures in your new car xx
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I'm sure most don't give a wotsit, but a few people have pm'd me and one or two others have asked in non-related threads how things are going with the recovery so I thought as for once I've got a bit of time to myself, I'd do a quick update.

In August whilst on holiday, I gave my knee a thump whilst trying to extract my wheelchair from my car.  I was subsequently in a lot of pain and couldn't get my blasted leg to bend properly so on returning home I went to see the orthopod'.  He suspected that I had detached the tendon from the knee so booked me in for another op'.  That was done five weeks ago and he discovered a perfectly well-connected tendon but also four broken screws (there are 27 in there in all - the thing looks like the Eiffel Tower on the x-rays).  I was only booked in for an hour so he tidied the thing up a bit and stiched me up again.  I then went back to rehab' (four hours a day of physio and hydro-therapy) but after a month nothing got any better and I'm still unable to walk without crutches or put much weight on the offending leg.

So I saw the surgeon again on Tuesday and I've been booked in for a further op' on 30th December (sic) - it was a case of accept a grotty date or wait a further six weeks.  He will then take some bone from my hip and do a graft into the bit of the knee where all the broken pins are.  He thinks that they were not broken when I thumped them, but that they have sheered because the bone is not consolidating as it should have done, and that all I did was to move them into an uncomfortable position, which then made bending the knee impossible without a lot of pain.  He expects me to lose quite a bit of mobility in the knee as a second major op (especially at my advanced age of 54) is unlikely to improve things in that department, but I should also lose the pain which will mean that - with luck - I'll be able to walk again, if in a rather odd fashion!  I doubt whether I'll be able to ride though which is the main negative for me.

Happily my surgeon is the man in charge at Le Mans hospital's orthopaedic department so I'm in the best hands.  Keep your collective fingers crossed for me.  Thanks again to all those who continue to think of me and to send kind messages of encouragement - it is very much appreciated.[:)]

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Got everything crossed for you Coops, they say laughter is the best medicine, so hope this will raise a smile;

The first surgeon says, "I like operating on librarians. When you open them up, everything is in alphabetical order".
The second surgeon says, "I like operating on accountants. When you open them up, everything is in numerical order".
The third surgeon says, "I like operating on electricians. When you open them up, everything is color coded.
The fourth surgeon says, "I like operating on politicians."
The other three surgeons look at each other in disbelief.
The fourth surgeon continues, "Because they're heartless, gutless, spineless, best of all, the mouth and a-- are interchangeable''[:)]

Good Luck, 

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I very much keep my fingers crossed for you. A short while back I read you mentioning that you were in a wheelchair, which had got me thinking that maybe things hadn't quite progressed as one would have hoped - but the thought of walking again (even if itsn't tomorrow, not quite) will hopefully keep you going until December 30th. Good date to have it, as they will have recovered from Christmas, and not yet started to celebrate with New Year's Eve réveillon.[:)]

Thank you for keeping us posted, obviously I am far from being the only one who keeps an interest in your progress. Take it easy now!xxx

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Coops, I'm very sorry you're still having problems, but unfortunately badly broken bones can take a long time to heal completely.  A friend of mine (some 10 years older than you) virtually shattered her ankle and shin in a very bad fall.  She too was pinned together and thought things were mending, but it was only when she had a bone graft, plus some very expensive surgical glue, that everything healed properly. She was on crutches for ages, but can now finally walk well and without pain and go for proper country walks. Keep your sights set on that prospect and all the very best for the op and recovery period.
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  • 1 month later...
Hi all. Have just got t'internet back so decided to check in.  Ihad my op' last Wednesday without hitch and already the difference in pain levels is remarkable.  I can't do much for at least three months and at this stage am not sure if I'll pass the time in rehab' or at home but at least until my bathroom is functional (workmen arrive Monday - snow permitting) I am back in rehab where I was last time with, happily, mostly the same staff who all know me well, for their sins.

I have just got a private room (paid for by the lorry driver's insurance) after having spent two nights sharing with a lady who snored like a whole herd of pigs.  After 48 hours without sleep I had a bad day yesterday so they have now shunted everybody about so I have some peace and quiet.  The downside was that they took a bloodtest which isn't quite what it should be in the liver department so I do have some more tests to come.  Fingers crossed. 

At least my leg doesn't hurt all the time any more!  Bonne annee, by the way from the snowy Sarthe.[:)]

[B] 'cos I can't have one so you might as well have mine.

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Hi all. Have just got t'internet back so decided to check in.  Ihad my op' last Wednesday without hitch and already the difference in pain levels is remarkable.  I can't do much for at least three months and at this stage am not sure if I'll pass the time in rehab' or at home but at least until my bathroom is functional (workmen arrive Monday - snow permitting) I am back in rehab where I was last time with, happily, mostly the same staff who all know me well, for their sins.

I have just got a private room (paid for by the lorry driver's insurance) after having spent two nights sharing with a lady who snored like a whole herd of pigs.  After 48 hours without sleep I had a bad day yesterday so they have now shunted everybody about so I have some peace and quiet.  The downside was that they took a bloodtest which isn't quite what it should be in the liver department so I do have some more tests to come.  Fingers crossed. 

At least my leg doesn't hurt all the time any more!  Bonne annee, by the way from the snowy Sarthe.[:)]

[B] 'cos I can't have one so you might as well have mine.

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Hi all. Have just got t'internet back so decided to check in.  Ihad my op' last Wednesday without hitch and already the difference in pain levels is remarkable.  I can't do much for at least three months and at this stage am not sure if I'll pass the time in rehab' or at home but at least until my bathroom is functional (workmen arrive Monday - snow permitting) I am back in rehab where I was last time with, happily, mostly the same staff who all know me well, for their sins.

I have just got a private room (paid for by the lorry driver's insurance) after having spent two nights sharing with a lady who snored like a whole herd of pigs.  After 48 hours without sleep I had a bad day yesterday so they have now shunted everybody about so I have some peace and quiet.  The downside was that they took a bloodtest which isn't quite what it should be in the liver department so I do have some more tests to come.  Fingers crossed. 

At least my leg doesn't hurt all the time any more!  Bonne annee, by the way from the snowy Sarthe.[:)]

[B] 'cos I can't have one so you might as well have mine.

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Coops, thanks for the post.  Have been wondering rather!

Well, like most things, there's good and not so good in your post.  But, I will continue to wish you well and hope all works out for the better when all your treatment is complete.

Deffo, do NOT touch the hard stuff with the questions over your liver.  I guess I'll just have to raise MY glass to you instead!

All the very best, Coops.  Chin up...........it's expected of you, you're English!!!

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

[B] 'cos I can't have one so you might as well have mine.[/quote]

As it is now officially apéro time I have done as requested and downed the contents of my glass in your honour; so can cheerfully say congrats on the success of your op and every best wish that this latest intervention will be the last. [:)]

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