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Reducing French income tax

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This is the first year that I have had to pay any tax on my income in France as there have always been significant offsets to do with upgrading the house. But I would like to be as tax efficient as possible from now on so was wondering what people consider to be the best legal niches to use to keep the tax bill down. I suspect Sunday Driver might have some answers!

I know for example that Norman has a Philippina maid who is written off each year as a home help and nurse!

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I believe that suing for malicious libel carries significant  tax breaks [:D]

Seriously I believe Sarkozy will be looking at reducing these significantly in an imminent announcement, following rumours of a down-grading of the French AAA rating unless cuts are made.


"il y aura un rabot général sur les niches fiscales, couplé à la

suppression de certaines d'entre elles, dans un souci de «justice

fiscale» selon Bercy. Les niches touchant l'impôt des sociétés pour les

grosses entreprises sont dans le collimateur et l'imposition sur les

plus-values immobilières pourrait être revue en hausse. Pas question, en

revanche, à un an des présidentielles, de toucher à la TVA à 5,5% dans

la restauration. Une niche qui coûte 3 milliards chaque année et aux

effets économiques pourtant incertains."
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