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Poppy Protest


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I at no time professed any dumbstruck state of awe regarding the BIM quite to the contrary and its magazine was an example of simple topics for simple minds.

Unlike for example the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy where verified professional experience is required, accompanied by peer support. The subtle difference between Institute and Institution.

What's new?  Could you please repeat the question again in simple terms suited to the limited scholastic attributes of one subjected to inferior British Education.

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Crikey, this thread has changed tack somewhat since I last looked in!

Is the "my qualifications are more valid than yours", the latest version of the "my d**k is bigger than yours", game, chaps?  Get yourselves a Porsche,  like any normal guy - we women all know that the power of your car is the only true reflection of what you keep in your trousers![Www]

Personally, I have never found that a bunch of degrees and bits of paper ever made anybody necessarily cleverer, more inteligent, more sensitive to others or a greater humanitarian.  A person's true character is obvious from their achievements, their deeds and their words, not their qualifications.

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Personally, I have never found that a bunch of degrees and bits of

paper ever made anybody necessarily cleverer, more intelligent, more

sensitive to others or a greater humanitarian.  A person's true

character is obvious from their achievements, their deeds and their

words, not their qualifications.

 I'd like to be identified with those sentiments

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Crikey, this thread has changed tack somewhat since I last looked in!

Is the "my qualifications are more valid than yours", the latest version of the "my d**k is bigger than yours", game, chaps?  Get yourselves a Porsche,  like any normal guy - we women all know that the power of your car is the only true reflection of what you keep in your trousers![Www]

Personally, I have never found that a bunch of degrees and bits of paper ever made anybody necessarily cleverer, more inteligent, more sensitive to others or a greater humanitarian.  A person's true character is obvious from their achievements, their deeds and their words, not their qualifications.


I agree absolutely with the last bit, JE.

In point of fact this wasn't about the value of qualifications or vainglorious posturing: rather it was since Pachapapa sought to take issue with Steve's Diesel's excellent and carefully developed Threat Analysis and particularly the strategic importance of the Falklands.

I then went on to take him to task and, cynically (now would I really?[:)]) suggested from another of his posts that his declared academic studies and knowledge as a self-declared polymath ought to have enabled him to deduce the correct outcome: rather than argue, as always.

That's all.

P.S. never liked the Porsche based on the original 911s, 'cos the steering was offset to the pedals (Like a Riley 1.5 et al). I always preferred the Ferrari Dino 246 GT: now that was a driver's car!


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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Is the "my qualifications are more valid than yours", the latest version of the "my d**k is bigger than yours", game, chaps?  Get yourselves a Porsche,  like any normal guy - we women all know that the power of your car is the only true reflection of what you keep in your trousers![Www]

Personally, I have never found that a bunch of degrees and bits of paper ever made anybody necessarily cleverer, more inteligent, more sensitive to others or a greater humanitarian.  A person's true character is obvious from their achievements, their deeds and their words, not their qualifications.


Coops... you're a braver woman than I... I so wanted to say the same but simply didnt have the nerve [:$]

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@ Gluey : I was not having a dig at anybody in particular, simply at the concept that having academic qualifications makes somebody right, or better than the next person.

The poppies remind us of people from all walks of life who made the ulitmate sacrifice.   Nobody asked them what sort of degree they had before killing them.  Indeed those who are truly responsible for getting countries and peoples into conflict with one another are equally variously "qualified" or otherwise.  Doesn't necessarily make them right (or wrong) either.

@ Rose : Easy to be brave on a forum though!

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[quote user="Rose"][quote user="cooperlola"]  Is the "my qualifications are more valid than yours", the latest version of the "my d**k is bigger than yours", game, chaps?  Get yourselves a Porsche,  like any normal guy - we women all know that the power of your car is the only true reflection of what you keep in your trousers![Www] Personally, I have never found that a bunch of degrees and bits of paper ever made anybody necessarily cleverer, more inteligent, more sensitive to others or a greater humanitarian.  A person's true character is obvious from their achievements, their deeds and their words, not their qualifications.[/quote]
Coops... you're a braver woman than I... I so wanted to say the same but simply didnt have the nerve [:$]

I'm with you Rose, (mind you with an avatar like that I'm sure so are a lot of others!)

