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Deb has had another couple of days of scans. Today was a PET scan, very high tech. That was at 13.30, so she hadn't eaten since last night. Finally back in her room late afternoon, had her (saved) lunch on the table, about to tuck in, when doctor appears and says come back - they've missed your feet! Isotopes still live inside her, so back she went. Doh!

She actually seems much better to me, and we hope she'll be fit enough to go back to gynae, where they can conduct a biopsy on whatever the original scan found was not nice in her uterus. Today, though, they got a result from an exam on her, umm, output, which led them to insist that anyone emptying her bedpan wear a mask and gloves! Since she's had the bedpan taken away, because now she's not on a drip she can get to her loo unaided, it all seems a bit pointless. Anyway, her digestive tract does seem to have recovered its composure now, so we suspect what they found has already been knocked on the head by the antibiotics she was given due to the rash which was caused by - no-one knows!
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[quote user="cooperlola2"]She actually seems much better to me ... [/quote]

And you should know as her OH/DB.

That is such good news.

Give her our love and tell her we all have fingers and toes crossed so that, whatever nasty dared to try to usurp her, it has met its match and it should now retire defeated.


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Because she's been downstairs having scans etc, Deb hadn't actually seen a doc (as distinct from radiologist, who are also qualified, of course) since Friday. She mentioned this to the nurse this morning - and she's just had a visit from 3! They intend to find out what is in her uterus pronto. While this may prove to be bad news, at least it will be progress.

Your continuing good wishes on here are really appreciated TVM!

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Deb had a lumbar puncture this afternoon, and sees the anaesthetist tomorrow morning, with a view to having an operation allowing a full exam of her uterus etc so that the lump can be at least partly removed and analysed. She remains in good form, and pleased that at last we may know more.

"Stuff we don't need at our age"? Deb never had any use for her ladies' "bits"! She was comparing notes at lunchtime with a Brit neighbour of ours, who has recently had breast cancer - neither of them ever had any need of the bits that have rebelled!
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Oh, Mr Coops, I do feel for poor Coops.  Lumbar puncture....must have been quite hard for her in view of her leg and hip problem![:(]  Not that she's one to complain or feel sorry for herself.

I hope very much that all the treatment and tests will be at an end soon and that she'll be here amongst us again, making us laugh or sometimes gasp with her outrageous remarks!

In the meantime, I am thinking of you both.....

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The anaesthetist was not impressed with Deb's papers, spent half an hour reading through them, then rang the intern in Deb's ward. He is clearly not happy with some aspects of her fitness for surgery. She should have had an ECG today, but that will not be until tomorrow. Then she comes home for the weekend, so you may hear more!
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Oh, Mr Coops, I am so sorry that you both have to put up with the sort of uncertainty you have described.

It could just me how medicine men behave, mind, so I am hoping that all will proceed smoothly.

Will be good to have a weekend together in your own home and I am keeping fingers and everything else crossed for her.

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I had hoped that Deb would feel motivated to post on here, but that hasn't - obviously - happened so far, and she hasn't switched on her PC yet. Indeed, grim news that we received from the doc on Thursday night has left us both feeling a bit flat, to say the least. Deb has a headache most of the time now, is still tricky to feed. The agenda as we know it is for an ECG on Monday/Tuesday, with a biopsy operation on Thursday, following which the word prognosis comes into play. Please forgive me for not being more upbeat!
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 Please pass on our love an let her know we are all thinking of her..... and you too....

Prognosis is a scary word...no one will blame her if she doesn't feel up to posting....and thank you so much for keeping us informed when you must have so much on your mind. We really appreciate it.

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If you're saying what I think you are saying - and hopefully  you are not... well, how bloody unfair can life get?

Have as good a weekend as you can and my very best wishes to you both. I don't usually "keep things crossed" because... I just don't. But on this occasion, an exception is being made and I have an unfeasible number of things firmly crossed for you both for a good action plan to kick off next week.

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Another with everything crossed here, Mr Coops.  As someone who has had the word prognosis used to her twice in the past, I know just how scary it can be and send you both my very best wishes for the best possible outcome.
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Thinking of you both and hope for the news next week to be better.

Please don't feel you have to keep up any sort of cheerful countenance on here.  If you feel a bit dazed and unhappy, we don't need you to hide that from us.

Although we cannot be with you in the flesh we are with you and Debs in spirit.

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