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Please do not dump your grass cuttings here!


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Can someone please tell me how best to write that in French for a notice to go on our hedge?

Yes, the same b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a French neighbour doing it and I haven't, so far, been able to catch him red- or even green-handed[+o(]

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How about something like this, assuming you have a window overlooking the 'dump' site:


You will obviously need a 12v power source available quite cheaply.

This will give you pictures to show the accused.
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I am so sorry to hear that your neighbours are acting in such a degueulasse fashion, again.

here's a try, but it'll need tidying up I'm afraid.

Propriete Prive

Je vous en prie de ne pas laisser vos tontes de gazon sous notre haie.

In fact I think I would mention at the Mairie that you are having to leave such a message on your hedge because you are having a problem with 'X'.

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Thanks, guys!

It's not actually within our grounds but on the outside of our hedge into a ditch.  There are tons of the stuff, filling up a ditch and it's just not very nice having all this rotting vegetation so near a corner of the frontage of our house.

Bad enough that, because of all his tree cutting, etc, there is ponding of muddy water right outside both our gates whenever it rains.  The mairie has said that they will be resurfacing our road and tidying up but the money won't be there till next year.

Meanwhile you could hardly get out of our car without muddying your feet.  Nowadays, we put our cars inside our own plot but that doesn't help visitors or delivery people.

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 Well that changes everything really.

After the flooding at Vaison la Romaine, our DDE at least started making sure that ditches were clear and I would imagine that this would be a general thing in France now. Blocked ditches can cause floods and I am pretty sure that there is not a dept in France that won't have rules about such things.

So, I would get in touch with the Mairie next week, and if you get no satisfaction there, get in touch with the DDE, go in, or phone ( I know you don't like phoning[:)]).  Just tell them that someone, you imagine one of your neighbours, is dumping their tonte de gazon in the ditch instead of having their own compost heap or taking it to the dechetterie and ask what the local laws are.

Maybe the first one

has the most information on it.





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Is talking to your neighbour not an option?

Doesnt work around here because as soon as they even think they know what you are talking about they just shout you down, every time you try again to speak they cut you off, I usually manage after several attempts, closing my eyes and breathing deeply to get across "well at least I tried à l'amiable" before moving on to direct action.

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Them be mighty useful infos there, id!  Thanks.

No, Chance, that man is plain thick and rude.  Both OH and I have tried talking to him in the past.  He either just shrugs or says OK he'll stop (whatever it is) and then just carry on.

OR he waits till we are not around and does it all sneakily[:@]

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Mint, that is really serious if he is blocking ditches. Even if they look dry, they can be brim full and flowing in a trice after one of those dramatic French rainstorms when water pours off the land as it can't soak into it quickly enough.

And presumably the ditch is "communal", so the Mairie is responsible for it being kept clear. Definitely go and have a word with the people there.

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Bonjour, Angela and thank you for your advice.

Deffo go to the mairie mid week.  This week end is our grande fete patronale and nobody's gonna be sober for a few days![:D]

Hélas, I am forcibly on the wagon on account of quelques soucis de santé, as my Nordic Walking Group leader tells everyone in his newsletter!  He is such a gentleman and soooo discreet[:)]


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