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Reverting to the theme of poppies and remembrance, I'm just back from a wreath-laying ceremony at what must be the most wonderfully-situated war memorial imaginable, on a hillside overlooking the Kyle of Tongue and the Sutherland mountains in the far north of Scotland. The ceremony was far better attended this year than in recent years according to a long-term inhabitant, and at least a quarter of the people there were children and teenagers.

On the memorial were the names of 21 men who died in WW1, a large number given that this is by far the most sparsely-populated area in the UK. I felt that what we were doing was profoundly worth doing and I for one wore my poppy with pride and sadness, remembering that one of the countless victims of WW1 was my 21year-old great-uncle, who died on the Somme.

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I can combine the two (military and qualifications). In the RAF we could always tell when the graduates returned from uni during the summer break, the toilets, bathrooms and showers were always a total mess. Obviously one thing they were never taught was how to clean things or to leave things as they found them. OK we had staff to do it but if you had to have a shower etc in between them using the facilities and them being cleaned it was pretty dire. The rest of us 'normal' chaps always cleaned up after ourselves having done basic training and a few hours cleaning toilets we would feel embarrassed to leave them in such a state for somebody else to clean, we knew how to use a toilet brush. We also found the grads rather arrogant and snobbish, they looked down on us, we were the ones that got our commission the hard way, my university was the university of life, far more interesting and much more educational.
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[quote user="just john "]

[quote user="Weedon"]I have never had a Porsche nor ever acquired academic qualifications. I used to have a Humber Hawk MkV1 though, it had column change.[/quote]

That would have been the one with the front bench seat then? . . .[Www]


And not forgetting the ankle straps [6]

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Powerdesal said: ''I also agree with Coops et al. (except the porch bit)''

That made me laugh! Our usual postman had bit of a thing about my OH's old Porsche, and also knew that when he went on his hols, temporary cover postmen sometimes just threw post in the porch, instead of putting it through the letterbox. When he went away he used to put a notice on the thing for our address at the sorting office (sorry, forgot the term), saying to watch out for the Porsche and the porch. We never had problems with post in the porch after that!  [:)]

We got back from a wander around town after buying the Sunday papers, with me wearing my poppy, just before noon and in time for the Cenotaph proceedings on the radio. I always get a lump in my throat when that takes place, and felt that the release of Aung San Suu Kyi fitted in well.

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[quote user="Gluestick"]I know that, JE: and I also know you wouldn't ever attack anyone on these boards.

Far too nice a person! [kiss]

What has troubled me in this thread is the strange attitude to our service personnel, expressed by some.



As you might well expect I regard many service personnel as being not to bright and this forum is no exception to my prejudices.

Thank god there are a few with "brains".


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Pacha, in many ways I have some sympathy with your opinion.  A career which demands unquestioning obedience to an authority which may well be dafter than you are has always seemed a bizarre choice to me.

However, the subject of this thread was the Poppy protest and to many, the poppies are a tribute to those who gave their lives to protect a way of life.  Both my own father and my father in law (the latter a member of the communist party at the time) told me that until the rise of Hitler, they would never have countenanced military service but given what they were up against, neither hesitated but to join up.  What would you have done?  Let him get on with it?

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="powerdesal"]Quillan, I am guessing that you and I are from a similar mould. [/quote]

Well if I said I'd been in a few Beverly's and I do really know pigs fly you will probably know then. I'll leave you to explain. [;-)]

[/quote] I guess you were a little before my time. Beverley in a museum perhaps, more of a Hunter / Vulcan man personally
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[quote user="pachapapa"]

[quote user="Gluestick"]I know that, JE: and I also know you wouldn't ever attack anyone on these boards.

Far too nice a person! [kiss]

What has troubled me in this thread is the strange attitude to our service personnel, expressed by some.



As you might well expect I regard many service personnel as being not to bright and this forum is no exception to my prejudices.

Thank god there are a few with "brains".



For all your qualifications I think you have probably told people on the forum a great deal about yourself today!
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