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[quote user="cooperlola2"]...so the tumour was removed lock, stock and ovaries! They also performed a hysterectomy and an appendectomy at the same time, so all the useless stuff is gone.[/quote]

Well, it's a radical way to lose weight but hey... silver lining in all clouds!

Delighted that the news continues to be good. [:D]

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The "camera" up Deb's nose and down her throat is in fact a feeding tube! They've found that after certain sorts of surgery, it helps avoid nausea. It may be withdrawn tomorrow. It does mean she can talk. I have spent much of today's visit rubbing almond oil into her legs - her skin is perilously dry, and she has had another minor outbreak of lobster-itis, which continues to intrigue the medics. Mid-afternoon, a mature lady in cap, gown and mask appeared - the anaesthetist from yesterday, checking on progress. Impressive or what? We have to wait a week before the results of the biopsy are known, but Deb already feels the headache she'd had for 3 weeks has just gone. Recovery has started, surely!
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Could the lobster-itis be something to do with the usually-highly-laundered-and-starched sheets?  They always set me itching and longing for a nice polycotton layer of insulation.......  But at least that is now a minor nuisance in view of all the good news, so can be survived until (hopefully) a swift exit from hospital and a trip home!  Yaaaayy!

Chrissie (81)

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The feeding tube was withdrawn last night, the catheter has gone this morning, by close of play tomorow, Deb will not be connected at all, which is nice. As I was leaving yesterday, the dermatologist was coming in, and she is detemined to get to the bottom of the lobster-syndrome. She is hoping to contact Rouen about Deb's time there in 2008. You simply couldn't ask for a more thorough and dedicated set of professionals, could you?
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[quote user="cooperlola2"]... You simply couldn't ask for a more thorough and dedicated set of professionals, could you?[/quote]

I find it really fitting and comforting to read that Deb is benefiting from the care of the French health service, after the time and effort she expended on our behalf.

Glad she is better.

Take care now.

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I missed all the action, having headed north for a wedding early on Thursday with no internet access, and have just got back home; tuned straight in for the news - and just want to add my happier thoughts to those from everyone else! It's been so good to read through the posts of the past few days! [:D]

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I too have mostly been out of touch, and am relieved that at last, Coops is on the mend. It has been a hard time for you both, but I see you have retained a sense of humour. Best wishes to you, and I look forward to hearing that she will soon be coming home.

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Enfin!  Thanks to the wonders of modern technology - the Netbook and Orange 3G in particular - I am finally connected and back in touch with you all.  At last I got a chance to read properly all your lovely messages and good wishes.  You are all so very kind - in the cr*p times this is worth so much.

I'm feeling far more human now and am, for the first time for some time, entirely tubeless...[:-))]

I've seen the surgeon again this morning and she is already talking very positively about my release.  There sounds to be a very good chance that I'll be back in my own bed in  a week.  They expect the test results from the lump (I'm toying with the idea of calling her Margaret after a friend reminded me that Denis Potter called his Rupert "in honour" of Mr Murdoch[:D]) by the end of the week and a course of follow up treatments decided after a departmental pow-wow to take place on Friday.

So all in all, I am feeling a good deal better even if somewhat p**d off that I missed Spa and will miss Fairport in a fortnight.  At least the Wicked Witch of the West(as my late sister and I referred to my mother) is safely trapped on a boat on the Thames.  Show of Hands are blasting on my portable stereo and I'm back in touch with you lot with home and some semblance of normal life in sight.

Much (genuine and heartfelt) love to all.[kiss][kiss][kiss][kiss]

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 There can't have been many  occasions when I have been quite so pleased to see someone post !!!

And I'm sure I am not alone in that sentiment.......

Glad to hear theres a good chance you will be home fairly soon, it may only be four walls, but they are your own four walls.....

Every good wish for a continued speedy recovery....[:)][:)][:)]

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